
Anglers often mistake it for grass carp, in fact, it is a military fish, and old anglers teach you three tricks of wild fishing for military fish

author:Cousin of a rural angler

Fishing is a science, anglers not only have to understand the weather, geographical waters fish, but also to understand the living habits of various fish. An experienced angler is always trying to learn new fishing methods, challenging the fish species that have not been caught, recently an angler sent a catch map, the fish body on the picture is like a grass carp, the mouth is a bit like a catfish, the color of the abdominal fin is a little gray, the angler does not know what kind of fish?

Anglers often mistake it for grass carp, in fact, it is a military fish, and old anglers teach you three tricks of wild fishing for military fish

Wild fishing in the natural waters of fishing is abundant, anglers catch new fish species is also very common, for the fish caught by anglers, the body looks like grass carp, the mouth of the fish is like a carp, the fins are slightly gray fish species, many anglers have not seen. This fish is scientifically called the Chinese barb catfish, which we are used to call the military fish, and the names of different regions are different. Military fish are mainly distributed in the natural waters of the two Guangzhou areas, etc., military fish have higher requirements for the water quality of life, and it is not common when fishing, so many anglers have not seen this fish, so how to do fishing for military fish?

Anglers often mistake it for grass carp, in fact, it is a military fish, and old anglers teach you three tricks of wild fishing for military fish

1. Habits of military fish

No matter what kind of fish species are fished, anglers must first find out the living habits of the target fish, only by fully understanding the living habits, according to the fishing conditions in the fishing waters, it is possible for anglers to catch the target fish. Military fish are carnivorous omnivorous fish, living in the lower and middle waters of the water, mostly feeding on insects, soft shells and small fish and shrimp, and some also feed on plants such as algae. The number of military fish in natural waters is very small, most of them are distributed in other waters such as the Li River in Guangxi and the Beijiang River in Guangdong. Most of the military fish start foraging from March to April, breed around June, and the maximum amount of foraging in August and September is the best time to catch military fish in the wild!

Anglers often mistake it for grass carp, in fact, it is a military fish, and old anglers teach you three tricks of wild fishing for military fish

2. Selection of fishing position

Wild fishing to military fish can not be sought, the fishing position is particularly important. Military fish have higher requirements for the water quality of life, and like to feed in streams or rapids, so as a fishing position for military fishing, anglers try to choose waters with living water, especially the upstream and downstream entrances and exits of rivers, the gates of dams, rocky waters, etc., do not choose sewage waters for fishing, military fish do not like polluted waters.

Anglers often mistake it for grass carp, in fact, it is a military fish, and old anglers teach you three tricks of wild fishing for military fish

3. Fishing method of military fish

Military fish belong to carnivorous fish, is a more ferocious predatory fish species, anglers can choose Lua for fishing, very long ago we used basically have soft bait for fishing, with continuous trial fishing, there are anglers have used Mino to catch military fish, of course, you can also use fly fishing, military fish like live water rapids, fly fishing method is more appropriate. Large military fish in natural waters generally prey on small fish and shrimp, and anglers can choose to use live bait such as live shrimp and loach with hand rods for fishing.

Anglers often mistake it for grass carp, in fact, it is a military fish, and old anglers teach you three tricks of wild fishing for military fish

For fishing in natural waters, we should prefer waters with good water quality such as mountain reservoirs and clear streams and deep pools. If there is a hand rod for fishing for military fish, it is particularly important to pay attention to the momentum of the military fish, the line group should be appropriately enlarged, the mouth of the military fish is thicker, the fish hook is more choice of sharp new Kanto or Ishini, etc., the fishing bait for fishing is as fishy as possible, and the appropriate addition of shrimp bait to improve the military fish's feeding desire. The strength of the military fish is very large, but the endurance is not good, and the silver carp is almost the same, the military fish will flee around after the fish, do not hold the fishing rod, do not rush to the fish ashore, and then copy the fish after the military fish is overturned, so that it is not easy to run the fish.

Anglers often mistake it for grass carp, in fact, it is a military fish, and old anglers teach you three tricks of wild fishing for military fish

In recent years, with the change of environmental resources, electric fish net fish and other man-made destruction, the number of military fish in natural waters is decreasing, I hope that more anglers love the environment, catch rare fish species as far as possible to release, so that we can have fish to catch in the future!

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