
"Jingshan cattle man" Tang Bin can use his feet to open forklifts, thread needles, and lift beer bottle caps

author:Weijing Mountain
"Jingshan cattle man" Tang Bin can use his feet to open forklifts, thread needles, and lift beer bottle caps

He was the first forklift driver in the country to enter the Guinness Scene, and was invited to walk into the CCTV performance program three times, and was awarded China's "Forklift King".

On the eve of the "12.3" International Day of Persons with Disabilities, at the first "Jingshan Cattle People" competition, 15 "Cattle People" from all over the county demonstrated their talents. A disabled person used a forklift to open the beer bottle cap and lock, won the first prize of the competition, the prize money of 5,000 yuan, and qualified to enter the final of the second "Hubei CattleMan" competition. This strange -- forklift king, from Songhe Town, Jingshan County, is a forklift worker at Chutian Barium Salt Co., Ltd., who has been on Hunan Satellite TV, CCTV and Shanghai Guinness, and is known as the "Forklift King".

When I went to work, I was severely burned and did not dare to go out at one time

Tang Bin is 50 years old, a native of Jiangguan Village, Songhe Town, and his parents are farming at home. In 1990, he was recruited to Jingshan Light Machinery Company and worked as a worker in the foundry workshop. In 1991, a disaster befell him when he was suddenly severely injured by molten iron on his way to work. Although he was rescued, he saved his life, but his face was seriously destroyed, and his hands came out of a layer of flesh skin, which was later identified as a third-degree disability. After being discharged from the hospital for several months, Tang Bin did not have the courage to go out, afraid of being laughed at, afraid of scaring others, even if he went out, he wore a mask.

Under the care of his wife Liu Dexiang, Tang Bin quickly recovered his health, slowly eliminated psychological obstacles, and established the courage to live again. In the case that the factory is only responsible for medical expenses and there is no workers' compensation, Tang Bin does not complain about the world, but stubbornly faces life, work, and life. He was only 27 years old, his wife set up a stall on the street to make clothes, his daughter and son were studying at school, and the burden of the family had to be carried by him alone. He secretly told himself that disabilities are not terrible, they are afraid of losing confidence, and disabled people can also do extraordinary things. Tang Bin perked up, because it was up to him to support his family.

"Jingshan cattle man" Tang Bin can use his feet to open forklifts, thread needles, and lift beer bottle caps

15 years of hard work on forklift technology, with forklifts can do more than 20 kinds of housework

Under the care of the company's leaders, Tang Bin was transferred to the unloading workshop as a forklift worker as desired. Since 1997, Tang Bin has spent all his spare time learning forklift technology, and he has set himself the goal of using forklift trucks as a platform for work and survival, to be the top forklift master in Jingshan and even Hubei, to serve enterprises or society. After a year or two of forklift operation, his technology reached the company's top level. However, Tang Bin was not satisfied, but operated the forklift with greater difficulty and developed into a technical aspect. He began to practice using his feet to split the forklift, at first the direction was not well mastered, once accidentally hit the head on the pole of the car with blood, sent to the hospital for 5 stitches, but the next day he wrapped his head in gauze and rushed to work.

After thousands of times of operating the forklift with his feet, the socks were worn out countless pairs, and the feet were often worn to blood, Tang Bin finally trained the forklift into his "second pair of hands". A few years later, Tang Bin tried to use a forklift to open beer bottle caps, write calligraphy, thread needles, and after many failures, he was not discouraged and insisted on training with strong perseverance. Kung Fu paid off, Tang Bin finally succeeded, and the hard work of the past ten years was not in vain.

In order to prove that he can do it, Tang Bin also learned to ride a motorcycle and trained to become a cyclist. He can drive a motorcycle without hand, ride a motorcycle upside down, ride a motorcycle standing, and perform a variety of unexpected acrobatic moves. Tang Bin often goes to the Gaoguan Reservoir dam to practice, more than 100 meters tall dam on both sides of the slope slope is large, he drove a motorcycle on the dam slope to run back and forth, although the danger factor is very large, but he is not afraid, brave to go forward. The onlookers were stunned and exclaimed that it was really magical.

Tang Bin spent a full 15 years playing with forklifts, and he can do more than twenty kinds of housework with forklifts, and this technology really contains his blood and sweat. "At that time, I felt that I had become a monster, and the eyes of others looked at me with either pity or disgust." Tang Bin said: "Some people look down on the disabled, but I want them to know that what normal people can do, disabled people can also do, and some normal people do, disabled people can still do it after hard work." ”

"Jingshan cattle man" Tang Bin can use his feet to open forklifts, thread needles, and lift beer bottle caps

Awarded the "Forklift King" in China, he entered the Guinness Book of Records scene

After practicing forklift skills, Tang Bin decided to recommend himself to the society in order to prove his level, so that people know their unique skills and let the public understand that disabled people can also do extraordinary things.

  Therefore, Tang Bin mao introduced himself and called the county television station, saying that he could use his feet to open a forklift to thread needles and lead, pluck out ears and other unique skills. Probably thinking he was saying it was amazing, and no one had ever seen his technique, not even his wife. After receiving a call from Tang Bin, the TV station did not think so, thinking that there might be a problem with his head. Later, he learned that there was a motorcycle race in Jingmen, so he signed up for it and achieved good results, which strengthened his confidence. After Jingmen participated in the competition and was reported by the media, the local people and relevant units looked at him with astonishment, and then the county television station, Jingmen television station, Jingzhou television station and other news media successively interviewed and reported on his skills.

  Tang Bin soon became a celebrity in Hubei, and the outside of the province and the central media began to pay attention to him. Among them, he participated in the CCTV "Zhuangyuan 360" national forklift elite competition. The first item of the competition was to open the beer bottle cap, which required 30 bottle caps to be opened in 5 minutes with a forklift fork to see who could open the most without breaking the beer cap. Tang Bin completed 28 in the allotted time and won a tie for second place. The second competition was a disaster for Tang Bin, when he forked the last cargo, the goods in front of him suddenly all collapsed, and he changed from far ahead to no results. Tang Bin lost the game, but won the respect of everyone in the scene. After the end of the festival, the director let the contestants perform a forklift show each, and Tang Bin easily completed the needle threading project in only 3 seconds, which made all the people present stunned.

A few years ago, Tang Bin was invited to enter the Shanghai Guinness Book of Records and performed the unique skills of forklift needle lead, beer bottle cap, etc., because he was the only one to participate in the project competition, all of which did not issue a Guinness Book of Records certificate, but he became the first forklift driver in the country to enter Guinness. He was invited to CCTV three times, including two times in the "Zhuangyuan 360" column, once in the "Narration" program; four times into Hunan Satellite TV, three of which performed forklift skills at the studio site, and once participated in a motorcycle competition and entered the top 20. He has also been invited to Fujian Satellite TV, Shandong Satellite TV, Guizhou Satellite TV and other provincial television stations to perform forklift skills, known as the strange face "forklift king", China's "forklift king" and other highest titles.

In 2013, at the first "Hubei CattleMan" competition, after the Hubei TV Station Ridge Uplink Channel in the province's audition, Tang Bin broke into the final of the competition with the top 12. The project he performed was a forklift walking wire rope at a height, pulling only two wire ropes at a height of more than 10 meters, and driving a forklift to walk on it. Because the forklift could not be transported to the show performance site, the race was regrettably abandoned, which should be the top three projects. The story of "Forklift King" Tang Bin was included in the book "The New Master's Spirit", entitled "The Forklift King" on the Big Stage, and the author Gao Xianfeng is a doctor at Peking University and a visiting scholar at Tsinghua University.

Because he worked at the Jingshan County Light Machinery Company, his wife opened a dry cleaning shop in Songhe Town, he could not take care of his family, and in early 2014 he resigned from the company and was hired to work at the Chutian Barium Salt Company in Songhe Town, continuing to work as a forklift worker. His two children, both of whom graduated from college and worked in Wuhan and Guangdong, and his wife opened a dry cleaning shop in the town, and the family's situation began to improve. Tang Bin left sequelae due to burns, often take medicine to support the body, he is disabled, self-sufficient, does not bow to fate, tenaciously faces the cruel reality, works hard in the factory, and continues to realize the dream of China's "forklift king".

In December, he will participate in the "Hubei Cattle Man" competition, blindfolded forklift and scratch his ears

In December this year, Tang Bin will participate in the second "Hubei Cattleman" competition "Champion Night", which is a national "Cattleman" competition, all with special skills, and the prize money of the competition is 300,000 yuan. Tang Bin is ready to take out a unique skill, performing the skills of cutting watermelons and ears with forklifts blindfolded, driving two forklifts for one person, and walking tightrope in the high altitude of forklifts, and we expect him to surpass himself in the "Hubei Cattle People" finals and create greater miracles.

(Jingmen Evening News 2014.11.30.3 edition Author:Li Kai Zhu Chunyang)

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