
The three brothers of Northern Qi, Gao Yang, Gao Yan, and Gao Zhan, killed each other in a row: They were born from the same root, and when was the wrongs repaid

author:Night Wolf Literary History Studio
The three brothers of Northern Qi, Gao Yang, Gao Yan, and Gao Zhan, killed each other in a row: They were born from the same root, and when was the wrongs repaid

Chinese is sometimes very interesting, such as humble heart and heart weakness, although there is only a slight difference in the order of arrangement, the meaning is very different, the meaning is different, the humble heart is a typical positive word, and the heart is a common derogatory word.

Weakness of heart is definitely not a big problem, but it can even kill people.

It is said that in the late Southern and Northern Dynasties, there were three states on the land of China, south of the Yangtze River was the State of Chen, and in the north of the River there were two states, the Northern Zhou of the Yuwen clan in the west and the Northern Qi of the Gao clan in the east.

The three brothers of Northern Qi, Gao Yang, Gao Yan, and Gao Zhan, killed each other in a row: They were born from the same root, and when was the wrongs repaid

Northern Qi was founded by Gao Yang, the second son of Gao Huan, a powerful minister of Eastern Wei. In the early days of Gao Yang's reign, he worked hard and was diligent in political affairs, and Northern Qi's national power was the strongest of the three countries. However, Gao Yang soon went to extravagant corruption, fainted and brutal, and mutilated flesh and bones, tortured and killed his brothers, and eventually became unable to eat due to excessive drinking, and as a result, he died at the age of thirty-four.

Gao Yang's hands were indeed stained with the blood of his brothers, but if he did not talk about family affection at all, and his human nature was completely destroyed, it was indeed a wrongdoing to others, you know, the brothers he killed were all his half-brothers, that is to say, they were all the children of his father and Xiao Sansheng, in other words, Gao Yang was avenging his mother, The Empress Dowager Lou Zhaojun.

The three brothers of Northern Qi, Gao Yang, Gao Yan, and Gao Zhan, killed each other in a row: They were born from the same root, and when was the wrongs repaid

For his brothers, Gao Yang still has some feelings, and can even be said to have a lot of feelings, if you don't believe it, please see this scene before his death.

When Gao Yang was dying, he summoned his mother, wife, children, and brothers to the dragon bed, and in front of everyone, he pushed his heart to the third brother, King Gao Yan of Changshan, and said in a serious tone: "In the future, after Gao Yin (Gao Yang's eldest son) succeeds to the throne, if you have the opportunity to take the throne, the throne will be given to you, but you must not hurt Gao Yin..." Before he finished speaking, Gao Yang hurriedly reported to the King of Yan Luo.

The three brothers of Northern Qi, Gao Yang, Gao Yan, and Gao Zhan, killed each other in a row: They were born from the same root, and when was the wrongs repaid

Why did Gao Yang say these words to Gao Yan instead of others, because he knew that Gao Yan had ambitions and would not stay under the people for a long time, which was definitely a dangerous factor for the future Emperor Gao Yin, but he had always been confined to the relationship between a milk and a milk compatriot and had not attacked Gao Yan.

Although Gao Yang was a faint gentleman, his judgment of Gao Yan was completely correct.

The three brothers of Northern Qi, Gao Yang, Gao Yan, and Gao Zhan, killed each other in a row: They were born from the same root, and when was the wrongs repaid

Gao Yan is the third son born to Gao Huan and Lou Zhaojun, "beautiful and handsome, with dignity", and has been a smart, brave, and very confident beautiful man since childhood. Gao Yan began to participate in the politics of the dynasty in his twenties, he was decisive, thoughtful, and far-sighted, with the world in mind, and was one of the rare sober people in the Northern Qi court. At that time, Gao Yang indulged in wine and ignored the government, and most of the ministers tended to be inflamed and followed the tide, only Gao Yan was worried about state affairs, his face was not happy, and from time to time he spoke bluntly to Gao Yang.

After Gao Yang's death, the fifteen-year-old crown prince Gao Yin smoothly succeeded to the throne, and according to Gao Yang's will, he was assisted by Shangshu Ling Yang and others. With the support of Gao Yin, Yang Yan carried out comprehensive reforms in a bold and bold way, punishing corruption, laying off redundant personnel, reducing servitude, asking the people about their sufferings, reorganizing the army, and strengthening national defense, so that northern Qi's critical national situation could be alleviated, showing a sense of zhongxing.

The three brothers of Northern Qi, Gao Yang, Gao Yan, and Gao Zhan, killed each other in a row: They were born from the same root, and when was the wrongs repaid

At that time, many talentless, unscrupulous, and bribe-taking those who came to power were deposed and dismissed, and the traitors among them were resentful and defected to the conservatives who opposed reform, Gao Yan, the king of Changshan, and Gao Zhan, the king of Changguang. Behind the two kings is the old empress dowager Lou Zhaojun, who also resisted reform, and by the way, after the grandson Gao Yin ascended the throne, the old lady Lou Zhaojun has been promoted from empress dowager to empress dowager.

Under the obstruction of Empress Lou and the Second King, the young emperor Gao Yin wanted to take the reform cause to a higher level, which was even more difficult, difficult to go to Qingtian, and worse, the command of the army in the Gyeonggi region was controlled by Gao Yan Gaozhan. The reformists with the seal handles and the conservatives with guns in their hands went to work in this way, and the contradictions soon reached a white-hot state, and "the mountains and rains were about to come and the wind was full of buildings" and "black clouds were pressing down on the city and destroying the city", and a civil war in the court where you were going to die and live was about to erupt.

In 560, with the acquiescence of Empress Lou, Gao Yan preemptively launched a coup d'état, killed Yang Yan and other important figures of the reformist faction, and deposed Gao Yin as the king of Jinan, after which Gao Yan ascended the throne and became the third emperor of the Northern Qi Dynasty.

Realistically speaking, Gao Yan was a good leader, Wenzhi martial arts were not bad, and he was the only emperor of Northern Qi worthy of a book.

Gao Yan, who came to power as a conservative, surprisingly raised the banner of reform after coming to power, but he was more politically mature and tried not to touch the interests of the upper class, so he achieved good results. Under Gao Yan's rule, Northern Qi's political, economic, and military development was rapid, and its national strength once again surpassed that of Northern Zhou, but he knew that the common people liked peace and longed for stability, so he always put an end to Northern Zhou and did not launch a land war.

After Gao Yan ascended to the throne, it seemed that everything was going smoothly and naturally, but he always had a big worry in his heart, he was always worried that one day the deposed emperor Gao Yin would come back and take away everything he had now. How can I settle my heart? One did not do, two did not stop, he finally decided to let Gao Yin disappear forever in this world.

The three brothers of Northern Qi, Gao Yang, Gao Yan, and Gao Zhan, killed each other in a row: They were born from the same root, and when was the wrongs repaid

When the emperor of the dynasty wanted to do anything that could not be done, at this time, Gao Guiyan, who betrayed Gao Yin and turned to Gao Yan, came in handy, and he was secretly sent by Gao Yan to the palace of Jinan to carry out the order to kill the former master, and the young Gao Yin died tragically under the butcher's knife of his former subordinates.

When Gao Yin was deposed, Empress Lou remembered Gao Yang's words when he was dying, and made a gentleman's agreement with Gao Yan: No matter what happened, gao Yin must not be hurt. Empress Lou actually liked Gao Yin's grandson very much, if it were not for Gao Yin's main change of law, Empress Lou would not have let her two sons challenge her grandson's throne, after all, "the palms of her hands and the backs of her hands are all meat"!

The three brothers of Northern Qi, Gao Yang, Gao Yan, and Gao Zhan, killed each other in a row: They were born from the same root, and when was the wrongs repaid

After getting rid of Gao Yin, did Gao Yan's heart settle down? Not only did it not, but it was worse, because the lack of heart made him have a new worry: the death of his brother Gao Yang when he was dying, the agreement between his mother Empress Lou and him, and the ubiquitous ghost of his nephew Gao Yin, and his heart was full of guilt and guilt that was difficult to get rid of. During the day, when he was busy with political affairs in the court, Gao Yan could still hold on, and at night, Gao Yan was full of Bloody Ghosts of Gao Yin, who could not be avoided in any way, and could not fall asleep until midnight, and often woke up from nightmares in cold sweat after falling asleep.

Empress Lou did not see Gao Yin for many days, so she asked Gao Yan about the whereabouts of her grandson with full of doubts, Gao Yan was speechless, Empress Lou knew that Gao Yin had been killed, and the old man was extremely angry at the cannibalism of his relatives, saying that he would never forgive his son Gao Yan.

His mother's scolding and Gao Yin's ghost (of course, Gao Yan's imagination) finally made Gao Yan look confused and uncertain during the day, so he found a good day to take a few retinues to the outskirts of the capital to ride a horse to relax. Just as Gao Yan ascended to a high place to enjoy the scenery in the distance, suddenly a hare rushed out of the nearby bushes, and Gao Yan's horse jumped up in fright, and immediately Gao Yan thought that there was a ghost again, and for a moment he threw away the reins of the horse, and as a result, he fell heavily from the horse, fractured his ribs, and seriously injured his internal organs.

Gao Yin's ghost did not spare Gao Yan, who was seriously injured, and Gao Yan's condition deteriorated sharply, and when he ascended the throne for less than a year and three months, at the age of twenty-seven, he left the splendid rivers and mountains and his wife and young son to go west.

In order not to let Gao Yin's tragedy happen to his son Gao Bainian, Gao Yan changed Gao Zhan, the king of Changguang, as the heir to the throne before his death, and specially wrote a letter to Gao Zhan, pleading with him: "It is advisable to put my wife in a favor and not to learn from my predecessors (you must treat my wife and children well, and do not follow my example, so that you harm others and harm yourself). ”

However, "the praying mantis catches cicadas, the yellow bird is behind", history soon repeats itself, Gao Yang's eldest son Gao Yin was killed by His uncle Gao Yan for three years, Gao Yan's eldest son Gao Bainian was killed by His Uncle Gao Zhan, and the three brothers Gao Yang, Gao Yan, and Gao Zhan played the roles of cicadas, praying mantises and yellow finches in the royal family.

The handsome man Gao Yan used his gorgeous life as a tragic price to tell future generations a profound truth - if your face is not thick enough, and your heart is not vicious enough, don't do things that bend the law for personal gain, embezzlement and bribery, kill people and set fires, otherwise, even if you can escape the punishment of the law, you will not be able to escape the hurdle in your heart.

Special Writer of "Night Wolf Literature and History Studio": Yi Jiangnan

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