
The way to success of the centennial party

author:Bright Net

【Foreign Communists Look at the Cpc for a Hundred Years】

Author: Ruben Dario Gusetti (Co-ordinator, Institute of Marxism, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, World Socialist Research Center, And Bureau of International Cooperation)

In July 2021, we will have a historic moment. This is not only the anniversary of the centenary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, but also the intersection of the two centenary goals of the Chinese and the people. In fact, the Communist Party of China has proposed to actively build a new development pattern with the domestic cycle as the main body and the domestic and international dual cycles promoting each other, and China has taken a step towards the next goal, that is, to build China into a prosperous, strong, democratic, civilized, harmonious and beautiful socialist modern power on the occasion of the centenary of the founding of the People's Republic of China in 2049.

In recent years, Western countries have fallen into serious crises, and some so-called developed countries in the north have invested huge sums of money in wars and created incidents everywhere. In sharp contrast, under the leadership of the Communist Party of China, the ancient civilization of the East has made remarkable achievements and completed the largest and fastest economic transformation and social development in history. The Chinese government has put forward the "Belt and Road" initiative to help other countries build bridges and railways connecting many countries; the Communist Party of China has finally eliminated extreme poverty and greatly improved people's living standards in the world's most populous countries through unremitting efforts; China is the most effective country in the global fight against the new crown pneumonia epidemic, and actively helps other countries, promotes solidarity and cooperation, and shows the responsibility of a big country.

The centenary of the founding of the Communist Party of China has brought tremendous benefits to China and the world, and we should cheer for it. The great achievements of the Chinese Communist Party have taught us a valuable lesson: if China can do it, then other countries can do it too! At the same time, we should also think: Why can China do it?

To answer this question, we should go back a hundred years. At that time, the country, known for its thousand-year-old brilliant civilization, was in a period of warlord chaos, but the huge impact of the October Revolution had awakened many people of insight. Finally, in July 1921, China ushered in the first national congress of the Communist Party of China. Since then, the Communist Party of China has continued to grow and develop, cutting through thorns and thorns along the way, and embarking on a glorious road. As a century-old party with remarkable achievements, the Communist Party of China has won the respect and love of the Chinese people by virtue of its excellent character, and has also won more and more recognition and appreciation in the international community. It is precisely because of the "superiority" of the Communist Party of China that China has accomplished "difficult things" and "major events" that many countries cannot reach. I believe that the success of the Communist Party of China is inseparable from the following points.

The way to success of the centennial party

Rubén Darío Guzzetti is a member of the Argentine Communist Party, a member of the Expert Group on China at the Argentine Center for Marxist Studies and Training, and director of the Argentine Institute of Geopolitics. Lu Chongguang painted

The ability to seek truth from facts, judge the hour and size up the situation, keep pace with the times, and seek new changes

One of the great advantages of the CPC is to proceed from reality, realistically analyze the actual conditions of the country and the development trend of the times, and make scientific judgments at an appropriate time. Looking back at the CPC's century-old history, we cannot help but sigh that the CPC has been able to accurately grasp China's national conditions and the international situation at every important historical moment, judge the hour and size up the situation, and make wise policy decisions. There are many such examples, but here are just a few. In the early 1970s, Mao Zedong clearly saw the main contradictions of the Cold War, keenly observed that China could play an important role, and made the decisions that were best suited to China. After that, Deng Xiaoping judged the hour and sized up the situation, calmly analyzed the domestic and international situations, and opened up the great course of reform and opening up. Now, a new generation of CPC leaders has kept pace with the times and made a series of decisions to promote the Belt and Road Initiative and build a community with a shared future for mankind, showing the world a more open China with win-win cooperation with other countries.

The Chinese Communist Party also has an impressive strength, namely its extraordinary resilience and ability to seek new changes. China's road to great power has not been smooth, and it has also experienced many ups and downs. The Communist Party of China can draw lessons from its mistakes in a timely manner, put things right, quickly adjust its policies, make sober judgments, unswervingly follow its own path, and actively build socialism with Chinese characteristics.

Stability and continuity of policy

The Communist Party of China has always maintained policy stability and continuity in its decision-making. Therefore, China can develop in a stable and orderly manner for a long time. The first generation of CCP leaders after the founding of the People's Republic of China put forward the "Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence" in the 1950s. Decades later, in January 2021, from President Xi Jinping's special speech at the World Economic Forum's "Davos Agenda" dialogue, we clearly saw the inheritance and development of the "Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence". The domestic and international environment in which China finds itself and the internal and external contradictions it faces have long changed, but the ORIGINAL intention of the Communist Party of China has not changed, and it has always been conscientious to ensure the stability and continuity of fundamental policies, so as to better govern the country and ensure the steady development of the country.

Everything is for the people's party

Mao Zedong once likened the Chinese Communist Party to a seed and the people to the earth. The Communist Party of China is a party rooted in the soil of the people, and it is even more a party that seeks the welfare of the people in everything. Before the founding of the People's Republic of China, the Chinese Communist Party had begun to liberate the countryside and hand over the land to the peasants.

In his speech at the symposium commemorating the 120th anniversary of the birth of Comrade Mao Zedong, President Xi Jinping mentioned in his speech that "where the government is prosperous, it is in the people's hearts, and where the government is abolished, it is against the people's hearts." On the occasion of the 70th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China, China's average life expectancy has risen from 35 years in 1949 to 77 years in 2019, and China's per capita national income has risen from dozens of dollars in 1949 to ten thousand DOLLARs. These two figures alone are enough to show that the Chinese Communist Party is a people-centered ruling party that conforms to the will of the people.

A party that is constantly learning, disciplined and leads by example

The Communist Party of China is a party that loves to study and emphasizes the combination of theory and practice. Needless to say, the Chinese Communist Party is at the forefront of the world in formulating policies and finding solutions. Whether it is poverty, environmental issues, sustainable development issues, or the recent emergence of the new crown pneumonia epidemic, the Chinese Communist Party, as the ruling party, has always been able to give full play to its forward-looking and predictive capabilities through study, research and scientific analysis, and make effective decisions. In addition, the Chinese Communist Party is a disciplined, principled party that leads by example. It is precisely because of these advantages that the Communist Party of China, which has gone through a century-long history, can still maintain such vigorous strength and constantly create the "Chinese miracle".

In the revolutionary years of the past, thousands of Members of the Communist Party of China followed in the footsteps of the Chinese Revolution, and exchanged their blood and sacrifices for the success of the Chinese revolution. In today's peaceful and prosperous world, the Communist Party of China continues to lead the industrious and courageous Chinese people to forge ahead on the road of building socialism with Chinese characteristics. A party has spent a hundred years to bring about tremendous changes in the ancient country of oriental civilization, so that the country with the largest population in the world has become a country where the people live and work in peace and contentment and the society develops steadily. Which party in the world has achieved such success? China under the leadership of the Communist Party of China has become a beacon illuminating the way forward for mankind. Standing at this historical moment in 2021, we should redouble our attention and learn from China's experience and seriously study the success of the Cpc.

(Translator: Lou Yu, Special Researcher, Research Center of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics in the New Era, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences)

Guangming Daily (2021-05-29, 12th edition)

Source: Guangming Network - Guangming Daily

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