
How beautiful is Erqiao, who makes Cao Cao salivate?

author:Wild History Stories

How beautiful is Erqiao? The Romance of the Three Kingdoms was not written, Du Mu did not write, nor did Luo Guanzhong, and this beauty was too vague. However, for thousands of years, this "vague beauty" has always been moving.

If we talk about the beauty of the Three Kingdoms period at the end of the Han Dynasty, many people may first think of "Jiangdong Erqiao". There are very few records of Jiangdong Erqiao in the historical records. Chen Shou's Romance of the Three Kingdoms is mentioned in the Book of Wu? The biography of Zhou Yu has only one sentence:

From the attack to the Anhui, pull it out. When the bridge is two daughters, both are national colors. (Sun) Ce Zi Na Big Joe, (Zhou) Yu Na Little Joe.

How beautiful is Erqiao, who makes Cao Cao salivate?

Two Joe in the film and television drama

Pei Songzhi's note on this biography quotes the "Biography of Jiang Biao", and there is only one sentence:

(Sun) Ce Rong played (Zhou) Yu Ri: "Although the second daughter of qiao gong is displaced (press: displaced, radiant), it is enough to be happy to have the two of them as sons-in-law. ”

These two sentences tell us: First, the surname of the second Joe is "Bridge", as for their names, the history books are lost, and they have to be distinguished by "Big Joe" and "Little Joe". Modern people will find this strange, but in the male-centered feudal society, this phenomenon is not alarming. Many empresses in history have not left their names, that is, Sun Quan's mother, Lady Wu, and his sister Lady Sun, are not also unknown by their names?

Second, Erqiao's place of origin was Anhui County, Lujiang County (present-day Qianshan, Anhui).

Third, Erqiao looks very beautiful, has the color of the country, Looks forward to life, bright and bright, and can be called a superb beauty.

Fourth, Sun Ce and Zhou Yu got Erqiao after Jian'an attacked Anhui County in the fourth year of Jian'an (199), when Sun and Zhou Yu were both 25 years old (Zhou Yu was only one month younger than Sun Ce), so it is estimated that Erqiao's age is only about 20.

Fifth, Sun Ce and Zhou Yu were very satisfied with being able to marry Erqiao.

From the perspective of Erqiao, a pair of sisters flowers, married to two world heroes at the same time, one is the "Sun Lang" who is majestic and mighty in Jiangdong, and the other is the "Zhou Lang" who is charming and full of culture and martial arts, according to the traditional view, it can be called the appearance of Lang Cai and the marriage is happy.

However, is Erqiao really happy? The history books do not say. However, from the analysis of relevant data, it is at least certain that Big Joe's life is very bitter. After she married Sun Ce, Sun Ce was busy starting a business, conquering the east and the west, and the seat was not warm, and there were very few times when the husband and wife got together. Just a year later, Sun Ce died of being stabbed by a former Wu Commandery Taishou Xugong's guest (written in the 29th episode of the Romance of the Three Kingdoms), at the age of 26. At that time, Big Qiao was in his early 20s at best, young and widowed, and only his infant son Sun Shao was around, which was really miserable! From then on, she only had to cry toward the dynasty, night and night alone, with hard work and bitterness, and raise orphans. The years are long, the red face is fading, and a generation of beautiful people do not know when to wither!

How beautiful is Erqiao, who makes Cao Cao salivate?

Xiao Qiao's situation is better than her sister's, she and Zhou Yuqinser are in harmony, and they have been loving for 11 years.

During these 11 years, Zhou Yu, as the commander of Eastern Wu, attacked Huang Zu in Jiangxia, cao Cao in Chibi, and Cao Ren in Nan Commandery. Unfortunately, his life expectancy was not eternal, and Jian'an died of illness in the fifteenth year (210) when he was preparing to capture Yizhou, at the age of 36. At this time, Little Joe was only about 30 years old, and his misery could be imagined. Zhou Yu left two sons and a daughter, whether they were all born to Xiao Qiao, the history is not clear, but according to the feudal patriarchal system, she is the mother of these two sons and one daughter. Because of Zhou Yu's special merits, Sun Quan treated his descendants with great kindness: his daughter (again an unknown one!) If Sun Deng, the crown prince who married Sun Quan, had not died a little earlier (Chi Wu died of illness for four years, only 33 years old), there would be no problem in being an empress; The eldest son, Zhou Xun, "Princess Shang, worships the lieutenant of the horse", quite a legacy of Zhou Yu Hongya, but unfortunately "died early"; The second son, Zhou Yin, also married the daughter of the clan and was later made the Marquis of Duxiang, but because of his "sexual immorality", he repeatedly offended and deposed the knight, but was eventually pardoned by Sun Quan. Despite this, Xiao Qiao himself was broken, and it was difficult to entertain again, so he had to spend the rest of his life in boundless loneliness and endless remembrance like his sister. In the long feudal society, "since ancient times, the red face has a long life", and there are thousands of people who die; Relatively speaking, Erqiao is not too unfortunate, but they also can't control their own destiny! As a beautiful woman whose fame has been invulnerable for a while, Jiangdong Erqiao has naturally become the material for literary and artistic creation. The earliest and most famous surviving work is the Famous "Chibi" poem by the Tang Dynasty poet Du Mu:

The iron that has not been broken has not disappeared,

Since will be grinding to recognize the front facies.

Dongfeng does not cooperate with Zhou Lang Ben,

Copper Sparrow Spring Deep Lock Two Joe.

Strictly speaking, Du Mu's poem is not Yong Erqiao, the poet is just a scene lyric, because of Chibi and think of the historical Battle of Chibi, and then have an association: if Zhou Yu did not use the East Wind to launch a fire attack and defeat Cao Cao, Eastern Wu is likely to be defeated, in that case, Jiangdong Erqiao will also be taken captive to Tongquetai as Cao Cao's doll. From slave societies to feudal societies, it seems natural that in wars large and small, the victors took the wives, sisters, and daughters of the conquered into their own hands. After Cao Cao destroyed Yuan Shao, he unceremoniously adopted Yuan Shao's daughter-in-law Zhen Shi as his daughter-in-law; Sun Quan also took Yuan Shu's daughter for himself. Therefore, if Cao Cao really destroyed Eastern Wu, it would not be surprising to take Erqiao captive. However, if the purpose of Cao Cao's southern expedition is to capture Erqiao, it will distort the significance of the Battle of Chibi and demean Cao Mengde. In fact, Du Mu, who wrote the poem "Chibi", did not see it that way.

However, the amorous and imaginative artists understood Du Mu's poems according to their own aesthetic point of view, and greatly extended them, creating all kinds of paintings, poems, operas, and novels about Erqiao. In gongzhong, the most influential nature is Luo Guanzhong's artistic fiction in the Romance of the Three Kingdoms. Luo Guanzhong did not obscure the important political significance of the Battle of Chibi, but out of the ideological tendency of "respecting Liu and degrading Cao Cao", he deliberately highlighted the image of Cao Cao's "lustful person" and rendered Cao Cao's subjective intention of coveting Erqiao's beauty. In the 44th verse of "Zhi Ji Zhou Yu", he borrowed Zhuge Liang's mouth and said that Cao Cao "swore: 'I am willing to sweep away the four seas in order to become an emperor; One wish to get Jiangdong Erqiao, put it in the Tongquetai, in order to enjoy the old age, although death has no hatred. And using artistic techniques such as transferring flowers and trees, reversing the timing, and mixing of virtual and real, he added sentences such as "Lan Er Qiao in the southeast of Xi, happy day and night" in Cao Zhi's "Tongque Tai Fu", which proved that Cao Cao did have this intention, so that Zhuge Liang's radical method was seamless and immediately effective, which provoked Zhou Yu to say the original intention of resolutely resisting Cao. In the 48th section of the "Yokozuna Fu Poem", Luo Guanzhong took care of the previous text, and asked the triumphant Cao Cao to come forward directly and said to the officials: "Since the rebels, I have worked with the country to eliminate the evil and harm, and I have vowed to sweep away the four seas and flatten the world; The undefeated Gangnam also. Now I have a million male masters, and I rely on all the people's lives, why not succeed! After the conquest of Jiangnan, the world had nothing to do, and shared the wealth with the princes to enjoy taiping. "I now construct a new copper bird platform on the top of the Zhangshui, such as Jiangnan, when I marry Erqiao, put it on the stage, in order to entertain the twilight years, I wish it is enough!" In this way, it not only shows Cao Cao's ambition to unify the world, but also exposes his desire to covet Erqiao Fanghua. Luo Guanzhong wrote these two chapters, not to write Erqiao, but inadvertently reflected the amazing beauty of Erqiao from different sides.

How beautiful is Erqiao? The Romance of the Three Kingdoms was not written, Du Mu did not write, nor did Luo Guanzhong, and this beauty was too vague. However, for thousands of years, this "vague beauty" has been moving, and has been constantly enriched and supplemented by people's imagination. The mystery of literature and art is really difficult to describe!

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