
What was Zhang Hua, a famous western Jin dynasty minister who combined military and talent, like in his life?

author:Twilight Studies History

Who is Zhang Hua, who is he dedicated to assisting the government and working diligently. Under his administration, the turbulent Western Jin Dynasty had a period of steady development. He is a legendary, colorful historical figure.

Young and lonely, shepherd boy.

The Book of Jin once recorded: "Hua Shao was lonely and poor, and he herded sheep by himself, and Lu Qin saw it in the same county. It can be seen that when Zhang Hua was young, his family was relatively poor, and he was still a shepherd boy. In fact, his father was the sheriff of the State of Wei, and he was also an official eunuch, so why should he be said to have been born poor? This is related to the customs of the Wei and Jin dynasties at that time, when there were many Hou clans in the Western Jin Dynasty, and local officials like Junshou were indeed Shu clans compared with the Houmen of the family. Although he is not so rich, Zhang Hua still completed the studies that should be completed very well.

What was Zhang Hua, a famous western Jin dynasty minister who combined military and talent, like in his life?

Excellent academics, outstanding literary talent.

Zhang Hua's studies in all subjects are excellent, he is good at rhetoric, familiar with knowledge such as Tu gua jing, likes to collect, and is a versatile person. Many people admired his talent, and Luchin in his same county admired his talent very much, and his father-in-law also married his daughter to him because he admired his talent. Zhang Huagong is a poet with gorgeous words, and has a very famous "Wren Fu". He also compiled China's first naturalist work, The Chronicle of Naturalism. The book records the geography of mountains and rivers, birds and animals, myths and ancient history, and so on. It is an all-encompassing strange book that fills the gap of no naturalist books in China since ancient times, and has an indelible position in the history of Chinese novels. He is also very accomplished in calligraphy, especially cursive. Zhang Hua's talent has won the favor of many people.

What was Zhang Hua, a famous western Jin dynasty minister who combined military and talent, like in his life?

Insightful, martial artist.

Emperor Wu of Jin and Yang Hu were discussing the matter of cutting down Wu, but it had not been decided. Later, Yang Hu became seriously ill, and the emperor was even more hesitant, and Zhang Hua was a strong advocate for cutting down Wu. The other ministers thought that they should not attack lightly, but Zhang Hua believed that the current lord of the Eastern Wu state, Sun Hao, was cruel and fierce, the Wu people were oppressed and the people's hearts were uneven, and the Wu state was now strong and strong, and this was a good time to cut down Wu. Du Pre was the commander-in-chief of Wu Wu, but what about Zhang Hua? He never came to Jingzhou, nor did he personally lead the troops out on the expedition, he was mainly responsible for the preparation and transportation of grain and grass for the entire war, which played a major role in the process of cutting down Wu. After the success of Wu, Zhang Hua was made the Marquis of Guangwu County by Emperor Wu of Jin.

What was Zhang Hua, a famous western Jin dynasty minister who combined military and talent, like in his life?

The force is thin and is deeply excluded.

After the success of Wu Wu, Zhang Hua's status increased day by day. This caused dissatisfaction among Xun Xun, who came from a large clan, and Xun Xun used the divisive tactics based on Emperor Wu's favor for him, and eventually Emperor Wu transferred him to the general of Anbei. But Zhang Hua gladly accepted, the people loved him, many tribes that were not dependent on him before were sent to pay tribute, the frontier was also very peaceful, the grain harvest was harvested year after year, the soldiers and horses were strong, and everyone lived and worked in peace and contentment. Later, some people in the court suggested that he be transferred back, but Feng Zhen was blocked, but later Emperor Wu recalled Zhang Hua and reused him.

What was Zhang Hua, a famous western Jin dynasty minister who combined military and talent, like in his life?

Work hard to protect the prince.

After the death of Sima Yan, the Emperor Wu of Jin, the power of the court was controlled by Yang Jun, and his daughter Yang Zhi was the empress of Sima Yan, the emperor of JinWu, and expelled Zhang Hua and others from the court. Later, Empress Jia Nanfeng of Sima Zheng, the Emperor of Jinhui, did not restrain her vassals after launching several coups and excluding dissidents. She began to elect capable officials, and Zhang Hua was promoted to shizhong and zhongshu supervisor, which was actually the prime minister at that time. Under Zhang Hua's management, with diligence, the Western Jin Dynasty had decades of stability. During Zhang Hua's auxiliary government, no matter how violent Jia Nanfeng was, he still did his job well, and the Western Jin Dynasty operated very stably, which also reflected Zhang Hua's excellent ability to govern the world and ZhuoYe's management ability. After that, Zhang Hua was even made the Duke of Zhuangwu Commandery by Sima Zheng, the Emperor of Jinhui, and later, Sima Zheng and Jia Nanfeng also took the initiative to make Zhang Hua duke. It can be seen that Zhang Hua's merits are indeed great, and he is careful to collect the attention and trust of the empress. Jia Nanfeng wanted to depose the crown prince Sima Song, and many ministers did not dare to persuade him, and wanted to launch a mutiny to seize the imperial government and defend the crown prince, but Zhang Hua disagreed. As a result, the prince was still blamed for rebellion and was almost killed, but Zhang Hua tried to save the prince's life. Jia Nanfeng saw that Zhang Huadu had come forward, so he had to depose the prince as a shuren. It can be seen that Zhang Hua's suggestion, Jia Nanfeng will still listen, so the prince saved his life.

What was Zhang Hua, a famous western Jin dynasty minister who combined military and talent, like in his life?

The Rebellion of the Eight Kings, he was brutally killed.

The crown prince was deposed for no reason, causing dissatisfaction among the Sima family, and Zhang Hua was arrested during the Rebellion of the Eight Kings. As an old courtier of the former emperor's heart, he was brutally killed in this way. He was also wiped out of the three tribes, and he died at the age of sixty-nine. In this turmoil, Zhang Hua fell victim to the struggle for power and profit.

What was Zhang Hua, a famous western Jin dynasty minister who combined military and talent, like in his life?

He was rehabilitated and posthumously rehabilitated.

In the second year of Tai'an, Zhang Hua was rehabilitated and posthumously restored to the official title. Jiangnan Mingshi Lu Ji, admiring his moral demeanor, created "Wing De Fu" to express his nostalgia for him.

Twilight's little insight: a talented and capable of ruling the world, but under the turbulent Western Jin Dynasty, it is difficult to have a good home, Zhang Hua has also become a victim of the Western Jin Dynasty coup, which is really lamentable. If Zhang Hua, who has achieved fame and success, chooses to abandon the height of the temple and leisurely hide in the mountains and forests, will there be a different ending?

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