
A letter written by a "traitor" to a friend, which is heartwarming, can now be worth more than 200 million

author:Two or three miles of information

For friends who do not have a certain amount of calligraphy experience, when they see the words written by some contemporary calligraphy masters, they often feel very "ugly", and even do not understand, why such calligraphy can be sought after by the times?

The reason for this recognition is the lack of understanding of the beauty of calligraphy, the beauty of calligraphy has many dimensions, the beauty of some dimensions, not everyone can appreciate it, and the really clever art is always a small number of people to understand.

A letter written by a "traitor" to a friend, which is heartwarming, can now be worth more than 200 million

Zhao Ziang's "Wu Xingfu" is a long volume

Just like the impression paintings of the Western Middle Ages, just like the "Three Drafts of Yan's", just like the characters of Wang Duo, Fu Shan, Xu Wei, Ni Yuanlu, Yang Weizhen, etc., ordinary people basically can't understand it, and the more you look at it, the uglier it is, and when you have a more comprehensive understanding of calligraphy, the beauty of these calligraphy can gradually be presented!

And in the history of calligraphy, there are also some wonderful works, these works are really able to achieve "elegant and customary appreciation", although the beauty of this "elegant and customary appreciation", for different people can look at different contents, for non-calligraphy professionals, see the beauty of the glyph and the smooth sense of the line, and for professional calligraphers, the beauty in his eyes may be rhythm and temperament, as well as the "book volume" between the lines.

A letter written by a "traitor" to a friend, which is heartwarming, can now be worth more than 200 million

For example, Zhao Ziang's calligraphy.

Zhao Ziang once wrote a letter to a friend called "To Guo You's Second Thesis Scroll", which sold for 260 million yuan. Zhao Ziang was rated as a "traitor" because of his "lowering the yuan", but is this really the case?

Zhao Ziang's calligraphy is one of the few calligraphy styles in the history of calligraphy that can conform to the beauty of "elegant and popular appreciation". This is naturally related to the method of his calligraphy, as a descendant of Zhao Kuangyin, the grandfather of the Song Dynasty, he used the calligraphy of his distant ancestor Zhao Shuo as the object of his copying and learning for a long period of time, and then studied Zhiyong calligraphy.

After middle age, he followed Xian Yushu's advice and began to turn to the Right Army, and since then, his style of writing has changed, and he has become the most comprehensive understanding of the "Erwang" calligraphy in the past 800 years.

In his middle and late years, Zhao Ziang went deep into Li Beihai's calligraphy, and had a deep understanding of Li Beihai's calligraphy posture, and his calligraphy began to change its feminine atmosphere, and became strong and powerful.

A letter written by a "traitor" to a friend, which is heartwarming, can now be worth more than 200 million

This can be seen clearly in his famous work "Wu Xingfu".

For Zhao Ziang, the most proud work in his life is "Wu Xingfu", which is a rare self-written work in his life, and it is also written with special care.

Originally in the Palace Museum in Beijing, it was later collected by the Zhejiang Provincial Museum under the mediation of the calligrapher Mr. Sha Menghai.

A letter written by a "traitor" to a friend, which is heartwarming, can now be worth more than 200 million

If you choose one of the best works from Zhao Ziang's biographical works, then this work will most likely be this "Wu Xingfu". This work is not only gorgeous in rhetoric, but also in the characteristics of the pen and the posture of the knot, it is also very flowing and beautiful, and the Wei Jin demeanor is applied to pure fire.

This work is not only graceful and elegant and clear and natural, but also shows the elegance and staggered style in the artistic conception of different fonts, which appears to be full of spirit and pulse. It is a huge work in the calligraphy of Zhao Ziang's life.

A letter written by a "traitor" to a friend, which is heartwarming, can now be worth more than 200 million

For Zhao Ziang, he was born in today's Huzhou City, Zhejiang Province, this place has been a place where humanities gather since ancient times, after the fall of the Song Dynasty, he was an official in the Yuan Dynasty, the highest time was an official residence, serving as the Hanlin Yuan's undertaker, and then living in seclusion in the lake and mountains of his hometown of Huzhou, playing with the literati, exchanging art with each other, and living a period of immortal life.

Therefore, he was particularly enthusiastic about his hometown, so he wrote this famous "Wu Xingfu". It became the master of calligraphy in his lifetime.

Source: Hoshirido Calligraphy and Painting Garden

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