
Ma Siyi served as deputy commander of the Ningxia Military Region and was received by Chairman Mao

author:Blog post recollection

Ma Siyi (1914-1967), a native of Xiji, Ningxia. As a teenager, he herded sheep and did farm work. In 1936, he was arrested by Zhuangding, went to Ningxia Ma Hongbin as a soldier, served as a squad leader, and fled home in January 1939 to participate in the Xihaigu Hui uprising. In June 1939, after the failure of the second uprising, he led part of the rebel army to break through the siege and turn to underground struggle. In April 1941, he became the main leader of the rebel army during the third uprising. After the failure of the third uprising, Ma Siyi resolutely led the rest of his troops to defect to the Shaanxi-Gansu-Ningxia Border Region, and was later organized as the "Huimin Cavalry Regiment". After the founding of New China, he served as deputy commander of the Ningxia Military Region and vice chairman of the CPPCC Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region.

Ma Siyi served as deputy commander of the Ningxia Military Region and was received by Chairman Mao

In January 1939, Ma Siyi learned that his hometown had revolted, so he fled the Kuomintang army and returned to his hometown to participate in the uprising. The first uprising failed, and the local Muslims launched a second armed uprising on the eighth day of the fourth lunar month in 1939. Ma Siyi's father, Ma Xichun, served as brigade commander, and Ma Siyi served as the guard platoon leader of the rebel army leader Ma Guorui's headquarters. In the Battle of Baimian River in Jingyuan County, Ma Guorui, Ma Xichun and other leaders died heroically, and Ma Siyi was wounded and commanded the rebel army to disperse and break through in the dark.

There were only more than 1,000 rebel troops left to break through, and the harsh war made many people pessimistic and disappointed, and only a small number of fighters led by Ma Siyi resolutely did not lay down their weapons and vowed to fight to the death. No agreement was reached on where the rebel army was going, and it disbanded itself.

At the end of 1940, Ma Siyi and others began to secretly contact each other to prepare for the uprising. They used odd jobs and trading as a cover to go from village to village to mobilize the masses; they eliminated landlord bullies and self-defense captains; within two months, Ma Siyi and two other groups of people and horses punished 34 local tycoons and bullies, attacked and reconciled a number of landlord armed forces and scattered Kuomintang troops.

On April 8, 1941, two battalions of the Kuomintang Forty-second Army and local security forces cleared out the rebels, and they came to The Village of Shangbaiyazi, where Ma Siyi was often active, to suppress the masses

Join the revolution. On June 10, 1941 (the sixteenth day of the fifth lunar month), the rebel army arrived at Miao'erzhuo in the border area, and Ma Siyi sent his aide-de-camp Ma Zhikuan and others to contact them, and the Communist Qingyang Regional Security Brigade received them. After that, Ma Siyi was received by Xiao Jinguang, commander of the Border Region, and Wang Weizhou, commander of the 385th Brigade, Longdong Commander, and presented the rebel army with a pennant with the words "Haoqi Eternal Survival" written on it.

One day in late July 1941, Chairman Mao Zedong cordially received Ma Siyi. During the talks, Mao Zedong said: "The Hui people have played a certain role in all revolutionary movements in China, especially during the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom. However, the Hui people's revolution has failed for more than 200 years. In the future, the Communist Party must help the Hui people to be liberated. Mao Zedong then expounded the ethnic policy of the Communist Party of China and gave instructions on the work policy of the Huimin Anti-Japanese Cavalry Regiment: "Our Party implements the policy of equality among all ethnic groups in the country, resolutely opposes discrimination and oppression among ethnic groups, and advocates friendship and unity among all nationalities and joint resistance to Japan. We welcome you to lead the insurrectionary masses to the border areas. In our border area, there is food for everyone to eat, clothes for everyone to wear, cave dwelling for everyone, and Japanese (this invading army) for everyone to resist. ”

In August of the same year, the Party Central Committee approved the reorganization of the Huimin Rebel Army into the "Huimin Anti-Japanese Cavalry Regiment of the Joint Defense Headquarters of the Shaanxi-Gansu-Ningxia Border Region", and appointed Ma Siyi as the regimental commander and Yang Jingren as the political commissar. In June 1942, Ma Siyi was arranged to study at the Central Institute for Nationalities in Yan'an, and 10 months later transferred to the Anti-Japanese Military and Political University for further study. After graduating in December 1945, he still served as the head of the Huimin Cavalry Regiment of the Longdong Military Sub-district of the Shaanxi-Gansu-Ningxia Jinsui United Defense Army. Through the two studies, Ma Siyi's military, political and cultural qualities have been greatly improved.

In March 1946, he honorably joined the Communist Party of China. In the same month, the 359th Brigade led by Wang Zhen broke through the Central Plains and marched toward the Shaanxi-Gansu-Ningxia Border Region, and the Huimin Cavalry Regiment was ordered to go to greet it, and together with the Haigu Work Committee formed the first brigade of the armed task force, Ma Siyi served as the leader, set out from the border area together with the second brigade, defeated the local militia regiments and self-defense forces several times along the way, and then rushed out of the siege after a fierce battle with 3 brigades of the Kuomintang army in Laolongtan, Jingyuan, passing through 8 counties, successfully completing the task and returning with orders. Later, he served as the head of the Huimin Detachment of the Independent Regiment of the Eighth Route Army, the head of the Huimin Anti-Japanese Cavalry Regiment of the Eighth Route Army's directly subordinate regiment, renamed the "Huimin Cavalry Regiment of the Gansu Provincial Military Region", and in August 1953, the Xihai Gujun Subdistrict was established on the basis of the regimental headquarters, and the establishment was abolished.