
Migratory birds flutter "wet" in love

author:Bright Net
Migratory birds flutter "wet" in love

Treading waves, Yang Qingliang, correspondent of this newspaper, took a photo

Migratory birds flutter "wet" in love

Qinghuahai Wetland Park Photographed by Zhu Chunlei, correspondent of this newspaper

Reporter Yang Yanpeng

In the spring, the Qinghua Sea of Baoshan Mountain is sparkling, birds occasionally skim over the water, leaving a string of ripples, the blue water reflects the blue sky and white clouds, and an ecological picture of "blue and green blending, beautiful and livable" is slowly unfolding in Baoshan Dam.

In recent years, Baoshan City has comprehensively promoted the development strategy of urban ecology, implemented the "urban green lung" projects such as the restoration of 10,000 acres of Qinghuahai ecological wetland and biodiversity protection, and vigorously promoted the construction of wetland parks and landscape greening projects.

A new home for migratory birds

Standing on the Qinghua Haidong Lake in Baoshan City, birds such as red-breasted ducks, bone-top chickens, and black water chickens can be seen everywhere, either standing on tree stumps to take a nap or preying in the water.

"Look, two black water chickens are frolicking!" Early in the morning, ecological photographer Wang Jinfang came to Qinghua Haidong Lake with equipment on his back to start his daily shooting.

As the temperature gradually rises, a large number of migratory birds leave the Qinghua Sea, but there are also many birds that "settle down" here.

"After the Qinghuahai West Lake was completed and opened, I came here to shoot birds." Wang Jinfang recalled that at the beginning of the shooting of very few birds, there are few people to shoot, now the number of bird species is nearly 300 species, attracting many photography enthusiasts from inside and outside the province to come.

Whether the ecology is good or not, the birds have the final say. At the moment when the shutter was pressed, Wang Jinfang recalled: "I twice photographed the blue-headed diving duck of the world's most dangerous birds, and the moment I photographed it was really exciting, which proved that the ecology here is getting better and better." ”

Birds are the "ecological test strip" for the advantages and disadvantages of the local environment. In recent years, with the restoration of the Qinghuahai wetland, the ecosystem has been gradually restored, and the ecological environment has been continuously improved, providing a good ecological habitat for migratory birds. This has attracted tens of thousands of migratory birds, including the world's most dangerous birds, the blue-headed diving duck, to the Qinghua Sea for wintering.

"In 2017, when the pheasant first came to Qinghuahai, there were only two, and now it has increased to a population of more than 40. Originally a summer migratory bird, they migrate away when the birds grow up. However, in the winter of 2018, monitoring found that there were pheasants left to overwinter, and the number of people left behind in the winter has increased every year, and the increase rate is very fast. Duan Honglian, senior engineer of the Baoshan Qinghuahai National Wetland Park Management Center, who is carrying out bird monitoring on the shores of qinghua Sea, introduced that the protection level of water pheasants has been upgraded to national second-level protected birds in the newly revised list of Chinese wildlife protection. The pheasant has changed from a summer migratory bird to a resident bird in the Qinghua Sea, and choosing to "settle down" here is a proof of the continuous improvement of the wetland ecology.

In 2019, in order to apply for the national wetland park, Baoshan City established the Baoshan Qinghuahai National Wetland Park Management Center, focusing on the dynamic monitoring and evaluation of wetland biological resources, the protection and management of wetland biological resources, the implementation of wetland ecological restoration and ecological compensation, the supervision of the development and utilization of wetland parks, the organization of scientific research, scientific expeditions, and the development and publicity of science popularization.

"We have formulated a monitoring work plan and monitoring system, divided into three groups of weekly patrol monitoring, at least 3 days of field dynamic monitoring per week, and formed a monthly monitoring report at the end of the month and bound it into a book to provide scientific and detailed data for wetland protection and restoration." Duan Honglian introduced that they rely on the National Plateau Wetland Research Center, Southwest Forestry University, Baoshan College and other scientific research institutions to carry out annual monitoring and evaluation.

"From 172 bird species in 2016 to 290 species now, 22 new species of birds in Baoshan are recorded under monitoring records, 3 species of birds in Yunnan Province, and 1 new species of birds in China." Duan Honglian said happily that the long-term continuous monitoring and investigation work has clarified the background data of biodiversity in Qinghuahai National Wetland Park, and also provided a decision-making basis for effective conservation and management.

"At present, the winter migratory birds monitored also include black storks, herons, cormorants, white-eyed diving ducks, red-headed diving ducks, red-winged ducks, spot-billed ducks, bone-toped chickens, green-headed ducks and so on." Duan Honglian said that in the past few days, migratory birds have begun to migrate north, and the number of winter migratory birds in qinghua sea has gradually decreased. However, through recent monitoring, it has been found that there are still unimplanted migratory birds such as white-tailed harriers and brown-tailed harriers, as well as more resident birds such as water pheasants, black water pheasants and small partridges.

Protection and repair go hand in hand

In ancient times, Baoshan Damzi was a closed ancient lake of Ailao, and by the beginning of the Ming Dynasty, most of the area was still a lake swamp, and the common people were commonly known as "Donghaizi". During the Ming Jiajing period, the literary scholar Yang Shen and the sages of Baoshan Township often traveled to this sea and named it after the word "Qinghua".

At the end of the 1950s, the Qinghua Sea area covered an area of nearly 10,000 mu. Later, due to the treatment of floods, the surrounding lake and other reasons, the water scenery withered, and was gradually replaced by villages, farmlands, and lotus ponds, and the "fishing village late fishing" in baoshan's famous outer eight scenery disappeared.

At the beginning of 2016, in order to reconstruct the new pattern of urban ecological space that integrates the city, ecology and traditional culture, can see the mountains, see the water, and retain nostalgia, and improve the bearing capacity and urban taste of baoshan city, Baoshan City has pressed the "restart button" for the construction of the Qinghuahai wetland ecosystem restoration project from the actual situation.

In the planning and construction of ecological corridor projects, Baoshan City integrates elements such as "mountains, water, fields, gardens, and cities", and comprehensively implements the 10,000-mu Qinghuahai Ecological Wetland Restoration Project in accordance with the concept of ecological green garden civilized city.

The wetland restoration project mainly includes the West Lake, East Lake, East River and wetland, creating a landscape mood of "lake, field, fish, bird and pond", and giving play to the functions of science education, health and fitness, leisure and vacation.

On December 21, 2016, after more than half a year of research and demonstration, the Baoshan Qinghuahai Ecological Wetland Restoration Project successfully passed the review and officially launched the pilot construction of the National Wetland Park.

"Qinghuahai National Wetland Park covers an area of 1359.19 hectares, with a wetland rate of 48.63%, including three major areas of Beimiao Lake, East River and Qinghuahai, of which the Qinghuahai area includes West Lake, East Lake and Qinghua Wetland." Lin Lei, director of the Baoshan Qinghuahai National Wetland Park Management Center, introduced in an interview.

Since the official approval of the pilot construction work, Baoshan City has invested a lot of manpower, financial and material resources to actively promote the construction of wetland parks, and strive to build a national wetland park that integrates protection and restoration, science popularization and education and rational utilization. It has also issued the Work Plan for the Implementation of the Wetland Protection and Restoration System to strengthen the management and protection of wetlands. At the same time, the competent departments at all levels monitor and protect the wetlands where migratory birds migrate and gather, enter the community and enter the campus to carry out laws and regulations and publicity and education related to the protection of wetlands and waterfowl, and guide the residents and communities in the city to enhance their awareness of protecting wetlands.

Walking into Baoshan Qinghuahai National Wetland Park, the water and grass are abundant and wild. There are 1139 species of higher plants, 24 species of mammals, 18 species of fish, 26 species of amphibians and reptiles, and 290 species of birds, which are full of life all year round.

"Qinghua Seaview Area (East and West Lake) is an important part of the National Wetland Park, accounting for 12.46% of the total area of the National Wetland Park, in March last year, Qinghua Seaview Area has been successfully declared as a national 4A level scenic spot, and the number of tourists who come here every day has exceeded 10,000, which is the Internet celebrity punch card in the central urban area." The person in charge of the Qinghuahai Management Office in Longyang District said that Qinghuahai has become a comprehensive wetland park with good ecology, beautiful landscape, rich culture, and economic, social, cultural and ecological benefits, and is a new window and new business card for Baoshan to be displayed to the outside world.

"The ecological environment is introduced into the city, the city is integrated into nature, and the citizens can see the mountains, see the water, and remember the homesickness, and the "Yunnan Baoshan Qinghuahai National Wetland Park Master Plan" is becoming a reality." The relevant person in charge of the Baoshan Forestry and Grassland Bureau said that in recent years, Baoshan City has coordinated the promotion of wetland protection and restoration, enhanced the ecological function of wetlands, maintained wetland biodiversity, and effective protection has made wetlands show more vitality.

In recent years, the Baoshan Qinghuahai National Wetland Park Management Center has continuously increased its publicity and protection efforts, and a vivid "wetland lecture hall" has successively entered various primary and secondary schools, bringing "wetland lessons" to students, and issuing the initiative of "protecting wetlands, caring for migratory birds, and protecting biodiversity".

Unleash the ecological dividend

Climb up to Baoshan's new landmark building - Yongchang Pavilion, Qinghua Haidong Lake, West Lake, wetland panoramic view, the lake reflects the lakeside rows of newly built high-rise buildings, beautiful green mountains in the distance.

The "rebirth" of Qinghuahai National Wetland Park provides Baoshan citizens with a green space for closeness to nature, leisure and entertainment. "Qinghuahai has become a big living room in Baoshan and a must-visit for locals and outsiders." Every week, citizen Wei Lili takes time out to take her children for a walk here, breathe in the fresh air and listen to the beautiful sounds of nature.

Walking in Baoshan Qinghuahai National Wetland Park, park signs about scenic tour, wetland knowledge, bird science and other content can be seen everywhere.

"We use the electronic display screen in the park to scroll through the knowledge of wetlands, birds, etc., so that the citizens who enter the park can understand biodiversity and understand wetlands." In front of a park identification system, Lin Lei stopped and turned around to introduce that in recent years, through the development of migratory bird habitat protection activities, "5.12 International Biodiversity Day" theme activities, "small hands holding hands, jointly protect biodiversity" campus theme activities, etc., to create a common maintenance of Qinghuahai ecological security atmosphere.

"The Qinghuahai Ecological Wetland Restoration Project is of great significance to the restoration of urban ecological environment and biodiversity conservation." Lin Lei said frankly that of the world's 8 international migratory bird migration routes, 3 of them pass through China, Qinghuahai is located in the overlapping area of Line 4 and Line 5, with the restoration of Qinghuahai wetland, attracting tens of thousands of migratory birds including the world's critically endangered birds Blue-headed Diving Duck to overwinter here, with 290 species of birds here, including 61 species of wildlife under national level I and II.

At present, the central city of Baoshan has formed a landscape pastoral spatial pattern of "two cities with one lake, one lake and one city". The Qinghuahai area, which integrates the city, ecology and humanities, has promoted the construction of urban ecology and formed a new scene of urban living environment in which mountains can be seen, water can be seen, and nostalgia can be retained.

In recent years, with the high-quality leapfrog economic and social development of Baoshan City, the Municipal Party Committee and the Municipal Government have firmly seized the major historical opportunity of Yunnan's construction of a strong tourism province and the construction of the "Belt and Road Corridor", given full play to the advantages of Baoshan's resources, and taken substantial steps in the process of ecological civilization construction.

Nowadays, the citizens of Baoshan can enjoy the landscape of the wetland at their doorstep, and can get close to the weeds and birds of the wetland. All this fully demonstrates the harmonious beauty of the harmony between the city and the wetland, and the people and the wetland. Citizens who live in such a wonderful environment have a sense of happiness.


Source: Yunnan Daily

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