
Lu You has 100 poems, and the poems have been written all his life, telling his home and country thoughts

author:Yan Yuan Villa

Lu You (13 November 1125 – 26 January 1210), courtesy name Wuguan ,pinyin, was a Han Chinese poet from Shanyin , Yuezhou ( present-day Shaoxing , Zhejiang ) , grandson of Lu You , a Southern Song Dynasty writer , historian , and patriotic poet.

When Lu Yousheng fell to the end of the Northern Song Dynasty, he was deeply influenced by the patriotic ideas of his family when he was a teenager. During the reign of Emperor Gaozong of Song, he took the ceremonial examination and was ostracized by the chancellor Qin Ju (秦桧), and his career was not smooth. After Emperor Xiaozong of Song ascended the throne, he was born as a scholar and successively served as the chief bookkeeper of Ningde County, Fuzhou, the official who was deleted by the edict, and the general judge of Longxing Province, and was repeatedly ostracized by the lord and faction because of his insistence on resisting jin. In the seventh year of Qiandao (1171), at the invitation of Wang Yan, the envoy of Sichuan Xuanfu, he joined the army and served in the southern Zheng shogunate. The following year, the shogunate was dissolved, and Lu You was ordered to enter Shu, and became acquainted with Fan Chengda, the envoy of the Sichuan system. After Emperor Guangzong of Song succeeded to the throne, he was promoted to the rank of rebbe Langzhong and the examiner of the Shilu Yuan, and soon after he was deposed and returned to his hometown because of the "mocking of the wind and moon". In the second year of Jiatai (1202), Emperor Ningzong of Song ordered Lu You to enter Beijing and presided over the compilation of Emperor Xiaozong and Emperor Guangzong's Records of the Two Dynasties and the History of the Three Dynasties. After the completion of the book, Lu You lived in Shanyin for a long time, and died in the second year of Jiading (1210), leaving a pen of "Shi'er".

Lu You has worked tirelessly throughout his life, and his poetry and writing have high achievements. His poetic language is simple and clear, the rules are neat and rigorous, and he combines Li Bai's majestic exuberance and Du Fu's depression and sadness, especially his patriotic enthusiasm has a far-reaching impact on future generations. Words and prose achievements are also high, and the Song Dynasty Liu Kezhuang said that his words are "passionate and generous, Jiaxuan cannot pass". There are 85 volumes of hand-determined "Jiannan Poetry Manuscript", and more than 12,000 poems are collected. There are also 50 volumes of the Weinan Anthology, 10 volumes of the Notes of the Old Scholar's Temple, and the Book of Southern Tang. The calligraphy is vigorous and vigorous, and the surviving inkblots include "Bitter Cold Thesis" and so on.

Lu You has 100 poems, and the poems have been written all his life, telling his home and country thoughts

Tour Shanxi Village

Song Dynasty: Land Travel

Mo Xiao farmhouse lax wine, good years to stay guests foot chicken and dolphin.

Mountains and rivers are doubtful and there is no way, and the willows are dark and the flowers are bright and another village.

The drum follows the spring society, and the crown is simple and ancient.

From now on, if you are idle and ride the moon, you will knock on the door at night with a staff.

Elementary School Ancient Poetry Junior High School Ancient Poetry Pastoral Rural Life Early Education


The dead Yuan knows that everything is empty, but the sorrow does not see Kyushu Tong.

Wang ShiBei fixed zhongyuan day, and the family sacrifice did not forget to tell Naiwong.

Three Hundred Ancient Poems Patriotism Worried about the Country and the People Early Education Primary school students must memorize 70 ancient poems Primary school students must memorize 80 ancient poems

Red crispy hand

Red crispy hands, yellow wine, full of spring color palace wall willows. The east wind is evil, and the joy is thin. A few years of sorrow. Wrong, wrong, wrong.

Spring is as old as ever, people are empty and thin, and the tear marks are red and silky. Peach blossom fall, idle pond pavilion. Although the mountain alliance is there, the Jinshu is difficult to trust. Mo, Mo, Mo!

Song Ci 300 Song Zi Selection ReminiscenceSy Love Resentment Plutonium Phoenix

Winter night reading shows Zi Yu

The ancients learned without sparing no effort, and the young and strong work began to grow old.

On paper, I finally realized that I had to do something about it.

Inspirational Reading Philosophy Early Education

The autumn night will dawn out of the fence door to welcome the cool two songs

The sky is falling southwest, and the neighboring chickens are singing again and again.

Zhuangzhi's illness came to an end, and he went out to scratch his head and live a life.

Thirty thousand miles of the river flows into the sea in the east, and five thousand mountains go up to the sky.

The remnants wept in the dust, and looked south at Wang Shi for another year.

Three Hundred Ancient Poems Patriotism Worried about the Country and the People Sympathy Primary School Students Must Memorize 70 Ancient Poems Primary School Students Must Memorize 80 Ancient Poems

Appeal to heartfelt feelings · When Wanli was looking for a marquis

In that year, Wanli was looking for a marquis and a horse was in Liangzhou. Where is the dream of Guanhe? Dusty old mink.

Hu Wei was not extinguished, his sideburns were first autumn, and his tears were empty. In this life, who expected, the heart is in the Tianshan Mountains, and the body is old and cangzhou.

Three Hundred Song Poems Song Ci Selected Patriotic And Generous Appeal to Heartfelt Feelings

On November 4, the wind and rain made two songs

The wind swept the rivers and lakes and rained the dark village, and the sound of the four mountains was overturned by the waves.

The creek firewood was soft and warm, and I did not go out with the tanuki.

The zombie isolated village does not mourn itself, and Shang Si is the national shu wheel platform.

Lying down at night to listen to the wind and rain, the iron horse glacier came to sleep.

Three Hundred Ancient Poems Junior High School Ancient Poems Patriotism Zhuangzhi Is the most beautiful

Snow at night

The north wind blows snow four more early, Jiarui Heavenly Sect and the year is removed.

Half a lamp of Tu Su Yu was not lifted, and the small grass in front of the lamp wrote a peach symbol.

Spring Festival Write snow


Gui Zhining has no five acres of garden, and the original intention of reading is Yuan Yuan.

Although the eyesight in front of the lamp is not what it used to be, the head of the fly is twenty thousand words.

Reading worries about the country and the people

Sick with books

Sick bones are wide from the yarn hat, and the lonely man is a thousand miles away from Jiang Gan.

The lowly man did not dare to forget the worries of the country, and the matter must be waited for the coffin.

Heaven and Earth Deity Fu Temple Society, Jinghua Father Lao Wang and Luan.

A table out of the division through the ancient and modern, the night half to pick the lamp more carefully.

Three Hundred Ancient Poems Patriotic, Inspirational, Worried about the Country, Worried about the People, Difficult to Reward for Ambition

Lu You has 100 poems, and the poems have been written all his life, telling his home and country thoughts

There was a slight rain in the sword doorway

The clothes are covered with dust and wine marks, and the soul is lost everywhere in the distance.

This fit is the poet not? Drizzle rides a donkey into the sword gate.

Three hundred ancient poems, writing rain, lyrical feelings

Shi zi song

I was new to poetry days, but I wanted to paint algae.

Middle-aged people begin to have less understanding, and gradually they are like peeping into the grandeur.

Strange things also come out, such as stone rinsing.

Counting Li Du wall, often hating to understand.

Yuan Baicai leaned on the door, and Wen Lizhen was self-righteous.

He is making the pen carry the top, and he has not created samadhi.

Poetry is six arts and one, is it cunning?

Ru Guo wants to learn poetry, and his work is outside the poem.

Lin'an spring rain early

Shi Wei has been thin as yarn for many years, who makes the horse rider Jinghua.

Xiao Lou listened to the spring rain one night, and the deep alleys sold apricot blossoms in the Ming Dynasty.

Low paper diagonally idle grass, clear window fine milk play tea.

Plain clothes do not rise from the wind and dust sigh, just like qingming can go home.

Three Hundred Ancient Poems Spring Lyrical Sigh

Book of Anger Five Songs · One of them

In his early years, he knew that the world was difficult, and the north of the Central Plains looked like a mountain.

Lou boat night snow Guazhou ferry, iron horse autumn wind scattered.

Plugging the Great Wall into the air, the mirror has faded first.

Out of the master a table of real name, a thousand years who can be Bo Zhongjian!

Three Hundred Ancient Poems Patriotic Reminiscences of the Old And Sorrowful

Five poems

Heavy five mountain village is good, and the durian flowers have suddenly flourished.

The rice dumplings are divided into two buns, and the ai is tied with a dangerous crown.

The old customary formula stores medicine, and the body is also dotted with Dan.

After the day was over, he smiled at the cup and plate.

Dragon Boat Festival Customs

Autumn night will dawn out of the fence door to welcome the cool feeling

Primary school ancient poems Worry about the country and worry about the people Sympathy

October 28 was a stormy day

The wind is angry and the rain is about to tear down the house.

The sound of the wind overturns the waves, and the raindrops fall on the axles.

He who dares to open the door, blows the fire and does not allow candles.

But the valley and the stream have been swept up to the land.

Hard work and wheat, hoping to ripen next year;

One is full of self-suffering, and five poor people are chasing each other.

The southern neighbor is more memorable, and the cloth is not redeemed by winter;

The Ming Dynasty was empty, and mother and son cried together.

Winter Write wind write rain life Poor

Shen Garden

The city's slanting sun paints horns to mourn,

Shen Yuan is not a restoration of the old pond platform.

Sad bridge under the spring wave green,

It was a shock to come.

Snow night feels old

The birch candles in front of the Jiangyue Pavilion are fragrant, and the sound of the longmen Pavilion is long.

The ancient yi of the chaotic mountain has been folded in three folds, and the isolated city of the small city has two dangs.

In his later years, Yu thought about Kurama, when the letter was old and cultivated.

The green sinking gold locks are dusty, and the snow sprinkles cold lamps and tears several lines.

Reminiscences of the journey Lyrical social resentment

Ten rhymes in Chengdu

Let go of the fifty Jujutsu, Jincheng a dream of prosperity.

Bamboo leaf spring mash jasper pot, peach blossom horse green silk skeleton.

Cockfighting South City is divided into friends, and pheasants are often hit in the western suburbs.

The strong man stands with a green eagle on his arm, and the beautiful robe is painted with a golden clay phoenix.

The rafters of the candles leaked at night, and the silver sable did not care about the weight of the morning frost.

A red begonia breaks back, and several ruixiang new early plum moves.

The wine-drinking poetry society is busy at dusk, and the sun and moon are hurriedly sent by guests.

The floating world can be shocked to be old, and the false name is useless from now on.

Return to the mountain house empty, lying down to listen to the rotten bed wine singing urn.

The north window is windy and rainy, and the old wandering desire is said to be shared by no one.

Qiu Bomei , on the evening of July 16 , ascended the Happy Pavilion to look at Chang'an Nanshan

Autumn to the corner of the border city mourning, beacon light on the high platform. The song of sorrow strikes, with high wine, this is leisurely.

Amorous who is like the south mountain moon, special twilight cloud opening. Baqiao smoke willow, Qujiang pond hall, should wait for people to come.

Song Ci 300 Songs Moon Autumn Patriotic Feelings Autumn Waves

Secluded in early summer

The lake and mountain resorts are placed in the Weng family, and the wild path in the shade of the locust willow is oblique.

The water is full and sometimes the herons are watched, and the grass is deep and everywhere does not sound frogs.

The dragon has passed the bamboo shoots, and the wooden pen is still the first flower.

Sigh the old to make the old end, sleep to who share the afternoon tea.

Summer Writing scenery Landscape sadness

Night Tour Palace · Remember Dream Sender Bo Hun

Xue Xiaoqing was in turmoil. Sleepwalking, out of nowhere. The iron ride is silent like water. Want to close the river, Yanmen West, Qinghai Inter.

Sleep in the cold light. Sound leakage, moon slanted window paper. Self-proclaimed Marquis in Wanli. Who knows, although the sideburns are crippled, the heart is not dead.

Three Hundred Songs of Song Ci Bold, Patriotic, Heroic, Sorrowful, And Angry, Night Tour of the Palace

Guancun children play on the creek

The rainy yuxi swept the embankment flat, idly watching the village boy Xie Wanqing.

Bamboo horses rushed away, and paper kites shook the wind.

Three winters temporarily learned Confucianism, and Qian coupled also cultivated from his father.

Literacy is rough for the service, and there is no need to work hard to mu gongqing.

Children Pastoral life

Water tune song head multi-view building

Jiangzuo zhansheng, the most ancient Xuzhou. The mountains are picturesque, and the best places are covered with dangerous buildings. The drum horn is tragic and tragic, the beacon fire is extinguished in the air, and the past remembers Sun Liu. Qianli Yao Ge Jia, Wan Zao Su Qi.

Dew stained grass, wind falling wood, years of autumn. Let Jun Hong let go, talk and laugh to wash away the sorrows of ancient and modern times. Not seeing Xiangyang climbing the mountain, destroying countless tourists, and the hatred is difficult to harvest. The uncle has been alone for thousands of years, and his name is with the flow of the Han River.

Bold Yong Shi Huaigu Patriotic water tune song head

Plum blossom sentence two

The valley is more northern, and it is late to divide the flowers every year.

Whether gao biao Yiyunjun knows or not, it is when the layer of ice and snow accumulates.

Poetry Plum Blossom Lyrical Patriotism

Autumn night reading is a festival of two drums

The corrupt and the confucian are not surprised, and the only happy posthumous compilation is not deceived.

White hair invades the old world mercilessly, and the green lantern smells like childhood.

Gao Wu ce spread the cold, stacked drum winter winter sleep period.

The autumn night grew hungry, and a cup of yam entered qiongmi.

Cold Night Reading Ideal

Gold wrong knife line

Gold wrong knife white jade, night through the window to shine out.

The husband did not make fifty achievements, and he raised the knife to take care of the eight wildernesses independently.

Jinghua befriended all the Qishi and lived and died together in a phase of life and death.

The annals of the millennium are shameless and nameless, and a piece of Dan heart repays the Son of Heaven.

Erlai from the military Tianhanbin, Nanshan Xiaoxue jade rugged.

alack! Although the three families of Chu can kill Qin, how can there be no one in China!

Three Hundred Ancient Poems Patriotic Army Heroic Ambition Golden Wrong Knife

Autumn thoughts

Profit wants to drive people away from the fire and cattle, and the rivers and lakes are a sand gull.

The length of the day is like the idleness of the years, and the matter is as big as the drunkenness of the day.

The anvil pestle knocked on the deep alley moon, and the well shook the autumn of the old garden.

To soothe the old eyes without a high place, Ande Yuan Long Hundred Foot Building.

Autumn homesickness

Work on February 24

Tang pear blossoms bloom in the company of wine, and the south village north village drums winter winter.

And pray that the wheat will be ripe enough to eat, and dare to say that the valley will return to the peasants.

Yazhou Wanli Cool Official, when will Hunan rise to sleep in the dragon?

May the sages gather in the gallery temple, and the scholar will be poor and die better than Hou Feng.

Rural Chronicles Worried about the country and the people

Lu You has 100 poems, and the poems have been written all his life, telling his home and country thoughts

Wenwu Junzhou reported that Xijing had been restored

The white-haired general was also magnificent, and Xijing came last night.

Hu'er dared to make a thousand-year plan, and Providence would rather return every day.

Liesheng Ren'en deep rain and dew, ZTE pardoned the wind and thunder.

Hanging cold food towards the mausoleum, the road pear blossoms bloom everywhere.

War Lyrical Joy

Asaka Tso Mei

The shadow does not enter the juvenile field. Speechless only desolate. A drifting life, very cold hearted.

At the end of the first month of the river, new poems and old dreams, lonely and hateful. Regardless of the spring wind, Ren also knew the Eastern Emperor first.

Graceful Wing Wu Plum Blossom Lyrical Towards the Middle

Early summer sentences

Red and purple have become dust, and the cuckoo sounds of summer new.

The road is endless, and I know that I am a Taiping person.

Summer scene writing

Guan Shan Yue

For fifteen years under the edict of He Rong, the general did not fight on the side.

Zhu Men sang and danced, and the stable horse fat died and the bow broke the string.

Shu Lou Diao Dou urged the moon to fall, thirty from the army now white hair.

Who knows the heart of a strong man in the flute, and the sand head is empty to sign the bones.

The Central Plains Gange ancient also heard, there are descendants of the reverse Hu!

The remnants endured death and hoped to recover, and several tears were wept this evening.

Patriotism, ambition, unpaid, sad and indignant

Over small lonely mountains and large lonely mountains

  On August 1st, the Beacon Rock passed. The Southern Dynasty stretched from Wuchang to Jingkou, and there were beacons, and this mountain was one of them. Looking at the mountain from the boat, it is only abrupt. And throwing the river under it, the rock sinus cave, strange and strange, lustrous in color, is also very different from its stone. There is also a stone, not attached to the mountain, Jeran special up, more than a hundred feet high, Dan vine green vine, Luo Luo on it, such as a treasure screen. It is a quiet day, the boat is late, and the autumn is deep and shrinking, so it is all seen. Du Lao's so-called "fortunate to have a boat late, to do everything wonderful" also.

  After passing through the PenglangJi and the small lonely mountain, the two mountains face each other from east to west. Xiao Lonely belongs to Susong County, Shuzhou, and has soldiers. The only mountains in the river, such as Jinshan, Jiaoshan, and Falling Stars, are all famous in the world, but the steep and beautiful cannot be compared with the little lonely. Looking at it from dozens of miles away, the bifeng peak is suddenly lonely, the dry clouds are dry, it is no longer a mountain that can be imitated, the closer it is, the more beautiful it is, the winter and summer are sunny and rainy, the posture is ever-changing, and the special things of faith creation are also. However, the ancestral hall is extremely desolate, and if it is slightly decorated with pavilions and pavilions, it plays with the rivers and mountains, and it should be higher than the golden mountain. The temple is at the western foot of the mountain, known as "Huiji", and the god is known as "Lady Anji". At the beginning of Shaoxing, Zhang Weigong returned from Huxiang and tasted the camp, and there was a monument to it. There is also another ancestral temple in Penglangji, which belongs to Pengze County, Jiangzhou, facing the river on three sides, reflecting in the water, and also occupies the victory of a mountain. Although there is no wind, there is also a surge, and the cover is also named after it. In the past, the poem has the sentence "Mo Man is crazy in the boat, and the little sister married Peng Lang the year before", and the legend said that the small lonely temple has a statue of Peng Lang, and the Penglang Temple has a statue of a little sister, which is not the case. Late sand clip, a mile away from the small lonely. Light rain, return to the temple in a small boat, looking south at the mountains of Pengze and Duchang, the smoke and rain are empty, the gulls and herons are extinguished, and the victory of the pole is ascended, and the migration is long-term return. At the gate of the square temple, there are handsome birds of waterfowl, plundering the southeast of the river, and even strong. The temple is blessed with clouds, and there are many birds in the mountains.

  On the morning of the second day, the line was not twenty miles, and suddenly the wind and clouds were surging and the cable was urgently moored. Russia resumed kaiji and went on. Pan Peng Li mouth, looking around endlessly, is to know that Taibai's sentence of "opening the sail into the heavenly mirror" is wonderful. First to see Lushan and the Great Orphan. The big orphan-like western beam, although it can not imitate the beauty of the little sister, but next to the small orphan, there are quite sandbar reeds, and the big lonely is a big river in the four worlds, looking like floating water, it is also strange. The river is divided into one branch from the lake mouth to the South River, and the Gaijiang West Road is also. The water of the river is turbid, and every time it is used, it is cleared with almonds, and it can be drunk at night. The South River is extremely clear, and the place is like a rope, not chaotic. Arrived in Jiangzhou in the evening. The prefecture of Dehua County, that is, The Xunyang County of Tang, Chaisang and Lili, are all its lands; the Southern Tang Dynasty is the Fenghua Army Festival, now the Dingjiang Army. The shore is red and the wall is standing, and Mr. Dongpo's so-called "boat people pointing out the shore like a zhao" is also. The water is also very clear, and it is not chaotic with the river. From July 26 to yes, there were only six days in the beginning and the end, during which one day of wind was blocked, and it was actually four and a half days to trace the epidemic of 700 lime clouds.

Travelogue Writing scene lyrical

Butterfly Love Flower Yu Temple Lanting Jingu Road

Yumiao Lanting Jingu Road. Overnight frost stained the trees by the lake. The parrot cup is deep and unrepentant. When he met, he knew where.

Ran Ran could not stay. Zhu Yan in the mirror, after all, is consumed. A sentence Ding Ningjun remembered. Immortals must be idle people to do.

Parting sigh time Butterfly loves flowers

Sauvignon Blanc Senju

The clouds weigh a thousand weights, the water weighs a thousand weights, and the body is in the water of a thousand clouds. Moonlight collects the fishing canister.

The head is not childlike, the ears are not deaf, and the wine can still blush. A statue who is with the same.

Landscape Lyrical Loneliness Sauvignon Blanc


Read less poetry and books ugly Han Tang, Mo Nian was born to send nongsang.

Riding a donkey on two feet to the ground, love wine bottle is always by the side.

Although the old age is described as a change, the drunken spirit is still exuberant.

How did the Taihang King's House move, laughing at the foolishness of not measuring himself.


Han Palace Chun came to Chengdu from Southern Zheng to do it

Feather arrow carved bow, reminiscent of the eagle ancient fortress, intercept the tiger Pingchuan. Blowing the flute twilight back to the wild tent, snow pressing green felt. Drenched in drunken ink, watch the dragon and snake fly down the barbaric note. People make mistakes, poetry will be slight, and for a while they will be transcendent.

What is the matter of coming south, valuing Yang Medicine City, New Year's Eve Lantern Mountain? Spend time in the midst of all the people's delight, and the hat is hanging down. Smell the song feels old, still drooling in front of you. Junji took and sealed the marquis. The name of merit is not believed by heaven.

Bold Patriotism YanZhi Han Gong Chun

Work on April 23

The lotus is out of the water, and the swallows are out of the nest.

After the moss adds rain, the shoots are exposed.

The road of the world is a thousand waves, and the career is a handful.

The monks are also extinct, and there is no sentence chain scrutiny.

Lu You has 100 poems, and the poems have been written all his life, telling his home and country thoughts

Nanxiangzi Guimeng sent Wu Fan

Gui Meng sent Wu Fan, and Shui Yi Jiang Cheng went to the road chief. I want to see The first tether of Fangzhou, the slanting sun, and the jagged smoke trees recognize Wuchang.

The sideburns are dotted with new frost, and it was once the imperial incense of the imperial clothes. Heavy to the hometown to make little old, desolate, but afraid that other hometowns will win the hometown.

Graceful writing scene lyrical homesickness Nanxiangzi

Partridge Day, the family lives in the smoke falling in the room

The house is in the middle of the smoke, and the dust is not related at all. The remnants of jade are walked through the bamboo, and the "Yellow Garden" is rolled up to look at the mountain.

Greedy and arrogant, let the decay and cruelty, may wish to open your face everywhere. Yuan zhi created things in their hearts, but the old but heroic like idle!

Song Ci Selection Writing Scene Reclusive Lyrical Partridge Heaven

Falling plum

The snow and wind are more awe-inspiring, and the flowers are the strongest in temperament.

Obsolete self-integration drifts away, shame to The East Jun more begging for mercy.

If you are drunk and broken, you may wish to peach and plum at your own time.

Ice and snow have always been frozen, and who is it to try to reconcile the spring return?

Aria Plum Blossom Character

Dark night crying, fan Chan Juan Su Yue

Fan Chan Juan Su Yue, scarf ethereal light smoke. The leaves of the high locust are long and yin, and the rain is clear and the rain is still in the sky.

Make a pen obliquely row grass, hook curtain shallow drunk idle sleep. Not a little dust arrived, and the pillow listened to the new cicadas.

Summer Writing scene Life Leisure dark night cry

There is a sense of view of the big scattered level map

Get on the horse to hit the wild beard, get off the horse to draft the army book.

Twenty with this ambition, fifty with a confucian.

Between the big scattered Chen cang, the mountains and rivers are lush.

Energetic Bell Righteous, can be combined with the strong figure.

The city of Xianyang, the former capital of the Qin and Han Dynasties.

The king's qi is floating in the sunset, and the palace room is born in the spring.

Ande from the king's division, flood sweep to meet the emperor's opinion?

The Yellow River and Hangu, the four seas through the boat car.

Shi Ma Fa Yan Zhao, Bu Shu Lai Qing Xu.

First as the camp of the Seven Temples, the second painting of the Nine Qu.

The partial master tied up the Khan and was captured.

Shangshou Da'an Palace, restored as the beginning of the zhengguan.

The husband fulfilled this wish, and died with the ants.

Zhi Dahao was endless, drunk and empty.

War Lyrical Patriotic

Reminiscing about the old events in the Western Curtain

The snow on the Small Hunting South Mountain has not disappeared, and the embroidered flag is obliquely rolled and jade is proud.

Unsatisfactory things are often tens of millions, and the utopian pioneers su WeiQiao.

Read the biography of Yuan Highway

Success or failure is always there, and heroes are most afraid of sadness.

Turnip bean porridge has never happened, why hate the postal booth sitting on the bed?

Inscribed drunkenly after the cursive scroll

There are five soldiers hidden in the chest, and there is no way to try.

The wine is a drum and a knife, and the force falls from the sky to the Milky Way.

The Stone Pond of Duanxi is thick with ink, and the candlelight shoots across the sky.

Whiskers retract the wine, as if you see thousands of miles of smoke and dust clear.

The husband is in a state of being upright, and the reverse luck is done as well as possible.

When the night out of the five original plugs, do not hear the people to hear the sound of whips.

Calligraphy Lyrical Heroic Ambition War

Queqiao Fairy Nocturnal Cuckoo

The eaves are quiet, the lights in the tent windows are dark, and the Spring Festival Gala is even the wind and rain of the river. Lin Ying nest swallow is always silent, but the moon night, often cry Du Yu.

Tears were cleared, and the lonely dream was broken, and the deep branches flew away. The old mountain is still unbearable, and the situation is half a life, and it is a wandering trip!

Bold Cuckoo Sigh Life Queqiao Immortal

Sleepwalking through the Shen's Garden Pavilion on the night of December 2

The small stranger in the south of the city is in the spring again, only to see plum blossoms and no one.

The jade bone has long been sinking into the soil, and the ink marks are still locked in the dust between the walls.

Lu You has 100 poems, and the poems have been written all his life, telling his home and country thoughts

Huan Xi Sha and No Blame Rhyme

Lazy to the sand head drunken jade bottle, summon the king to appreciate the small window Ming. The sunset blows the horn the most caring.

Busy days are more bitter and idle days are less, and new worries often continue to be old worries. There is no companion among the guests who are afraid of the king's line.

Gentle farewell Friendship Huan Xi Sha

Look at Mei's sentence

Lao Tzu does not need to shoot when dancing, and plum blossoms are indiscriminately inserted with black scarf incense.

The previous drama of the bottle is not laughing, I am dead and the kings think of this madness.

Write flowers plum blossom lyrical patriotic

Night Berth Water Village

The feather arrow around the waist has been withered for a long time, and the taisi swallow has not been remembered.

Lao Tzu is like a desert, and the kings are weeping in the new pavilion.

A body of newspapers for the country is dead, and the sideburns are no longer green to people.

Remember the boat in the river and lake, and smell the new geese falling in the cold.

Patriotic ambition lament years

Ascend to the north gate of the city in late autumn

The scarf quinoa staff north city head, the west wind sweeping the ground full of sorrow.

A little bit of feng spread the guan letter, and two lines of geese took Du Lingqiu.

The mountains and rivers are scrapped for scratching their heads, and their lives are in danger.

The poems of Hengqi are not repeated, and the dream soul is still around the ancient Liang Prefecture.

In autumn, go upstairs and express patriotic ambitions

Autumn Xing

Flat boats on the Qiao Feng Creek, reminiscing about the old swim along the Maojin River.

Haozhu mourning silk really dreamed yesterday, and the anvil pestle was full of pestles and autumn.

The fallen branches of oranges are ripe at the beginning, and the floating urn is just fragrant.

Mo Dao was always idle, and he wrote clear sorrows at night and night.


The article is natural, and the clever hand occasionally gets it.

If there is no flaw, how can it be artificial?

Jun looked at the ancient Yi instrument, and the cunning was not done.

Han has recently preceded Qin, and has been specially pure.

What is Hu Bu, HaoZhu Miscellaneous Mourning Silk.

After the hammer is not repeated, who is with the period of a thousand years?


Raccoon Girl

Jiangtou's daughter, Hammerhead, often accompanies her aunt to provide mulberry ma.

When the household weaving at night is dumb, the ground stove bean straw pan-soil tea.

Growing up to marry with the East and West families, chai men are relatively not on the car.

Green skirt bamboo wedge Ho so, inserted bun Ye Ye morning glory.

The demon in the city has a face like a xia, and the official Mu Gaohua is vying for marriage.

Qingli came out of the sky and hugged the pipa every year.

Remembering that wang shishu returned to long yesterday, the remnants looked at the platform day and night.

Regardless of the full pot pulp, the Luosun river bream comes for the second time.

Linjiangxian Liguozhou

The dove rain turned into a new green, and the swallow mud collected the residual red. Spring light is also the same as beauty. The heart is empty, but the parting is hurried.

Only the truth is easy to write, and the words of complaint are difficult to work. The water flowed from west to east. Half-gallery flower yard moon, a hat willow bridge wind.

Xi Chun parted ways to linjiangxian

Spring outing

The flowers in Shen's home are like brocade, and half of them are the ones who knew and released the weng in that year.

I also believe that the beauty will eventually make the soil, and the dream is too hurried.

Lu You has 100 poems, and the poems have been written all his life, telling his home and country thoughts

Asahina Tso Dai Tan Tak called it

Afraid of singing and dancing lazily. Late makeup to spring. Always deep into the depths of man, at that time ruthless.

Concerned about recent days, cry red secret lawsuit, cut green deep alliance. The apricot hall flowers are shallow and the silver candles in the painting hall are too bright.

Graceful plum blossom towards the middle of the measure

Look north

In the past, when I was born, the Central Plains lost its peace.

Ning Zhi tomb wooden arch, do not see the dust clear.

Jingluo has no letters, and Jianghuai Shangsu soldiers.

When will the Qinghai Moon re-illuminate the Han family camp?

The Moon On the Begonia And The Abandoned Garden of the Sun is closed

In the south of Chengdu, there are the old garden of the King of Shu, Yu Duomei, all of which are more than 200 years old.

The Zhumen gate of the Xieyang Abandoned Garden was closed, hanging in the tears of death and resentment. Light palace plum, also still, dot crisp cut water. Where there is sorrow, it seems to recall Xuanhua's old affairs.

Pedestrians do not have a desolate feeling, folding the fragrance, who and send thousands of miles. Standing in Jianggao, it is difficult to ride, and the long head returns to riding. The sound dust is far away, and Chu Tianwei is leaning alone.

Graceful plum blossom nostalgic begonia on the moon

On the night of March 17, I was drunk

The year before the whale on the East Sea, the white waves were as strong as mountains;

Last year, the tiger was shot in the autumn of Nanshan, and the night returned to the snow full of mink.

This year's decadence is the most ridiculous, HuaFa is ashamed of himself.

Who knows that the wine can still be crazy, and when he takes off his hat, he shouts at people.

Reverse Hu's heart was not even, and there was a sound at the head of the lone sword bed.

Broken dreams back to the lights to die, the window wind and rain are three more.

Patriotism is hard to reward

Qing Shang Grievances Ye Meng Yi Zuo

Jiangtou drank bitterly at dusk, and the snow was still clear. The mountain station is desolate, and the lights are dim and sleep alone.

The mandarin machine sent a new broken brocade, sighing the past, overwhelmed and introspective. Dream break the south building, green clouds pile a pillow.

Song Ci Selection Detention Travel Lonely Miss Qing Shang Grievances

Double-headed lotus·

Hua sideburns stars, shock and ambition into a void, this body is like a mail. Depression. To the dark, to dissipate the arrogance of the year. Dream of breaking the mountains and rivers of the homeland, separated by heavy smoke and water. In the tens of thousands of miles, the old society withered, qingmen Junyou who remembers?

As far as the Road Jinli is prosperous, the sighing officials are idle and eternal, and chai Jingtian sleeps. Self-indulgent. Thinking about this, paying to whom. Even if there is Chu Feng Wu Fan, do you know when Dong died? Empty hope, beautiful incense, autumn wind rises again.

Nostalgia, homesick, two-headed lotus

Queqiao Xian Hua Lantern Zhongbo

Hua Lantern Longitudinal Bo, carved saddle gallop shooting, who remembers the heroic deeds of that year. Half of the drunkards were given the title of marquis, and went alone to be the fishermen by the river.

The light boat is eight feet, the low canopy is three fans, and the smoke and rain of Pingzhou are broken. Jinghu Yuan is an idle person, so why should he be given by the official family. (Guan Jia Ichi: Jun En)

Song Ci 300 Songs Reminiscences Of Life Heroic Ambition Queqiao Immortal

East Lake Hsinchu

The thorny fence is carefully protected, and the cold and blue ripples are cultivated.

The breeze swept the ground and the autumn arrived first, and the red sun did not know at noon.

When the flute is untied, the sound is heard, and the leaves are separated at first sight.

Officials want to come here frequently, but pillows still teach to follow everywhere.

Aria Bamboo

Pillow on the work

Xiao Xiao's white hair lay flat on the boat, and he died in the middle of the old generation.

Wanli Guanhe lonely pillow dream, five more wind and rain four mountains and autumn.

Zheng Qian laughed to himself and was poor and drunk, and Li Guang did not hesitate to be old.

There is still a youthful flavor, Wu Mu wrote a sentence to write a clear sorrow.

Mr. Longxing Temple Hang Shaoling resides

The Grass of the Central Plains lost its bearings, and the fire and dust reached the two capitals.

The old minister is thousands of miles away, and the cold weather comes here to listen to the sound of the river!

Nostalgia sighed

Lu You has 100 poems, and the poems have been written all his life, telling his home and country thoughts

June 14 stayed at Donglin Temple

See all the rivers and lakes and thousands of peaks, do not feel the cloud dream mustard my chest.

Play beckons Xi Sai Mountain before the month, come to listen to the Donglin Temple bell.

The distant visitor knows that the old monk can remember the past meeting.

The virtual window is asleep who is shocked, and the wild pillar is not self-reliant at night.


Long song line

Life is not a safe life, drunk into the East China Sea to ride a long whale;

Yu Dang was li Xiping, and the hand thief rebelled against the thief to clean up the old capital.

The golden seal brilliance did not start, and the white hair came to be merciless.

Chengdu ancient temple lying in the autumn evening, the sunset is partial to the monk window.

Will he immediately break the thief's hand, oh poetry long as a cold cockroach?

Xinglai buys all the bridge wine, and the big car falls on the pile of long bottles;

Mourning silk hao bamboo to help the drama drink, such as sawing the wild by the Yellow River poured.

Usually, not a drop is ingested, and the spirit suddenly surprises thousands of people.

The national vendetta has not repaid the old man, and the sword in the box has a sound at night.

He Dang triumphant feast soldiers, three more snow pressure flying fox city!

Lyrical ideal ambition

Good thing near autumn dawn on the lotus peak

Autumn dawn on the Lotus Peak, high on the Azure Wall. Who is with the release of the man? There is a temple of heaven light strategy.

Suddenly, the red dragon flew, and the thunderstorm was black. Talk about laughter to make a rich year, laugh Zen niche chestnut.

Patriotic imagination good things near

Book of indignation two

The white-haired Xiao Xiao was lying in the middle of the mountain, only relying on heaven and earth to judge the lonely loyalty.

Er poor Su Wu ate for a long time, and his angry Zhang Patrol chewed his teeth empty.

Drizzle spring on the forest garden, decadent night moon Luoyang Palace.

Zhuangxin is not old, and he can still be a ghost male when he dies.

In the mirror, there are two sideburns, and the heart is still like Dan.

The decay is too late to try to be narrow, and the sorrow and indignation are still fighting for the sword cold.

Far away from the ten years of Bo, Zhuang Tu Wanli Battle Gao Lan.

Guanhe has been an infinite number of things since ancient times, who expected to stand idly by now.

Expressing ambition without rewarding resentment

To the wine

Idleness is like flying snow, and it dissolves when it is drunk.

Good flowers are like the old people, and a laughing cup is empty.

The warbler has feelings and thinks of me, and the willow side cries the spring breeze all day.

In less than fourteen years in Chang'an, the drunkards often became decaying.

The Nine Rings Treasure Belt shines brightly, and it is better to leave Jun's cheeks red.

Friends drink and express resentment

Partridge Day' foot red dust is upside down

The red dust of the plug is upside down. More to flatten the earth and the blue sky. Newcomers have a career to do, buy out the smoke wave without money.

Sell wine market, pick diamond boats. Drunk to listen to the wind and rain to sleep. The Three Mountains Lao Tzu was really funny, forty years late to see things.

Seclusion Life Leisurely Sigh Partridge Day


Reminiscing about the past, the water mail mountain station does not care.

After repeatedly burning the Remaining Stack by the Han Emperor, he once stayed in the Outer City of the Tang Family.

Ambition is pitifully turned into yesterday's dream, and the only thing that happens in the dead year is spring ploughing.

The west window overheard the empty staircase rain, and the blue light alone was not flat.

Remembrance Lyrical Grief

Send the seven brothers to Yangzhou Shuaimu

The first report side beacon stone, swirling Huma Jigua state.

The princes who listen to the sword strategy, my generation is empty of worries.

The rapid snow breaking the window is broken, and the dangerous building is full of tears.

Do you know that today's Huainan Road, chaotic flying flowers to send passenger boats.

Farewell write a scene worried about the country

Good thing is near the mouth of the ship to return

Xiangkou released the boat home, and the thin twilight scattered flowers and islands. The two sides of the strait are white and red, reflecting a new green.

There is a place to sell wine for the home, and the diamond is four o'clock. Tomorrow I will take the wind again, and I will go north and south of the river.

Writing scene sentimentality Helpless good things are near

The afterscent of the golden duck is still warm

The golden duck is still warm, and the green window is obliquely bright. The fragrance of the blue paste is stained with clouds, and the fall is slippery and silent.

Snubbing the swing partner, Shan Shan beat the horse mood. The embroidery screen broke Xiao Xiang's dream, and a warbler sounded outside the flower.

Spring Women Live Lonely Lonely Dark Night Cry

Lu You has 100 poems, and the poems have been written all his life, telling his home and country thoughts

Magnolia tachibana

Three years of wandering on the Bashan Road, torn green shirts and dusty hats. Like the head cloud of Xizang, I was worried about qutang and closed the grass.

Spring plate spring wine is good every year, try to wear silver and sentence drunk. This year old everyone Tim, not the world is partial to my old age.

Lyrical resentment worried about the country Magnolia

Partridge Tian, lazy, learns to plant melons from Qingmen

Lazy to Learn to Grow Melons from Qingmen, only to send fishing to Nianhua. Twins of new swallows flew on the spring shore, and pieces of light gulls fell into the late sand.

The song is ethereal, the vomit is dumb, and the wine is like a flower. When people asked where they belonged, they laughed and pointed out that the boat was home.

Life Leisure Partridge Days

Queqiao Xian · A pole wind moon

A rod of wind and moon, a smoke and rain, the family lives in the west of Diaoyutai. Selling fish is afraid of approaching the city gate, but willing to go to the depths of red dust?

Tidal physiological, tidal flat tether, tidal wave hoax return. When people mistakenly put more than Yan Guang, I was a nameless fisherman.

Wing Huai Fisherman Father Seclusion Life Mood Queqiao Immortal

Butterfly love flower, kiri leaf morning fluttering night language

Kirito leaf morning fluttering night language. Lu Si autumn light, dark Chang'an Road. Forget about the cross-legged horse. Scattered customs clearance should be the same.

The Jianghai Light Boat is now in place. A book of soldiers, sighing no one paid. I believed that I would never meet in this life. At that time, the regret grass grew Yang Fu.

Patriotic nostalgia sigh sorrow butterfly love flowers

Drunk and nostalgic

The early kings remembered their names, and only now they are haggard in the border city.

The green shirt is like an old bird, and the white hair is born from the sword.

The autumn of the ancient Shu Jing banner is bleak, and the night of the high city is clear.

Zhuangxin did not allow it to be completely dissipated, and drunkenly listened to the sound of the sandalwood grooves.

Lyrical Patriotism Nostalgia For the Past hurts the present, ambitions are not rewarded

Pearl curtain ・ Yamamura Water Hall Jagged Road

Yamamura Water Pavilion Jagged Road. Feeling the bondage, it is like a residual spring breeze. Sweeping through the curtains, do you know where they belong? In the mirror, the new frost was empty of self-pity, and asked when the Luantai Ao Department was. Twilight, high ambition, empty words.

Since ancient times, the Confucian crown is many mistakes. Regret that year, did not flatten the boat early. Get drunk on Baiping Chau and watch the sunset gulls. The perch were abandoned, only in exchange for the dust of the green shirt. Hugh. Early on the river, a smoke and rain.

Pearl curtain

The arbutus planted repeatedly in the mountain garden is not a single strong and cute play

There are trees in the air, but the loquat is full of plates.

It is difficult to learn the power door to pile up the fire, and collect gold pills from the prince.

The branches are not afraid of the wind, and the birds on the ground are pecking.

Qing Xiao Hu took the dew picking and taught semi-cooked heteroglyceric acid.

Lu You has 100 poems, and the poems have been written all his life, telling his home and country thoughts

Banquet West Building

The remains of the West Building are still heroic, and the splendid shengxiao is in mid-air.

Wanli has become a long-term customer, and the year is easy and autumn wind.

The candlelight reflects the pearls, and the wine halo Xu Tianyu's cheeks are red.

The way back to the cool is more lovely, Maha Pond on the moon square.

Lyrical life Sorrow

Appeal to the heartfelt feelings・ The green shirt first entered the Nine Heavy Castle

Qingyi first entered the Nine-Fold City, and made friends and heroes. Wax sealed in the middle of the night, riding and riding quietly.

Time is easy to lose, the city is difficult, and the sideburns are born. Pingzhang wind and moon, bullet pressure on the country, do not be a meritorious name.

Reminiscing about the past, expressing indignation, and expressing heartfelt feelings

Sunset view of willow bridge

Koura smells the fish and jumps, and yokosnabe waits for the crane to return.

Idle clouds do not become rain, so the mountains fly.

Write the scene lyrically, the ambition is not rewarded

Xie Chichun

Seventy decaying men, do not reduce the arrogance of the year. Like a heavenly mountain, desolate and sick. Copper camel thorns, sprinkled with wind and clear tears. Very affectionate, accompanied by children's play.

Now He Xing, make a homecoming plan. Cranes flew in, and Qinglan warmed up. Jade pot spring wine, about the group of immortals drunk together. The cave is cold, and the dew peach has not yet opened.

incense burner

Four seats and no noise, willing to listen to a song.

Please say copper incense, Cui Wei like Nanshan.

The upper branches resemble pine cypress, and the lower branches are based on copper plates.

The carvings are of different kinds, connected to Lou Zi.

Who can do this, public lose and Lu like.

Zhu Huo ran in the middle, and green smoke filled the air.

Shun into the arms of the king, the four seats are not happy.

The incense is difficult to live in for a long time, and the air makes the grass crippled.

West Village

In the depths of the chaotic mountains, the small taoyuan, in the past years, I begged for pulp and knocked on the door.

The Takayanagi Bridge first turned horses, and several villages near the water became their own villages.

Maolin wind sent ghost birds to whisper, and bad wall moss invaded the ink marks.

A Qing poem records this evening, the clouds and the crescent moon at dusk.

Countryside Pastoral Writing scene

Book Nest Chronicles

  Lu Zi was old and sick, and he still did not read books, and his room was called the book nest. The guest asked: "The magpie's nest is in the wood, and the nest is far away; the swallow's nest is in the beam, and the nest is the attacker." The nest of the phoenix, the nest of the people, the nest of the owls, the overthrow of the people. The finch cannot nest, or the nest of the swallow, the nest of the tyrant also; the dove can not nest, waiting for the crane to breed the chicks, then live in its nest, the nest of the clumsy also. In ancient times, there was a nest, which was the nest of the unincorporeal chamber. The sick water of the Yao people is a nest for the sake of avoiding harm. In the poor valleys of the mountains in the past life, there were learned people, and the nest of perched wood was a nest for seclusion. In recent times, the stream of drinkers, or the wooden poles, drunk and shouting, are also the nests of the madmen. Imako is fortunate to have a house to live in, a wall of the house, a house of Judah than a house, and a nest, Ho ya?"

  Lu Ziyi: "The son's words are debated, and Gu wei enters my room." In my room, or perched on a tree, or in front of it, or on a pillow on a bed, leaning around, there is no one but a book. I eat and live, groan in pain, sigh in sorrow and indignation, and I am not without books. Guests do not arrive, wives do not look, and the changes of wind and rain and thunder and hail do not know. When they deliberately want to arise, and the books are surrounded by chaotic books, such as the accumulation of branches, or even if they cannot do it, they laugh at themselves: "This is not what I call the nester evil." It is to lead the guest to look at it. The guest could not enter, neither enter nor exit, but also laughed: "Believe it is like a nest." When the guest went, Lu Zi sighed: "The things under the heavens are not as detailed as those who hear them, and those who see them are not as good as those who live." I have not created the Mystery of the Tao of The Way, and I have vainly discussed it from outside the fence, can I?" Because of the book to self-warning. On September 3, 1999, Chun Xi, Fu Li Lu was a certain guan ji.

Memories lyrical emotion

The farmer sighed

Wheat is planted in the mountains, and rice is planted in the water.

The cattle lead the sores to the bone, and the ploughing is still at night.

Do your best to do your own work, and wish for peace.

Who peels the peck in front of the door? The sound of county officials collecting rent.

Entering the county court, he was poor day and night.

Who is not afraid to die? There is no reason to be self-righteous.

I want to say that I am afraid of hurting my parents' feelings.

The old man was well fed, and the wife was light.

Farmers sympathize

Spring cripple

ShiJingshan sent the sunset in front of the mountain, and the spring remnant looked back at Beiyi.

Shi Ping's heroes have no merit in old age, and the township expedition people have dreams.

Alfalfa seedlings invade the official Road, and the turnip flowers enter the wheat furrow.

Tired of laughing at yourself and destroying the decadence, who remembers the flying eagle drunk and beaten the siege.

Write scenes hurt spring lyrical sighs

Qinyuan Spring Lone Crane Returns to Fly

The lone crane returns to fly, and then passes through the Liaotian and replaces the old people. Thoughts of tired and withered tombs, vast dreams, princely ants, after all, into dust. Carrying wine garden, looking for flowers and alleys, He Zeng lightly carried spring on that day. Flow year change, sigh around the belt leftovers, point sideburns new.

The intercourse is scattered like a cloud, and it is not expected that there is such a body now. Fortunately, I am bright-eyed and healthy, and the tea is sweet and soft, not only am I old, but also some people are poor. Dodge the crisis, eliminate the ambition, and idle in the lake of short boats. I hate it, there are fishermen drunk together, and creek friends are neighbors.

Lyrical sentiments, sorrow, Qinyuan Spring

Dotted lips and medicine return

After returning from collecting medicine, he sought out the mao shop to sell new brews. Twilight Smoke. Fishing singing everywhere.

Drunk flat boat, not afraid of sticky waves. On the rivers and lakes, cover back to the sparse. Be idle.

Hometown Idle Dotted Lips

Lang Taosha Danyang Floating Jade Pavilion seat

Green trees dark long pavilion, a few off-the-top. Yang Guan often hates it. Moreover, in the autumn colors of this dynasty, I am a pedestrian.

Tears are cleared, and each soul is extinguished. A river is just equal to hate. Ande Chihiro cross iron lock, cut off the smoke?

Friends parting waves and sand

Break the line

Shi to a thousand bells, over seventy years old is often rare. Rong Huayuan under his eyes is a dream, and the reputation behind him is unknown. Camp end for whom.

Fortunately, there is a flag pavilion to sell wine, why not cocoon paper inscription poems. Yugu Yunluo collected medicine, and Jingyuan Xuan window played chess. Not a fool.

Lu You has 100 poems, and the poems have been written all his life, telling his home and country thoughts

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