
Chun Shenjun gave the pregnant concubine to the King of Chu, who did not find the cattiness, so why was he killed?

author:Han history anecdotes

When it comes to the matter of xianji, the first thing that comes to our minds is that Lü Buwei dedicated his concubine Zhao Ji to the fallen prince yiren of the Qin kingdom.

This stranger was the later King Xiang of Qinzhuang, who and Zhao Ji had a son, the later Qin Shi Huang Yingzheng. However, until now, we have not fully understood, whose son is Yingzheng?

I don't know if Zhao Ji can tell?

At least half the probability is that Yingzheng is the son of King Xiang of Qinzhuang.

However, such a thing also happened in the Chu Kingdom, but what happened in the Chu State can be very certain that it is not the child of the King of Chu, but the son of this courtier of Xianji.

At that time, the king of Chu was the king of Chu Kao Lie, and the courtier was Huang Xie, the prince of Chunshen.

Chunshen Jun Huang Xie is not a simple person, he is known as the four princes of the Warring States, and is on a par with the Pingyuan Jun of the Zhao Kingdom, the Xinling Jun of the Wei State, and the Meng Yujun of the Qi State.

At that time, their influence even exceeded that of their monarch.

So, why did Chun Shenjun sacrifice his concubine to the King of Chu?

Chun Shenjun gave the pregnant concubine to the King of Chu, who did not find the cattiness, so why was he killed?

It turned out that King Chu Kaolie had no children, whether it was boys or girls, he did not give birth to a single one, and it was said that king Chu had a thin waist, and he had many concubines, and one was more beautiful than the other.

But none of them bore him children.

This is enough to prove that the king of Chu is infertile, and only if he does not have the ability to have children, it will lead to the phenomenon that no concubine is pregnant.

Of course, in ancient times, they didn't know whose business it was that they couldn't have children!

The King of Chu had no children, and Chun Shenjun had also thought of many ways, but no way to change this fact. Until the appearance of a person.

This person's name was Li Yuan, and Li Yuan very much wanted to marry his sister to the King of Chu, but he thought that the King of Chu had no fertility, and if he had no children, after his sister married him, sooner or later he would fall out of favor.

In this case, Li Yuan thought of a bad move, he started Chun Shenjun's idea, threw himself under Chun Shenjun's door, arrived at Chun Shenjun, and within a few days he would go home.

Chun Shenjun also knew.

Chun Shenjun gave the pregnant concubine to the King of Chu, who did not find the cattiness, so why was he killed?

However, at the agreed time, Li Yuan deliberately did not return according to the agreed time, which made Chun Shenjun strengthen his impression of him.

When Li Yuan returned to Chun Shenjun's side, he guessed that Chun Shenjun would definitely ask him why he didn't return on time?

Indeed it is!

When Chun Shenjun asked him, he had already thought of a reason, and he told Chun Shenjun that I had a sister who was very beautiful, and when I came home, I happened to meet King Qi who came to our house to ask for relatives.

Because of this incident, it was delayed, and then it was late.

Chun Shenjun is also a man, after hearing about the beautiful woman, his eyes are also glowing green, he heard that even the King of Qi wants to marry his sister, it seems that his sister is indeed not generally beautiful.

Chun Shenjun asked Li Yuan, what happened? Did your sister get married?

Li Yuan said no, because I was not optimistic about this family affair, so I did not promise him. Chun Shenjun was happy, and he said, "Can you let me see this sister?"

Chun Shenjun gave the pregnant concubine to the King of Chu, who did not find the cattiness, so why was he killed?

Li Yuan said of course!

In fact, this is a trap of Li Yuan, he is waiting for Chun Shenjun to drill in? This Chun Shenjun is also true, his sister does not even marry the King of Chu, if this is really the case, will he let his sister you see?

Anyway, what Li Yuan said, Chun Shenjun believed it, Chun Shenjun did see Li Yuan's sister, you don't say that this woman is really beautiful.

Chun Shenjun was moved, and he told Li Yuan that this woman he had married Chun Shenjun.

In this way, Li Yuan sent his sister to Chun Shenjun's side, Chun Shenjun's newlywed Yan'er, who was very fond of this beautiful woman, and it wasn't long before the two of them were together, she became pregnant.

After Li Yuan's sister became pregnant, her performance began.

She said to Chun Shenjun, I have come to you here no one knows, the time is not long, now the monarch is childless, he will die sooner or later, if he dies, there will be his brother to take over the position of the monarch.

At that time, you will not be able to become the prime minister, and people will definitely use their own confidants as the prime minister.

Chun Shenjun gave the pregnant concubine to the King of Chu, who did not find the cattiness, so why was he killed?

Then she said, if you want to continue to be rich, it is better to send me to the king of Chu, anyway, I am pregnant with your child, if you send me to the king of Chu, I will give birth to a boy.

Then, this boy will inherit the throne, and the king of Chu will certainly not doubt who the child is, that is to say, your son will be the king of Chu!

When Chun Shenjun heard it, he was really too clever.

So, he said yes.

Li Yuan's sister came to the King of Chu, and the King of Chu also liked it very much after seeing it, and then he spoiled this beautiful woman.

Later, as they expected, Li Yuan's sister did indeed give birth to a son.

Chun Shenjun gave the pregnant concubine to the King of Chu, who did not find the cattiness, so why was he killed?

The King of Chu was very happy, after all, he had a descendant, which also meant that his Jiangshan could be passed down in his bloodline. He made this child crown prince, and Li Yuan's sister was crowned queen.

Not long after this incident, the King of Chu was critically ill and looked like he would not be able to live for a few days.

One day, a doorman from Chun Shenjun's house came, and this doorman told Chun Shenjun that he had something very important to say, which was related to the safety of Chun Shenjun's life.

Since it was such an important matter, Chun Shenjun naturally had to listen.

When this doorman saw Chun Shenjun, he said that Chun Shenjun had three unexpected things: 1, the unthinkable blessing, 2, the unthinkable disaster, and 3, the unexpected person.

Chun Shenjun listened to a confused look, what did he say about the unthinkable blessing?

This man told him that King Chu Kaolie was immediately ill, and if he died, according to your prestige, you would certainly have no problem establishing yourself as King of Chu.

But you can't think of this blessing!

Chun Shenjun said why did he say that I couldn't think of this blessing?

Chun Shenjun gave the pregnant concubine to the King of Chu, who did not find the cattiness, so why was he killed?

This person said because you have an unexpected misfortune?

He went on to say that now that Li Yuan has become an empress because of his sister, he has been reused by the King of Chu, and I see that he has recently found a large number of warriors, and these people are definitely aimed at you.

If the King of Chu dies, when you go to the palace, they will kill you. Because the child of the King of Chu is yours, only you, Li Yuan, and her sister know about this matter.

As long as you are killed, no one will tell this secret.

Chun Shenjun said so, who is the person I can't think of?

This person said that of course it was me, you just need to find a way to arrange me to the palace of the King of Chu and let me be a bodyguard, at this time, as long as Li Yuan appeared in front of me, I would kill him for you.

That way you're safe.

After this doorman said these words, Chun Shenjun laughed, and the meaning of laughter was that he did not believe it. Chun Shenjun said you are not right, how could Li Yuan kill me? I'm usually so good to him.

As soon as he saw that Chun Shenjun did not listen to him, he knew that Chun Shenjun would be killed, so in order not to implicate himself, he left Chun Shenjun.

That is, after he finished talking to Chun Shenjun, after more than ten days, the King of Chu died. When Chun Shenjun arrived at the palace, he was indeed killed by Li Yuan.

After Chun Shenjun was killed, his family was also destroyed. In this way, the fourth prince of the famous, Chun Shenjun, died in his spring and autumn dream.

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