
Breeding technique of Xing'an Rhododendron cuttings of Heilongjiang Muling colored tree species

author:Blue willow

Breeding technique of Xing'an Rhododendron cuttings of Heilongjiang Muling colored tree species

Gao Wenlong

Rhododendron dauricum L. )。 Early spring flowering, long flowering period, flower season, fiery red, beautiful flower color, pleasing to the eye, is a high-quality tree species for landscaping, is the courtyard, park, school, institutions and other preferred tree species, but also a beautiful landscape of urban greening. Xing'an Rhododendron root system is very developed, highly resistant, is a pioneer green tree species in barren mountains and wastelands. Leaf medicinal treatment of chronic bronchitis, cough and asthma, hypertension, arthritis, etc., has a curative effect on enteritis, acute dysentery and so on. Xing'an Rhododendron is a high-quality economic tree species that integrates medicinal, greening, craftsmanship and other functions, and its development and utilization value has great potential.

Breeding technique of Xing'an Rhododendron cuttings of Heilongjiang Muling colored tree species

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1 Morphological characteristics

shrub. The branches are well developed, the 1-year branches are fluffy, and the old branches have fine scales. Leaves leathery, oval, long 0. 6~5. 5cm, width 0. 5~1. 65 cm, blunt, finely serrated, scaly, pale green, petiole with villi. The inflorescence is umbel-shaped, with 1 to 4 flowers, the first leaves are open, and the peduncle is 1. 8~7. 8 mm , corolla in an inverted triangle, length 1. 9~2. 1 cm, lilac red, scaleless, fluffy. Capsule, oval, 0. long. 8~1. 6cm, diameter 3. 5~5. 5mm 。 The flowering period is from April to June, and the fruiting period is from May to June.

2 Growing environment

Born on sunny slopes, wastelands, forest edges, etc., it is resistant to barrenness, drought, cold, and water. Acidic soil grows well.

3 Distribution

China's Heilongjiang, Jilin, Liaoning and other eastern mountainous areas and Inner Mongolia and other places are widely distributed, foreign Mongolia, Japan, North Korea, Russia and so on are distributed.

Breeding technique of Xing'an Rhododendron cuttings of Heilongjiang Muling colored tree species

4 Propagation of cuttings

4. 1 Land selection and land preparation

Choose plots with good soil fertility, convenient transportation, sufficient water sources, and good drainage, and the soil pH is 5. 5~6. 5 Sandy loam soils are best. Autumn preparation. First clean the plot, remove impurities, apply plantar fertilizer, deep ploughing fine rake, make a bed, bed width 1. 2m, height 40cm.

4. 2 Strips

Healthy plants are selected for cuttings in early spring. Select healthy shoots that are 1 to 2 years old for collection, cut into 20 cm long, retain 2 to 3 bud eyes at the top of the cuttings, 20 sticks and 1 bundle, and stack them for shade.

4. 3 Cuttings processing

Complete the collection of cuttings, and process them before cuttings. Cuttings are treated using naphthaleneacetic acid solution, the treatment method: use naphthaleneacetic acid to mix into a solution of 85mg/ L concentration, immerse the collected cuttings in the solution for 20 minutes, remove the cuttings immediately.

4. 4 Cuttings

Cuttings are carried out in the northern region in early May. Sterilize cuttings and seedbeds before cuttings. When cutting, the cuttings are tilted 45° into the seedbed, the plant row spacing is 30cm×40cm, the gaps between the cuttings and the bed soil are compacted, watered and moisturized, and awnings are set up.

4. 5 Post-plug management

4. 5. 1 Moisture. Moisture regulation is the key to the survival of the cuttings, to ensure that it is dry and wet. In case of high temperature weather, increase the number of watering, and drain in time in the rainy season.

4. 5. 2 Fertilize. Compound fertilizer can be applied in the early stage of cuttings, 100kg per mu, and after the cuttings become alive, foliar fertilizer can be sprayed to increase the resistance of the cuttings and improve the survival rate.

4. 5. 3 Weeding and loosening soil. After the cuttings are alive, they enter the vigorous growth period, the weeds grow faster, remove the weeds in time, combine with weeding, loosen the soil, and loosen the soil before watering.

4. 6 Transplanting

To cultivate large green seedlings, it is necessary to transplant cuttings and cultivate strong seedlings. 1 day before transplanting, the seedbed is watered thoroughly, the next evening from the seedlings, do not hurt the seedlings when digging seedlings, select healthy, high-quality seedlings for transplanting, transplant seedbed land selection, land preparation with cuttings and land preparation in the same way. The transplanted plant spacing is 45 cm, and the watering is permeable after transplanting. Regular field management is sufficient. Seedlings for greening can be selected from 2 to 3 years old according to greening needs.

5 Pest control

5. 1 Disease

Standing blight is the main disease of the propagation of cuttings of Rhododendron Xing'an. The occurrence of disease causes the cuttings to turn the leaves yellow, and in severe cases, they die in pieces. Prevention and control methods: (1) Seedbed and cuttings disinfection. 1m2 soil made of 10g pentachloronitrobenzene, cover the surface of the seedbed with 2cm thickness, or use 45% formalin 60g with water 8kg, water the seedbed, and cover the grass curtain for 3 days after medication. (2) Strengthen field management and enhance seedling resistance. Moderate watering and ventilation is the key to preventing and controlling standing blight. (3) After the cuttings are alive, spray 55% daisen ammonium 300 to 500 times liquid, or 55% methyl tolbuzin 700 to 900 times liquid in time to eliminate soil pathogens. (4) Find that the seedlings are sick, remove and burn in time, and spray to prevent the spread of germs.

5. 2 Insect pests

Military insects are the main pest of cuttings. Adults suck leaf juice in swarms. The affected leaves are white and gradually turn dark brown, causing the leaves to die and fall off. 1) Remove fallen leaves, weeds, etc. in time to keep the bed clear. 2) Strengthen field management and improve the resistance of seedlings. 3) Seedlings enter the dormant period, clean up diseased plants in time, etc., and burn them centrally. 4) Before wintering, the trunks of seedlings are whitened with drugs to reduce overwintering adults. 5) Protect and utilize natural enemies and carry out biological control. 6) Once an insect infestation occurs, spray 75% of dichlorvos 900 to 1200 times liquid to kill, or 55% borer pine emulsion 1200 times liquid, or 25% to kill permethrin 2500 to 3500 times liquid. Alternate the above agents. In severe cases, nurseries can be sprayed 3 to 5 times at intervals of 6 days.

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