
The "Iron Man" behind the big screen was also an addict!

author:Guangzong anti-drug

He starred in a movie at the age of 5.

He starred at the age of 22.

At the age of 27, he was nominated for an Oscar.

The 32-year-old was arrested and imprisoned for drug abuse.

At the age of 43, he starred in "Iron Man" and became popular again.

From "Iron Window" to "Iron Man"

Life goes up and down like this

Robert Downey Jr

Robert Downey Jr.

The "Iron Man" behind the big screen was also an addict!

When I was 5 years old, I was on the set,

Little Downey in his father's absurd comedy

In Life as a Dog (1970),

Played a puppy.

The "Iron Man" behind the big screen was also an addict!

In 1992,

Downey starred in the movie Chaplin,

And nominated for the Oscar for Best Actor.

The "Iron Man" behind the big screen was also an addict!

In 1996,

Downey drove the sports car naked,

The intercepted police seized heroin and pistols.

The following year,

Downey escapes from a drug rehab center and is caught,

Sentenced to 3 years' imprisonment,

After his release from prison, he was arrested twice for drug abuse.

The "Iron Man" behind the big screen was also an addict!

"It's as if I put a shotgun in my mouth,

My finger was already on the trigger,

I knew it was going to kill people.

But that seductive metallic smell,

It still makes me want to stop. ”

This series of news made Downey infamous,

The acting career went down a trough and came to a complete halt.

In 2002,

Downey completed a 5-year-long "anti-drug plan",

Start preparing your comeback plans.

Until the appearance of the "Iron Man" project.

This is where Downey's later glory comes.

The "Iron Man" behind the big screen was also an addict!
The "Iron Man" behind the big screen was also an addict!

Downey's untamed personality,

The ups and downs of the experience,

Both with the character of Tony Stark

Perfect fit,

As if this character

It's just like it's tailor-made for him.

No need for excessive Mannerism,

Iron Man's arrogance, loneliness,

Introspection, the desire for a comeback,

It was all in Downey's eyes.

The "Iron Man" behind the big screen was also an addict!

How hard is heroin to quit?

Heroin is known as the "king of the world's drugs",

Of all the drugs,

Involving heroin manufacturing, smuggling, or abuse

Drug crimes took the top spot.

Known as the king of drugs in the world.

recognized by the United Nations as a level one drug control,

It is also one of the most important drugs monitored and banned in China.

One of the most frightening aspects of heroin toxicity is that

relapse due to psychological and physiological dependence,

The relapse rate is as high as 99%.

There are people who are said to have only single digits in the country

Can last for five years without relapse,

There have been no reports of relapse for more than a decade.

Is heroin really impossible to quit?


With the application of new science and technology,

Heroin also has a nemesis,

the appearance of naltrexone,

It can be said that it is a declaration of war on heroin!

The "Iron Man" behind the big screen was also an addict!

Naltrexone is an antagonist,

Has a super antagonistic effect on opioids,

It can even be applied to abstinence from alcohol,

is a non-addictive,

does not produce excess medications,

It can be said that it is a drug of God-like existence.

Now that there is a "special medicine",

Why are there so many people

Can't quit heroin completely?

If it's that simple,

Maybe soon there will be no drug addicts.

Naltrexone drugs are more expensive,

This is one of its major drawbacks.


Naltrexone is not an addictive drug,

does not give the drug addict pleasure,

So many drug addicts don't want to take this medicine.

can't bring them pleasure,

It also costs a lot of money.


Methadone is an artificially synthesized narcotic drug,

one of the narcotic drugs strictly controlled by the State,

Can be used to treat heroin addiction.

It can effectively suppress the "feeling of longing" of heroin addiction.

The "Iron Man" behind the big screen was also an addict!

Has a long time to control withdrawal symptoms,

The efficacy is accurate, easy to use and other characteristics.

Methadone is also one of the opioids,

Once methadone is discontinued,

It will also bring certain negative effects to the body,

There are opioid withdrawal reactions such as insomnia and anxiety

as well as moderate to severe drug dependence.

Although methadone can be used by opioid addicts

Bring temporary ease,

Use the appropriate dose of methadone

It will not overly calm and produce pleasure in the user.

But if you don't follow your doctor's advice

illegally obtaining large amounts of methadone,

Long-term use or abuse

It can also lead to intoxication or addiction.

One drug use is a disaster!

Cherish life away from drugs!

Article source: Nanjing anti-drug

The "Iron Man" behind the big screen was also an addict!

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