
What are the "red flags" for atrial fibrillation attacks? In autumn and winter, we should pay attention to heart health first, the "red flag" of atrial fibrillation attack two, how to determine whether you have atrial fibrillation three, how to do to eliminate atrial fibrillation four, anticoagulation treatment for atrial fibrillation patients five, autumn and winter should pay attention to heart health

author:Yakushi Hanako

The human heart needs to keep beating regularly, once the law is broken, it is prone to danger, and the more common situation in arrhythmias is atrial fibrillation (atrial fibrillation). Atrial fibrillation affects the heart's blood transport and can also harm other organs, such as atrial fibrillation is one of the common causes of cerebral infarction.

In autumn and winter, it is a "difficulty" for patients with atrial fibrillation. Because cold weather can lead to increased blood pressure, increased heart rate, and increased blood clotting, people with atrial fibrillation are more likely to develop blood clots in autumn and winter than in summer when temperatures are high.

What are the "red flags" for atrial fibrillation attacks? In autumn and winter, we should pay attention to heart health first, the "red flag" of atrial fibrillation attack two, how to determine whether you have atrial fibrillation three, how to do to eliminate atrial fibrillation four, anticoagulation treatment for atrial fibrillation patients five, autumn and winter should pay attention to heart health

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="3" > A "red flag" for episodes of atrial fibrillation</h1>

Normally, a healthy heart does not develop atrial fibrillation. However, if there is rheumatic heart disease, cardiomyopathy, hyperthyroidism, hypertension, long-term smoking, heavy alcohol consumption and other factors, it is possible to disturb the normal rhythm of heart beating and atrial fibrillation.

1, you can clearly feel the heart in the "bang" beating.

2. The pulse is irregular, sometimes strong and sometimes weak, or the phenomenon of "missed beat".

3. Symptoms of chest tightness and chest pain.

4, easy fatigue, a little effort, there will be shortness of breath, wheezing.

5. Symptoms such as dizziness and blackening in front of the eyes.

What are the "red flags" for atrial fibrillation attacks? In autumn and winter, we should pay attention to heart health first, the "red flag" of atrial fibrillation attack two, how to determine whether you have atrial fibrillation three, how to do to eliminate atrial fibrillation four, anticoagulation treatment for atrial fibrillation patients five, autumn and winter should pay attention to heart health

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="25" > second, how to determine whether you have atrial fibrillation</h1>

If there is a "red flag" of atrial fibrillation, it is necessary to go to the hospital for an electrocardiogram to confirm the diagnosis. An ordinary electrocardiogram, or a 24-hour Holter electrocardiogram, can confirm the diagnosis. However, it should be noted that some people's atrial fibrillation may occur at intervals of a few days, and even some people will have an episode at intervals of 1 to 2 months, and it is possible to miss the diagnosis when going to the hospital to check the ELECTROCardiogram.

It is recommended to prepare a convenient electrocardiograph, when you feel uncomfortable in the heart, you can measure and record the electrocardiogram at any time, and then find a doctor to interpret it, you can find traces of atrial fibrillation.

What are the "red flags" for atrial fibrillation attacks? In autumn and winter, we should pay attention to heart health first, the "red flag" of atrial fibrillation attack two, how to determine whether you have atrial fibrillation three, how to do to eliminate atrial fibrillation four, anticoagulation treatment for atrial fibrillation patients five, autumn and winter should pay attention to heart health

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="26" > three, how to eliminate atrial fibrillation</h1>

After atrial fibrillation is detected, the heart disease that causes atrial fibrillation is treated. For example, control blood pressure, treatment of hyperthyroidism, smoking cessation, abstinence from alcohol, and treatment of atrial fibrillation should also be carried out. The main methods of treatment of atrial fibrillation are electrical cardioversion, the use of antiarrhythmic drugs, and interventional ablation.

With electrical cardioversion, normal sinus rhythms can be restored quickly, but atrial fibrillation is prone to recurrence. Taking antiarrhythmic drugs can also restore a normal heart rhythm, but it is easy to relapse when the drug is stopped. Relatively speaking, mesotherapy ablation can be radically cured of atrial fibrillation, but ablation is risky and has a certain failure rate. It is up to the doctor to choose the appropriate treatment method according to the patient's situation.

What are the "red flags" for atrial fibrillation attacks? In autumn and winter, we should pay attention to heart health first, the "red flag" of atrial fibrillation attack two, how to determine whether you have atrial fibrillation three, how to do to eliminate atrial fibrillation four, anticoagulation treatment for atrial fibrillation patients five, autumn and winter should pay attention to heart health

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="27" > anticoagulation in patients with atrial fibrillation</h1>

When atrial fibrillation occurs, the left ventricle functions normally and can maintain the body's blood supply. However, the left atrium high-frequency fibrillation, it loses the normal pumping function, the blood in the heart ear is easy to form turbulence, in the atrial wall to form a "hanging wall thrombus", once it falls off, it will become an embolus with blood flow, it is easy to block the cerebral artery, resulting in cerebral infarction.

Some patients with atrial fibrillation can not be eliminated, the use of anticoagulant drugs (warfarin, rivaroxaban, etc.), anticoagulation therapy, inhibiting coagulation factors, reducing blood coagulation, can avoid the formation of thrombosis on the wall, prevent cerebral infarction.

What are the "red flags" for atrial fibrillation attacks? In autumn and winter, we should pay attention to heart health first, the "red flag" of atrial fibrillation attack two, how to determine whether you have atrial fibrillation three, how to do to eliminate atrial fibrillation four, anticoagulation treatment for atrial fibrillation patients five, autumn and winter should pay attention to heart health

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="28" >FromEight, autumn and winter should pay attention to heart health</h1>."

1, pay attention to keep warm: timely increase clothing, pay attention to keep warm, avoid cold.

2. Pay attention to diet: people with atrial fibrillation should avoid irritating foods, such as peppers, curries, etc.; control the daily intake of salt between 3 and 6 grams; do not drink strong tea, coffee, cola and other stimulant drinks.

3, the treatment of basic diseases: people with "three highs", to use drugs to control their blood pressure, blood lipids and blood sugar, do not adjust drugs or stop drugs without authorization, to maintain regular medication.

4. Medical treatment: When the body is uncomfortable, it is necessary to seek medical treatment in time and be examined by the doctor.

What are the "red flags" for atrial fibrillation attacks? In autumn and winter, we should pay attention to heart health first, the "red flag" of atrial fibrillation attack two, how to determine whether you have atrial fibrillation three, how to do to eliminate atrial fibrillation four, anticoagulation treatment for atrial fibrillation patients five, autumn and winter should pay attention to heart health

To sum up, elderly friends in the autumn and winter to pay more attention to their heart health, if there is a "red flag" of atrial fibrillation, to go to the hospital in time for examination, find problems to intervene early, under the guidance of doctors to choose a suitable treatment method. If you have any doubts about medication treatment, please consult a doctor or pharmacist, I am a pharmacist Huazi, welcome to follow me and share more health knowledge.

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