
Digital Transformation Landscape in Alibaba Cloud Habitat Conference, Zhang Jianfeng: Don't put too high hopes on technology

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Digital Transformation Landscape in Alibaba Cloud Habitat Conference, Zhang Jianfeng: Don't put too high hopes on technology

Zhi DongXi (public number: zhidxcom)

Author | Li Shuiqing

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Zhidong reported on October 22 that today, the week-long Aliyunqi Conference ended in Hangzhou, and after we visited the Yunqi Conference, we found that the digital transformation of government and enterprises is approaching the entire Ali territory center and showing new changes.

Zhang Jianfeng, president of Alibaba Cloud Intelligence, said that after talking with a number of CEOs, he believes that the digitalization of Chinese enterprises will be a critical period in the next three years. "Most companies right now are cios (circa corpus) are a new generation of CIOs, always thinking about how companies can go digital and what they should do, rather than buying equipment. This is a key change in China's digital transformation. ”

"Do a thick foundation downwards, and do a good job in industrial applications upwards." At the bottom level, Alibaba Cloud's "Yitian" cloud native processor and "Feitian" cloud computing system have made new progress, and looking at the upper capability level, how to combine with the industry? Can you do a project? What kind of products and services are offered? Can it be further ecological?

This is the process that Zhang Jianfeng believes that it needs to be realized step by step to do a good job in industrial application, and it is also the proposition that Alibaba Cloud hopes to show the answer at this Yunqi conference.

<h2>First, cloud power and transportation have become important areas for Alibaba's enterprise digital empowerment</h2>

In Hangzhou, many residents will contact a mobile government APP called "Zhejiang Liban", the user has reached 70 million users, daily active 3 million, Alibaba vice president, Alibaba Cloud intelligent government and enterprise industry division president Xu Shijun said, this is already a large mobile APP volume.

He said that data has become a new factor of production, data can produce new data, and it is a new element of the industry's digitalization scheme.

In view of the digital transformation of government and enterprises, it is reported that Alibaba Cloud has laid out a number of industry tracks, covering more than a dozen industry departments in the fields of intelligent transportation, intelligent logistics, and intelligent power. In the exhibition of this year's Alibaba Cloud Habitat Conference, we saw that the digital transformation of government and enterprises accounted for a large part.

For example, in response to the "double carbon" policy, the cloud power solution is displayed in a prominent position in the exhibition hall. Around the six major links of "transmission-transmission-change-distribution-use-dispatch", Alibaba Cloud has carried out digital and intelligent innovation, and it is reported that it has provided computing service business for two major power grids and five major power generation groups, covering 60% of the country's electricity users.

Digital Transformation Landscape in Alibaba Cloud Habitat Conference, Zhang Jianfeng: Don't put too high hopes on technology

According to the exhibition, alibaba cloud power solutions cover a number of applications such as waste incineration status identification, unmanned aerial vehicle transmission inspection, robot distribution inspection, and power intelligent dispatching system.

Digital Transformation Landscape in Alibaba Cloud Habitat Conference, Zhang Jianfeng: Don't put too high hopes on technology

The transportation booth also occupies a very eye-catching position, among which smart high-speed, smart aviation, smart railway and other solutions form a complete set of transportation solutions covering sea, land and air. An eye-catching smart pole equipped with multiple Internet of Things devices such as cameras and base stations has been reported to have landed on a large scale in Sichuan and other places.

Digital Transformation Landscape in Alibaba Cloud Habitat Conference, Zhang Jianfeng: Don't put too high hopes on technology

Alibaba Cloud newly established the XR Lab and exhibited a panoramic live broadcast of drones based on mobile millimeter waves, which showed the picture of the park venue in real time and became a window to display the technology of the smart park.

Digital Transformation Landscape in Alibaba Cloud Habitat Conference, Zhang Jianfeng: Don't put too high hopes on technology

XR Lab also exhibited AR glasses equipment for remote collaboration, which is used in a variety of enterprise and industrial scenarios.

Digital Transformation Landscape in Alibaba Cloud Habitat Conference, Zhang Jianfeng: Don't put too high hopes on technology

In addition, there are some experimental or competitive application projects, such as the team that independently displayed at the booth to spread the case of its urban waterlogging monitoring system "along the street".

Digital Transformation Landscape in Alibaba Cloud Habitat Conference, Zhang Jianfeng: Don't put too high hopes on technology

And various business digital applications launched with partners, such as robotic arms that can grasp fruits.

Digital Transformation Landscape in Alibaba Cloud Habitat Conference, Zhang Jianfeng: Don't put too high hopes on technology

For example, the central digital platform of partner boss electrical appliances, real-time perception of factory dynamic data, business analysis and risk warning.

Digital Transformation Landscape in Alibaba Cloud Habitat Conference, Zhang Jianfeng: Don't put too high hopes on technology

In addition, there are some applications in the field of health care, such as digital health care solutions that can provide services such as hyperthermia, etc.

Digital Transformation Landscape in Alibaba Cloud Habitat Conference, Zhang Jianfeng: Don't put too high hopes on technology

<h2>Second, enterprises do digitalization, do not place excessive high hopes on technology</h2>

On the one hand, Alibaba Yunqi Conference has a wealth of government and enterprise digital transformation theme exhibitions, on the other hand, there are a number of related sub-forums, which is a good annotation of the industry trends presented by the exhibition.

At the sub-forum on the digital transformation of government and enterprises at the Alibaba Cloud Habitat Conference on October 20, Zhang Jianfeng said that digital technology must be combined with the industry, but the industry is diverse and diverse. Alibaba Cloud focuses on the following points:

1. Alibaba Cloud is still a student, to learn industry knowledge, and work with industry partners to promote digital transformation.

2, the technology does not have the most advanced technology, only the most appropriate technology, need to meet the current stage of the industry.

3, enterprises to do digitalization, endogenous power is the enterprise itself, do not put excessive high hopes on technology.

These points are actually Zhang Jianfeng's position in The position of Alibaba Cloud, in the digital transformation of government and enterprises, the industry is the first, and technology is behind.

Digital Transformation Landscape in Alibaba Cloud Habitat Conference, Zhang Jianfeng: Don't put too high hopes on technology

Zhang Jianfeng, President of Alibaba Cloud Intelligence

Zhang Jianfeng briefly reviewed the process of internal digital transformation, the technology department provides cloud, big data and other capabilities, and the technical upper layer mainly uses the DingTalk platform for development. There are many people inside Alibaba who do not understand algorithms, but at present, in the business, finance, human resources and other systems have achieved digitalization, the core question is, who will develop? The answer is the HR department that is closest to the business. In external empowerment, Ali advocates letting enterprises develop their own, or even not write a line of code to achieve the desired function.

Zhang Jianfeng said that the most essential thing in software is to be ready to reconstruct at all times. "A lot of engineers want a system to last for decades, which I think is extremely wrong. Software development costs are getting lower and less flexible, and software obsolescence will become more frequent in the future. ”

The most difficult thing about industrial digital transformation is the transformation of ideas and the implementation of ideas. Zhang Jianfeng explained: "In the past, many bosses would make choices about equipment, whether to spend 10 million or 1 million; the digital era is different, bosses are not buying it once, but how to digitize every day. It's very challenging. Whether you can succeed or not is to have enough determination and good ideas. ”

Zhang Jianfeng said that the digitalization of Chinese enterprises will be a critical period in the next three years.

<h2>Third, force high-end electronics, launch the electronics industry digital factory 1.0</h2>

The bottom layer of the digital solution is the infrastructure, the top layer is to rely on the ecosystem of industry partners and industry solutions, Xu Shijun said that the core of Alibaba Cloud is to do the middle layer, through the data intelligence engine, combined with the understanding of the industry, the establishment of big data models and superimposed algorithm models, so as to open functions to support upper-level applications.

Xu Shijun frankly said that from a consumer Internet company to ToB to walk hard, but has made achievements, in the government and public services, transportation and logistics, manufacturing, telecommunications and media, energy and electricity, commercial retail and other aspects of the achievements, covering more than 200 government and enterprise partners, from the original integrators to the current SaaS, city operators, research institutes, etc., there have been more than 2,000 joint programs.

At the meeting, Alibaba Cloud and China Electronic Engineering Institute Co., Ltd. (Electronics Academy 10) jointly released the "Electronics Industry Digital Factory 1.0".

Digital Transformation Landscape in Alibaba Cloud Habitat Conference, Zhang Jianfeng: Don't put too high hopes on technology

China Electronics Engineering Co., Ltd. mainly provides "industrialized" last-mile services such as production capacity planning, process production line layout, and production equipment configuration for high-tech factories such as flat panel displays, semiconductors, and data centers.

Xia Liankun, general manager of China Electronics Engineering Institute Co., Ltd. (Electronic Tenth Institute), said that at present, electronic manufacturing is facing challenges in manufacturing, operation, quality and safety, organizational management, energy management, etc. For example, there are engineers who open 50 months a week only to review the problems existing in the production line, and the information island leads to many problems that are difficult to trace. The "Electronics Industry Digital Factory 1.0" released this time mainly focuses on intelligent factory affairs, intelligent operation and maintenance, smart park, and digital twin, and lands in displays, semiconductors, small and medium-sized PCBs, and batteries.

It can be seen that Alibaba Cloud's digitalization of the electronics industry is still in its infancy, but the grip is already relatively clear.

<h2>Conclusion: Enterprise digitalization, endogenous power or the enterprise itself</h2>

The digital transformation of government and enterprises has become a hot direction at present, as the start of the consumer Internet, Ali is gradually applying its cloud, big data and other technologies to the To B field, from the "small To B" fields such as consumption and marketing to the "big To B" fields such as electricity, steel and transportation.

At present, the national "double carbon" and new infrastructure policies are advancing, and the technology giants represented by Alibaba Cloud are keeping up with this pace. At the same time, these industrial fields such as electric power and steel have strong industry barriers and engineering difficulties, and the digitalization process is still in its infancy. How to break through the barriers to a new stage, as Zhang Jianfeng said, the industry is the best teacher of technical people, do not place excessive high hopes on technology, endogenous power is the enterprise itself, need to combine the development of the industry to find the most suitable technology.

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