
From Sanda champion to sword sharp soldier - Zhang Hua, a squad leader of a certain unit of the Rocket Army and a fourth-level sergeant major

author:Xinhuanet client

Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, June 25 Title: From Sanda Champion to Sharp Sword Soldier -- Remembering Zhang Hua, a squad leader of a certain unit of the Rocket Army and a fourth-class sergeant major

Zhang Xuanjie, Li Bingfeng, Wang Bo

"A revolutionary fighter is a brick, where it needs to be moved." This sentence is most appropriate to put on Zhang Hua, the squad leader of a certain unit of the Rocket Force and the fourth-level sergeant major.

In the past 16 years since joining the army, from the pacesetter of the honor guard of the three services to the "chief instructor" of the parade party, to the top of the equipment maintenance and support technology, Zhang Hua has written a brilliant chapter of an ordinary soldier. Last year, he was commended by the Rocket Force as a "sharp sword soldier" and was awarded the second class of personal merit.

Before joining the army, Zhang Hua, who had learned martial arts since childhood, was famous in his hometown and repeatedly won gold and silver in martial arts competitions.

In 2005, Zhang Hua won the first "Wulin Feng" Sino-US Confrontation Competition.

That year, when the industry was optimistic about Zhang Hua's future development, he unexpectedly joined the army and became a member of the honor guard of the three services.

Standing in a military posture for an hour more than others, practicing kicking legs a hundred times more than others, and soon, Zhang Hua became a pacesetter in the honor guard. In the second year of enlistment, Zhang Hua joined the Communist Party of China, became a squad leader, and was awarded the third class of personal merit.

In 2015, the 28-year-old Zhang Hua was selected to become the "soldier coach" of the Second Artillery Corps parade team leader in the Victory Day parade. A soldier who wants to be a teacher to a general school leader with a wide disparity in age and rank is not enough without a few "hard brushes". While he was worried, he also continued to cheer himself up.

After full preparation, Zhang Hua completed the first lesson like a "flowing stream", and the school leaders all affirmed him. Since then, his confidence has been enough, and he has never relaxed his requirements or lowered his standards because of his status as a school leader in training.

Over the years, Zhang Hua has served as the chief coach of the "Four Sessions" coaches at all levels for many times, and has been invited to more than 20 grass-roots units for teaching and training, and has trained a large number of outstanding "Four Sessions" coaches for the Rocket Force.

With the deepening of national defense and army reform, Zhang Hua also ushered in a new challenge in his military career: a paper order, he was transferred to a new unit, his post changed, and he became a "new soldier" on the equipment support front.

"As a revolutionary soldier in the new era, everything must be subordinated to the needs of strengthening the army and rejuvenating the army, and no matter which post I am placed in, I must do a good job without complaint." Zhang Hua said. Faced with unfamiliar expertise and equipment, he was secretly determined to start from scratch.

Interdisciplinary, cross-field, if you want to turn a cocoon into a butterfly, it is impossible to do some hard work. To this end, Zhang Hua seized the opportunity to go to the factory to learn from the post, chased after the expert masters and veteran trumpeters during the day to learn and consult, and worked overtime at night to learn the principles and memorize the procedures, one problem after another to clarify, one step at a time to understand.

With this momentum, he became the backbone of his profession a year later, and successfully obtained the senior qualification of multiple models of decomposition assemblers.

Nowadays, Zhang Hua has become a technical master in the front line of equipment testing and maintenance in his unit, and the more than 50,000 words of operation experience summarized and summarized have been learned and promoted by officers and soldiers.

In order to better improve the efficiency of equipment refurbishment, he also paid attention to innovation, and designed and produced an auxiliary device with his comrades-in-arms, which reduced the assembly time by nearly one-third.

"He will learn what the post needs; he will practice what the battlefield needs." Wang Hongzhao, commander of a certain unit of the Rocket Army, said: "Zhang Hua has solved many support problems, successfully completed the inspection and maintenance tasks of nearly 100 sets of equipment and equipment, and become an example for officers and men to learn from." ”

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