
"Master" is "Master", "Master" is "Master", not the same thing, don't use the wrong master Master Master and Master Difference Conclusion:

author:I have an agreement with history

China is a great civilized country with a history of five thousand years. After the accumulation and precipitation of the long river of history, traditional Chinese culture has penetrated into the major fields of modern life, deeply affecting every descendant of Yanhuang. Chinese characters are the carrier of Chinese culture, which marks the true sense of human beings entering civilized society.

However, Chinese characters are recognized as one of the most difficult languages for foreigners to learn, and the pronunciation, glyphs, structure, and sentence construction of Chinese characters are particularly exquisite. However, if there is a little negligence, there will be a mispronunciation or recognition of the word. For example, in life, we often encounter words with the same pronunciation, similar glyphs, but different meanings.

"Master" is "Master", "Master" is "Master", not the same thing, don't use the wrong master Master Master and Master Difference Conclusion:

However, people often confuse two words, resulting in the phenomenon of misuse of words. For example, hazy and blind, both are extremely similar in pronunciation and glyphs, and both have the meaning of "invisible". However, "hazy" refers to things that are blurred and unclear, and can also be described as dim moonlight; "blindness" refers to blurred vision, which can also be used to describe psychological chaos, cutting and constantly rationalizing.

In addition, there are two titles in daily life that are still misused, namely "master" and "master". Many people subconsciously equate two titles with one meaning, which is inevitably laughable and generous. In fact, "master" is "master", "master" is "master", the two are not the same thing, there is an essential difference, so what is the difference between the two?

<h1 class= "pgc-h-arrow-right" > master</h1>

The word "master" predates "master". In the early days of the development of Chinese characters, the glyphs of "master" and "master" were different, but the meaning was the same. However, with the change of dynasties and the change of times, there has been a fundamental difference between the two. The term "master" first appeared in the Warring States period to refer to teachers who were engaged in teaching work and preached and taught to those who did not understand.

"Master" is "Master", "Master" is "Master", not the same thing, don't use the wrong master Master Master and Master Difference Conclusion:

In the Warring States period work "Guliang Chunqiu", it is recorded: "If you become a child, you will not be a master, but the father's sin will also be." "The teacher here is the teacher who teaches students literature or the norms of conduct. During the Qin and Han dynasties, the "master" gradually evolved into the master of the emperor. The DPRK and China have specially set up the posts of "Taifu" and "Shaofu".

The ranks and responsibilities of Taifu and Shaofu are different, but they are inextricably linked to the Prince of The Eastern Palace and the Crown Prince. In addition, the imperial court also referred to Taishi, Taifu, and Taibao as the "Three Divisions of the Eastern Palace", but it gradually evolved into a false title. At this point, "master" has become a royal word, and only royal children can call teachers "masters", and ordinary people cannot use them privately.

Until the Southern Song Dynasty, the meaning of "master" began to extend, in addition to the master of the emperor, the teachers of the common people can also be called this name, and the teaching teachers in private schools can be called "masters". Obviously, at this time, the title of "master" is no longer exclusive, and it is also divorced from class and hierarchy.

"Master" is "Master", "Master" is "Master", not the same thing, don't use the wrong master Master Master and Master Difference Conclusion:

Since the middle of the Qing Dynasty, with the influx and spread of Western culture and ideas, "master" refers not only to teachers, but also to professionals who specialize in teaching skills in industry and commerce, medicine, theater and other industries. In the 1960s, the term "master" was everywhere, and workers who worked in factories, drivers who drove cars, and cooks could all be called masters.

On certain occasions, anyone who sees someone older than themselves can also be called a master. In summary, with the development of culture, the meaning of the word "master" has been expanding, gradually changing from class to civilian, which shows that people's thinking is becoming more and more open and equal.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" > master</h1>

Compared with "master", the title "master" appeared slightly later. The word "master" first appeared in the Tang Dynasty, and is no different from the meaning of "master", referring to teachers who teach knowledge and spread truth. For example, in the "Table of The Slander of Henan Province" written by Qi Ying in the Tang Dynasty, it was recorded that "although the subject was inferior and not talented, he stole the master's instructions."

"Master" is "Master", "Master" is "Master", not the same thing, don't use the wrong master Master Master and Master Difference Conclusion:

The meaning of this sentence is "Although I am stupid and have no talent, I admire Master's teachings to me." Later, the word "master" was also used to refer to the imperial master. For example, "throwing fishing and ascending the dynasty, sealing the four shoes and calling the master" refers to the emperor's teacher. In addition, people with unique tricks or special skills can also be called "masters".

For example, the Southern Tang Dynasty Wei Wei recorded the stories of four dynasties in his work "The Story of the Middle Dynasty", and the upper and lower volumes described the affairs of the court and the strange stories of the people. During the Xiantong years of the Tang Dynasty, a father and son came to the streets of Chang'an to perform magic, and the father raised a large knife to cut off the child's head, but the child was safe and sound, and the father and son used this fantasy technique to trick the people into investing money.

One day, after the child's head was cut off, for a long time, the traces did not move, the father saluted the audience on the spot, said a sentence " small skills are not good, and look at it, a certain worship as a master", the master here is the father's eyes of the "high person", that is, can see through the illusion, the Tao is profound.

"Master" is "Master", "Master" is "Master", not the same thing, don't use the wrong master Master Master and Master Difference Conclusion:

In the Yuan and Ming dynasties, with the introduction of foreign culture and the prevalence of Buddhism and Taoism, "master" became an honorific title for monks and Taoists. Men, women and children, all monks who have taken refuge in Buddhism, even the little Shami who has just shaved his head, can be honored as "master."

Lan Dingyuan, a well-known scholar of the Qing Dynasty, once publicly accused that "all those who encounter baldness call master." Who is this, but the father of the master? Meaning: Whoever sees a bald head does not hesitate to call out "Master", never knowing who this person really is or what his ability is, so how can he be called Master so easily?

<h1 class= "pgc-h-arrow-right" > the difference between a master and a master</h1>

Both master and master belong to honorific titles, but they are fundamentally different. The term "master" can be disassembled into "teacher" and "father", "teacher" is a respected teacher, and "father" is the father of both parents. It can be seen that the "master" has a strong emotional color, and juxtaposing the "teacher" with the "father" is to put the teacher and the father on the same footing, which shows the importance of the teacher.

"Master" is "Master", "Master" is "Master", not the same thing, don't use the wrong master Master Master and Master Difference Conclusion:

The ancients said: "One day as a teacher, lifelong as a father", which means that even if you are only a teacher for one day, you should be treated as a father for a lifetime. This shows that the ancients respected the master and respected the tao, knew the gratitude map, and treated the master as if they were their own reborn parents, and on the basis of respect, they had a deep friendship.

The ancients learned from the master and often lived in the master's home, and the master also took care of the daily life of the apprentice like his parents, and regarded the apprentice as a member of the family. If an apprentice accidentally mis-refers to "master" as "master," he will be punished. It can be seen that the ancient "master" also attached great importance to the difference in the number of words.

They also hope that they can be respected and loved by their apprentices, but also be trusted and relied on by their apprentices like fathers. Nowadays, "master" has become a respected name for craftsmen, and drivers, tailors, carpenters, blacksmiths, etc., can all be called "masters". Even if you ask a stranger for directions on the road, you can politely call him "master".

"Master" is "Master", "Master" is "Master", not the same thing, don't use the wrong master Master Master and Master Difference Conclusion:

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" > concluding remarks:</h1>

In summary, "master" is biased towards people who give themselves substantial help, and the connotation is richer than that of "master". Therefore, in daily life, we should choose which word to use according to the specific situation and object, so as not to make people laugh.

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