
Park Chan-wook's Tribute Park Chan-wook Tribute Content Introduction · · · · · ·

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<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="1" > a tribute to Park Chan-wook</h1>

Park Chan-wook's Tribute Park Chan-wook Tribute Content Introduction · · · · · ·

Author: Park Chan-wook

Publisher: Sichuan Literature and Art Publishing House

Producer: Motie Bunko Books

Translator: Jin Baojing / Sun Yingxiang Proofreader

Published: 2021-8-1

Number of pages: 544

Pricing: 85.00

Binding: Paperback

Series: Works by Bunji Park Chan-wook

ISBN: 9787541160073

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="3" >Introduction· · · ·</h1>

Park Chan-wook's first film review collection contains 125 film reviews created as a film critic before becoming a director.

In addition to being considered a masterpiece of classics, in this book Director Park Chan-wook also examines relatively neglected B-grade films and genre films and re-evaluates them from a unique perspective. This is a book of tributes that can be said to be dedicated to the films that director Park Chan-wook likes and appreciates, as well as the entire film world.

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