
In the Book of Heaven, Heaven grasps your sins and leaves a mark to punish you until you are in pain

author:Historian classics to taste with treasure

Since ancient times, there have been folk legends of the god of thunder, in which the god of thunder is a good god full of power, executing punishments for heaven, upholding human justice, and killing forbidden people.

As early as the Han Dynasty, there were relevant records. In "Du Yi Zhi", there was a story that in the Tang Dynasty, there was a village woman, her husband went out, leaving her and the blind mother-in-law at home.

The blind mother-in-law needs to be taken care of, when the husband is at home, the village woman can still pretend, and then the husband often does not come home, she is a little impatient, the laundry and cooking are perfunctory, cold words to the mother-in-law, and sometimes do not give her food.

When her husband returned home, the village woman found that the blind mother-in-law had no intention of complaining, and she was not only not grateful, but also intensified. As soon as she didn't feel good, she beat and scolded the blind mother-in-law, and on another occasion, she mixed the and chicken dung together and gave it to the mother-in-law as lunch, and the blind mother-in-law actually ate this disgusting thing!

The village woman felt funny, and couldn't help but clap her hands and laugh, just at this moment, a dark cloud suddenly gathered on a sunny day, and this dark cloud brewed a blast of thunder, and after the explosion, people found that the village woman and the blind mother-in-law had changed their appearance!

The village woman's body was still there, but her head had turned into a dog's head, and she had a vicious face and barked loudly at the people. The blind mother-in-law's body turned into the shape of a pig, only the head did not change, she was opening a pair of blank eyes, looking left and right.

The village woman who became a dog's head was taken away by the people from the government, and she was led to the streets to show her evil deeds, and the world called her "dog-headed bride": the blind mother-in-law who turned into a pig ran into the latrine herself, ate dung every day and lived, and thousands of people came to watch every day, and the world called her "the old woman with a pig body".

Later, people found a black pattern on them, which resembled words and did not resemble words, and some people said that it was a "heavenly record" that was used to record their evil deeds.

There is also a similar record in the "Fayuan Zhulin", the daughter of the Jingnan Cha clan in the Song Dynasty, extravagant, casually spoiling food, and one day suddenly struck by lightning, and black ripples appeared on her body. As the saying goes, "Those who are struck by lightning, such as acupuncture, resemble words, and people see it, which is called the Book of Heaven."

It was later discovered that some people had not been struck by lightning. But there are also such black echoes on the body, why is this?

There is such a legend today.

At the end of the Republic of China, there was a large prison in the northeast, which held about 600 prisoners, of which 70 or 80 were serious criminals. To maintain such a large prison, personnel and funds are indispensable. When the war first broke out, the prison could barely survive, and gradually it did not work.

Because a large number of supplies were transported to the front line to support the soldiers who fought in blood. Prisoners could not eat, but soldiers could not, and the government at the time certainly understood this principle.

Life in prison became more and more difficult, and even the prison guards could not stand running several times, and the prisoners could not stand it even more. They joined forces to protest and demanded enough food, but the demands were not met, but only intensified the conflict with the prison guards. So the prisoners hatched a huge collective escape plan, but unfortunately it did not succeed, but was suppressed by iron blood. Several prisoners died, and the guards also lost several lives.

This tragic escape attracted the attention of the superiors, and soon after, the government introduced a new policy, prisoners can serve military service instead of serving sentences, if they perform well on the battlefield, they can also get the same treatment as soldiers, and even make exceptions. Most prisoners agreed to military service because many of them were sentenced to death or life imprisonment, which was an opportunity for them to be born again. What's more, going to military service means having enough food to eat and not slowly starving in prison.

If all goes well, these prisoners will become soldiers and go to war to kill the enemy, and most of them will probably die on the battlefield. There are also people who will take this step up to the sky, but only if everything goes well.

Things went wrong at the last minute. Before they were about to arrive at the battlefield, perhaps only a few miles away from the battlefield, dozens of prisoners rose up together as if they had made an appointment to take away the guns of the escorts, and after a burst of random shooting, all the escorts were killed, and many prisoners died, and more than three hundred surviving prisoners escaped in groups.

Led by a man named Kuiqi, they ran to a mountain, and even zhanshan became a bandit for the king.

Kuiqi was originally a bandit, was caught during a murder and robbery, sentenced to si, and did not expect to escape and become a bandit again.

KuiQi is very experienced in dealing with police officers, and he has learned a lot of things in prison, and he is even more handy. He organized the escaped prisoners, the strong ones practiced every day, followed him to rob; the weaker ones stayed in the mountains to cultivate land and build houses, and did logistical work.

Just when the Nationalist government was overwhelmed by the civil and foreign wars and had no time to take care of them, these prisoners were like vampires, sucking the grease of the common people, growing themselves little by little, and finally becoming a big force.

Que Qiqi was very proud, and he named his escort Battle Golden Armor. He had a military master named Qu Xieyou, who followed him when he was in prison, not only helping him with advice, but also managing the logistics of the entire cottage. Under the management of Qu Xieyou, the logistical division of labor is more meticulous, and those who have the ability to shoot Xie You's ass have been given a relatively easy job, while some people who are weak and cannot come to work are often doing the heaviest labor, even worse than when they are serving sentences in prison.

Su Qiang is one of them, he went to prison to cover for people's sins, and later thought that he could get rid of the identity of a prisoner after military service, but he did not expect to become a bandit by mistake, he was angry and uncomfortable in his heart, he did not want to join forces with Kuiqi and them, but he was afraid of their bloody means and did not dare to escape, and had no choice but to hide silently in the mountains to work, in order to dispatch the annoyance in his heart.

There are several people like Su Qiang, who are all looking for an opportunity to break away from bandit status.

One day, Kuiqi took the battle armor to ambush a group of people, those people were the family of rich merchants who had returned to their hometown for the festival, a total of three carriages, eight adults plus a girl in her early teens, the carriage was walking on the road, Kuiqi They jumped out violently, stopped the carriage, neatly cut down four bodyguards, leaving only the rich merchant family hugging and shivering.

Kui Qiqi drove the carriage back to the mountain, originally wanting to tie up the rich merchant and let the woman and the child go back to report the letter and get the ransom, but unfortunately he did not know whether it was the wrong of fate, and he fixed his eyes on it, and the woman who was hugging the rich merchant was actually the woman he liked before he went to prison. The woman was a lady from a large family, she had never looked at Kuiqi squarely, and she had been imprisoned before she married, otherwise she did not know what the outcome would be between the two.

KuiQi took the rich merchants and their families captive to the mountains, and he forced the women to make him the lady of the village. The woman also recognized Kuiqi, not only did not follow, but also bit Kuiqi.

The sky that night was cloudy and it seemed that a heavy rain was brewing. From time to time, lightning flashed a hint of it from the gap in the dark clouds.

Since becoming the leader of the bandits, Kuiqi's temper has become more and more grumpy, and he grasps the blood-dripping wrist and orders his subordinates to bring the rich merchant family with him. Kuiqi tortured and killed the rich merchant and his elderly mother in front of the woman, and left the rich merchant's concubine and little girl to his subordinates.

The woman's eyes were broken, she saw that she could not save her husband, she could not save her daughter, but she smashed the wine altar next to her with her body, and her head slammed into the sharpest place!

The wreckage of the altar pierced the woman's temple, and blood spurted out. At this time, a thunderclap sounded in the sky, and several bandits were giggling at the concubines and daughters of the rich merchants next to a big tree outside the house, and two people were scorched by the thunder on the spot and fell to the ground like a piece of dead wood.

The coup frightened the bandits. The rich merchant's concubine and daughter did not die, and were thrown into the dungeon by Qu Xieyou. Su Qiang sympathized with them in his heart, and secretly sent them some food and water at night, and this big and small finally came over.

After that day, many bandits found that they had strange black lines on their bodies, in different parts and sizes, but in similar shapes.

Although the black lines were strange, but they were not painful or itchy, the bandits did not pay attention to them, the black lines on KuiQi's body were particularly large, and the thick and thin black lines covered the entire back, as if they were going to swallow him whole.

Su Qiang's body did not have it, but his heart was full of uneasiness. He looked for opportunities to help those who had been taken captive by the Tuchens and imprisoned in the dungeons, and although he could help them escape, he did not have the ability to keep them alive as much as possible. As long as you live, there is hope to go out.

It is common for Kuiqi to ask for a ransom, and whether he will let people go after receiving the ransom depends on his mood at that time, so there are many people in the dungeon of the cottage. However, KuiQi did not order the killing of these people who were alive and just wasted rice.

Maybe others don't know What Kuiqi thinks, but Qu Xie Youming, Kuiqi is not kind, and he does this for a reason.

When they were in prison, for a long time they didn't have enough to eat every day, and when they were so hungry, they were eager to bite down and swallow their own flesh into their stomachs. Later, during the whole prison riot, Kui Qiqi secretly shook a prisoner and used the prisoner's body as food, so he had the strength to achieve a hegemonic position among a group of vicious prisoners.

But after all, eating human flesh is too appalling, KuiQi put people in the dungeon as a reserve grain sample, perhaps he himself did not realize that he had this idea, but Qu Xieyou saw it.

He felt that a fierce person like Kuiqi could gain a foothold in the chaotic world, so he would not only not stop Such a move of Kuiqi, but also do his best to support it.

Of course, Su Qiang didn't know what Kui Qi's and Qu Xieyou thought, he was an honest man, and he only helped people to commit crimes in order to repay the favor, and sitting in prison for several years did not change his personality. He wanted to help as many people as possible who were in distress.

This is exactly what answered the sentence: the forest is big, and there are birds.

KuiQi was depressed for a few days because of the woman's death. But soon, his men sent a young and beautiful woman. He put his arms around the woman for a few days and left the matter behind.

One day, KuiQi heard a message, so he sent his men down to check it out, and as a result, the team encountered a man and a woman, the man's body was thin, his face was pale, he seemed to be sick, the woman's appearance was ordinary, but it was better than the body, so several people discussed taking the woman back to enjoy.

In the process of abducting people, the man resisted desperately, was stabbed in the stomach by a bandit knife, and died on the spot. The woman was to die with several bandits. Just then, something terrible happened, and suddenly a black flame burst from the back of the murderous bandit,But in an instant, the bandit was burned to ashes.

The rest of the bandits were so frightened by this change that they could hardly move, and only after half a ring did they run away in panic. Only the woman was left holding the man's corpse and crying bitterly.

Several bandits told Qu Xieyou about this matter, and Qu Xieyou was half suspicious. However, he had heard before that there was a kind of person who would spontaneously combust, only when the bandit was unlucky, he did not take this matter to heart. Just appease the bandits, and the matter will pass.

Two days later, KuiQi went out with his golden armor to rob several trucks carrying supplies. A bandit who wanted to make a contribution had just sneaked out to sha someone, and suddenly a black flame appeared on his chest, and he screamed bitterly, and his hands ripped open the clothes on his chest, only to see that there was a black echo there, and the flame seemed to come out of there, but in a few breaths he was burned into humanoid ashes, and the ashes fell to the ground, and the wind blew, and there was nothing left in the place.

One of the bandits closest to him saw this tragedy, and was so frightened that he did not know how to do it, and even began to rip off his clothes, and the crowd clearly saw the black streaks on his back. The black flame seemed to be contagious, and the black streaks on the bandit's back even burst out of flames. His whole body was like a peeling mural, and the skin of his body melted away little by little.

KuiQi saw two good people spontaneously combusting and dying in front of him, and the fear in his heart deepened little by little--even if he was fierce, there were things in his heart, such as si death.

A bunch of bandits farted back to the cottage, and they couldn't understand why the good two people said they were dead. The two bandits were the most famous brave of the bandits, and their tragic deaths, especially such a strange way of death, frightened the bandits.

When this happened, Qu Xieyou told KuiQi about a bandit who died of spontaneous combustion two days ago. Kui Qiqi was furious and punished Qu Xieyou heavily. But he knew in his heart that this matter was no wonder to Qu Xieyou, after all, no one expected that the black striations that suddenly appeared on his body would burst into flames, which was simply too terrifying and too evil!

In fact, KuiQi and a group of bandits were accustomed to life and death, and they should not be so afraid of the death of their companions. But many of them also have black striations on their bodies, will they also die like those bandits at some point?

Later, Qu Xieyou thought that the timing of the death of those bandits was because of the Sha people. Could it be that this black stripe is a curse that cannot be achieved, as long as they are sha people, they will be burned by the sudden black flames?

But if they can't kill people, how will they live in the future? What other bandits?

KuiQi was so irritable that he wanted to shake people when he was irritable, but he was afraid of being really burned by the black stripes on his body, so he could only take his sharp knife and slash around the hall, scaring everyone into hiding.

Su Qiang also heard about this, and he didn't want to get out of the bandit village all the time, thinking that this was the best opportunity. But he felt that he could not go alone, and that his brothers, who were suffering as much as him, and those who were locked up in the dungeon, he had to find a way to get out.

Su Qiang squatted in the root of the wall and thought about it all night, and finally thought of a way. He summoned up all the courage to go to see Kui Seven. In normal times, Kui Qiqi didn't have time to see such a little minion as Su Qiang, but as soon as he heard that Su Qiang wanted to report about the black stripe, he immediately let Su Qiang in.

Kui Qiqi hadn't slept one night, his eyes were blood-red, lined with knife scars all over his face, and he was really as terrible as a hellish demon.

Su Qiang didn't dare to look at him, so he bowed his head and said, "Lord of the village, your subordinates want to tell a story before they say something." Once upon a time there was a very majestic king who exercised an iron-blooded regime, and the ministers and the people feared him and did not dare to disobey his orders. But once the king came back from an inspection, he suddenly got a strange disease, the hair on his head fell out overnight, he used many methods, killed a lot of doctors, and the hair could not grow again.

"Later, even the greatest and most exquisite crown could not cover his bald head, and before people feared him and never dared to say anything in front of him, and since the great king was bald, he had heard people talking about him or laughing at him in a whisper several times.

"The king was angry, he killed many people, but the laughter spread like a tide, and in the blink of an eye it spread to all the places under his jurisdiction. The king can't do anything about it anymore, he can't kill all of them, right?

"Then one of the king's most trusted ministers came up with the idea that since people were laughing at the king's baldness, let everyone go bald and see what else they could laugh at.

So the king gave the order to shave the hair of all men, women and children. Sure enough, after everyone turned bald, no one laughed at the king anymore. ”

Kui Qiqi stared at Su Qiang, roaring like thunder: "What do you mean?"

Su Qiang suppressed his trembling and said unhurriedly, "Lord, I mean, simply tattoo everyone with that black stripe, everyone is like that, and this curse may not be counted."

Kuiqi stopped roaring, and he stood where he was, rolling his eyes, imagining the possibilities in Su Qiang's words. Su Qiang's idea was indeed a bit whimsical, but KuiQi felt that he had no way out, try the method Su Qiang said, maybe it was also a way out.

Kui Qiqi rewarded Su Qiang with a few gold bars, and then summoned Qu Xieyou. The two discussed a bit, and the next day Qu Xieyou went to the county seat to capture a few tattoo masters and began to give the humanistic bodies without black stripes on the cottage.

The people in the dungeon were not spared, and when they tattooed an old man, he was frightened, and while struggling, he shouted: "This is the 'Heavenly Record', it is the 'Heavenly Record', it is the Curse of Heaven for sinners, I am a good person, I don't want to tattoo this...."..."

Before he could finish speaking, he was knocked to the ground by a bandit, and two men stepped forward and held him down, tattooing him with what he called the "curse of heaven."

What happens if the innocent person tattoos the same mark, the mark left by heaven, the mark left by heaven?

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