
The best state of life is to have hope

author:Yeon Shin ye

Psychologist Adler said: Happy people use childhood to heal a lifetime, and unfortunate people use a lifetime to heal childhood.

A happy childhood can be healed for a lifetime, while an unhappy childhood requires a lifetime to heal.

The best state of life is to have hope

While we all understand this problem, there are still many people who cannot avoid it. Different environments, different families. It will bring a different life to children.

But if after the death of both parents, living in a gloomy big house, born lonely, how to overcome yourself and laugh at life?

The book "The Secret Garden" shared with you today is a strange and lonely child, who has a new life and harvests happiness in a magical experience.

The best state of life is to have hope

The author, Frances Hodgison Burnett, is a well-known literary writer for children in the English-speaking world.

The book is closely related to people and the environment. For living in a fast-paced era, whether adults or children, nature's magical environment is an indispensable key to the growth of our hearts.

Let's take a look at it together.

1 Behind the misfortune, there is also hope

Mary was not welcomed from birth, and her father worked for the government and was always busy. Mom was a great beauty, but all she had in mind was banquets and indulgences with those who came and went out of the social arena.

Mary was entrusted to her mother from an early age, and gradually developed a weak and grumpy, selfish personality. Because I don't have friends, I live a lonely life.

Once cholera, forgotten, leaving Mary alone. Later discovered by the officers, he was sent from India to his British uncle's house, in a mysterious and gloomy large house, that is, the Misersweet Manor.

Here met her little maid Martha. From Martha's description, Mary learned the difference between the four seasons of the wilderness. The wilderness is bare in winter, but in spring and summer it grows with all sorts of things. The view was beautiful.

The best state of life is to have hope

When the wattles, plantagenets and heather bloom, they are beautiful, you can also smell honey and there is fresh air everywhere. The sky seemed so high, the bees were buzzing, the larks were singing, and the sound was good. In these descriptions, Mary felt very new and yearning.

Life in England was very different from in India, and Mary was no longer dependent on others and learned to do her own thing.

Mary really enjoyed listening to Martha share stories about how their twelve children had grown up.

Deacon, for example, was, in his mother's words, strong by the air in the wilderness. Since childhood, he has been hanging out on his own and has become friends with many small animals.

With Martha's encouragement, Mary no longer nestled in the room all day during the day, and would go out to play by herself, jump rope outdoors, and run against the wind. The appetite gradually improved, and the body slowly became healthy. The color is also rosy and shiny.

In the manor Mary met various small animals, discovered a secret garden that had been closed for ten years through the robins, and found the keys. Life has been giving rise to hope ever since.

2. Open your heart and find the joy of life

When Mary entered the secret garden, she entered the high wall full of climbing rose vines with leaves that did not leave behind, and they were densely packed, as if they were laid on the wall, and some other trees.

The trees are full of climbing rose vines, intertwining and alternating with each other, and the branches spread from this tree to that tree, making themselves beautiful little bridges.

The best state of life is to have hope

But Mary didn't know much about gardening, and as she walked, she watched, and in some places where green shoots sprouted, the grass seemed too thick, and the green shoots didn't seem to have enough room to grow. She tried to find a pointed stick to weed the garden until a small clearing was cleared around the green shoots.

After Mary's labor, she imagined that the garden would be followed by "thousands of snowflakes" as Martha described. When spring comes, they become the most beautiful scenery in Yorkshire.

The garden had been abandoned for too long, and Mary needed a small shovel and some seeds to plant in the secret garden so that there could be a small garden.

The best state of life is to have hope

Mary asked Martha how to buy tools, Martha's brother Deacon was a farm boy who grew up in the wilderness, healthy and lively, intelligent and capable, not only an "animal magician", who could communicate intimately with robins, foxes, lambs, crows, etc., and also knew plants very well.

Martha then wrote to Deacon to go to Sweet Village to buy it. Later Mary met Deacon, a young boy who was beautiful in Mary's eyes and knew all about plants.

Mary's first friend in life, Deacon. Mary told Deacon about the secret garden, and with Deacon's help and companionship, they cultivated it together, making the garden full of life and feeling the charm of nature.

Because Mary has something to do, her mentality is better, and her personality is better. No more cranky thoughts, people also gain weight. His complexion is rosy, and he is no longer a sick and ugly child in the eyes of others.

3. Eventually, you can also have your own secret garden

In the course of her life at The Miserswaite Estate, Mary overheard cries several times in the middle of the day, and finally found her uncle's son through the cries. A sick young master Colin who has been locked up in a dark room for many years.

Shortly after Colin's birth, her mother died unexpectedly on a swing, and Colin's father was unable to face his son, who looked like his deceased wife, and lived abroad for many years.

Mary's sudden visit scared Colin into fear that Mary would see him as she was. Because Colin was always sick and had to lie down, he was not allowed to see him and talk about him.

Colin has been locked up in the house for many years, has a bad temper, no one wants to talk to him, and has heard others secretly say that he does not live long, even if he can survive, he is afraid that he will hunch over, so colin will be very tired of living.

Mary and Colin are very similar and have not felt the love of their parents, because Martha, Mary has changed a lot. After becoming sports-loving, after getting to know Deacon, he and Deacon saved the garden together, and their lives were pursued, and their personalities changed.

The best state of life is to have hope

After meeting Mary, Colin and Mary talked a lot. Talked about the garden that had been locked for ten years. Talking about the bulbs, they are daffodils, lilies and snowdrops, which are growing in the soil — sprouting pale green shoots.

Colin was curious to hear Mary's description and wanted to see it too. But Mary was afraid that after Colin told the others to open the garden, Colin's father would know that when the time came to re-lock the garden, they would not be able to enter it.

To persuade Colin, Mary described the scene in the garden in detail, and the rose vine climbed from one tree to the other and hung down; many birds might have made nests there, for it was safe there.

The best state of life is to have hope

Then Mary spoke of robins and Ben Wasserstaff, and there was so much to say about robins that it was easy and safe to say.

The robin story makes Colin very happy, he smiles, and finally succeeds in getting Colin to keep secrets with her, and agrees that Mary will chat with him every day.

Because of Mary's company, Colin is no longer alone, and will fantasize about the secret garden that Mary and Deacon cultivate, and in the spring all the flowers, leaves, green plants, birds and wild animals dance together.

Infected by Mary, Colin defeats his own demons and does not lose his temper hysterically. After entering the Secret Garden, Colin and Deacon became friends. And with them participated in the hard work of the garden, and finally witnessed the transformation of the garden.

Together, they awakened the garden that had been sleeping for ten years, with flowers blooming, green grass, and healthy growth of children.

The best state of life is to have hope

Colin's father, Mr. Craven, has been wandering abroad for ten years, but has a reluctant complex for mountains and rivers, and in a beautiful valley in Austria, Mr. Craven's unsupported body and mind are soothed and feel alive for the first time.

It was also on the shores of Lake Como in Italy that he felt his body and soul gradually grow stronger, and heard the mysterious voice calling him. Returning to the manor, witnessing the healthy growth of the three children, Colin also won back the long-lost father's love.

That's what the book is about.

Everyone encounters such and such things in their lives, and Chairman Mao said that there is nothing difficult in the world, as long as you are willing to climb.

The forces of nature are magical, fresh air, bright sunshine, colorful flowers, lush grass and trees, not only nourishing their young bodies, but also washing away the haze of their hearts.

The best state of life is to have hope

No matter what kind of difficulties we encounter, we must have hope, think more about the beautiful aspects, go outside more, and maybe there will be a different scenery.

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