
Harrington died in a car accident, and there is no "Billy King" in the world.

Harrington died in a car accident, and there is no "Billy King" in the world.

Text/Sina Technology Miao Zhongyu

Billy Harrington died.

The 48-year-old former GV actor died in a tragic car accident.

Netizens around the world are mourning the "most famous in the world" GV actor. The UPrs of Station B have uploaded commemorative videos, and the comments under the video of Harrington congratulating Chinese netizens on the New Year and Lantern Festival have been occupied by mourning crowds; Youtubers on Youtube have walked into the church in the game to pray for him; Russian netizens have held commemorative activities at the US Consulate in Vladivostok (Vladivostok) and the New Virgin's Monastery in Moscow, presenting bouquets of flowers to Hellington's relics.

Harrington died in a car accident, and there is no "Billy King" in the world.

In Russia, the last American to enjoy this treatment was Steve Jobs

Despite Billy Harrington's enormous influence in the online world, he seems vague about mainstream society. A lot of people know him, but don't know him and the culture behind him. Even Harrington himself was confused about his popularity in Japan in the early days.

Harrington died in a car accident, and there is no "Billy King" in the world.

You may not be familiar with him, but you must have seen his memes

Born in 1969 on Long Island, New York, Billy Harrington was one of the most famous GV actors in the United States in the 1990s. Originally developed in the bodybuilding world, Harrington was later photographed by All Worlds Video and began shooting gay pornographic films, one of the most famous adult film manufacturers in the United States. He has also appeared on stage on American talk shows as a guest.

Billy Harrington's online fame has little to do with his status as a GV actor. In September 2007, Japanese netizens uploaded a deleted piece of Billy Harrington's on the bullet screen website Niconico. A bizarre wrestling plot in the film triggered a carnival of Japanese netizens, and the exaggerated action and strange shouting made this film an excellent material for "sound MAD".

MAD (Animated Music Video) is a general term for a type of video, the general work is a video clip about it, accompanied by the author's favorite music, similar to a fandom MV. "Sound MAD" is the editing and adjustment of a video to synchronize it with the rhythm of the background music. Audio effects are the core of "sound MAD", but because the effects of editing and adjustment act on the video as well, this makes the video itself present the visual characteristics of repetition and jumping.

These magical videos with brainwashing effects quickly became popular on the Internet and occupied video platforms almost all over the world. In China, this type of video is called "ghost animal", and Billy Harrington, Jin Kunlao, and "Zhuge Liang and Wang Situ" are all favorite materials used by Chinese UP masters. Lei Jun, the founder of Xiaomi mobile phone, has also become the object of netizens because of the poor spoken English at the Indian conference.

Harrington died in a car accident, and there is no "Billy King" in the world.

The segment is titled "Are You OK?" The ghost animal "Famous Song" is built into all Xiaomi smart speakers...

It's hard to explain why Billy Harrington's film became an enduring classic, and even gave birth to a subculture based on this video, philosophy ♂. This ambiguous word seems to symbolize ambiguous relationships between the same sexes, but can be used in almost all contexts.

One tongue-in-cheek explanation is that the term philosophy ♂ stems from the confusion of viewers about Billy Harrington's films, which for the majority of straight men often provoke philosophical reflections: "Who am I," "Where am I?" and "Why should I watch this film?" Another, more straightforward explanation is that the knowledge of "bending" straight men is called "philosophy ♂".

Leaving aside the original film, the re-creation of Billy Harrington by netizens is often full of Cult meaning. Harrington's muscular figures often combine with other films to form coherent and eerie plots, and the ending of these works is often a nude duel with entangled flesh and blood. This is related to the "brotherly noble" culture that prevails in the Japanese ACG field. In the online world, Brother Gui is a synonym for a class of anime characters who are usually strong and warm-hearted, and keen to express their emotions or will through "fighting".

Harrington died in a car accident, and there is no "Billy King" in the world.

The anime "Hokuto God Fist", which is known as the "most expensive brother",

The "Brother Noble Type" character is also a character that often appears in the so-called "King's Way" anime (Shonen Hot Blood Anime) in Japan. In fact, there is a theory that Billy Harrington's film originally appeared as a fishing film on niconico to satirize the illogical but largely spaced fight plots in Japanese anime. Today, the fight scene has become an indispensable plot of the brother and noble type ghost animal works, and even extends the complex world view to make different works connect with each other.

Same-sex plots are also an unavoidable problem in ghost animal culture, which often causes some misunderstandings and accusations. In a report on the listing of Station B, a reporter from the Securities Times said worriedly:

"In the ghost animal column material of Station B, a video called "School Start" has a click rate of 490,000, ranking second in the week's click rate ranking. The video clips school, teachers, and naked male footage together, and the sexual innuendo is unsightly. ”

Such accusations are not uncommon.

Proponents of ghost culture often explain that pornography and same-sex plots are not the purpose of their videos, but fun. These new works have little to do with their parents.

However, even leaving aside the issues of pornography and same-sex plots, ghost animal culture still has its own problems. Its strength makes the motherbook as a material a funny symbol, and its spoof of news events also dissolves the discussion of serious social issues.

Harrington died in a car accident, and there is no "Billy King" in the world.


Behind Hercules' "uncomfortable" is the widespread abuse of opioids; behind the "stealing of Guevara" and "work is impossible" is the difficult situation of people on the fringes of the town. In the end, these living individuals are abstracted into funny symbols labeled "Big Brother Northeast" and "Spiritual Leader of Quit Gambling".

Harrington died in a car accident, and there is no "Billy King" in the world.

Quit Gambling Bar Spiritual Leader "Steal Guevara"

But on the other hand, the dissolution effect of ghost animal videos cannot be said to be completely useless. The popularity of ghost animal videos eliminated people's prejudices and gave Hercules and Billy Hellington a new career choice, and its ridicule of same-sex plots also carried out a large-scale de-charm of the originally sharp LGBT topic.

Billy Harrington's last video before his death was to congratulate Chinese netizens on the Lantern Festival. In the video, Harrington's skin is loose and no longer as strong as when he was young, and he struggles with the tangyuan on the plate, saying "Happy Lantern Festival" in a broken Chinese. But at the end of the video, Harrington reveals his trademark smile.

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