
Chrysanthemum Tea

author:My hair 888

Chrysanthemum tea

Lin Zhihong

It's like a rain

The world is full

It's like sowing a seed

The flowers bloomed

Drifting slowly



Open the doors of the seasons

Eyes on the world

No more tillers

Colorful flowers

The cycle of life

Frozen in

Fancy years

Step on the incense

Bees, butterflies, and me

Take a sip

Qin Xintian

That touch of chrysanthemum

That fragrance

About author:Lin Zhihong, pen name Hong Whip, a native of Putian, Fujian. He is a member of the Chinese Poetry Society, a member of the China Young Writers Association, a contracted writer of Qilu Literature, a music lyricist, and a resident poet of the recitation platform of "Poetry Spreads Positive Energy". He was selected into the "2018 Selected Works of Contemporary Writers" and won the first prize of the Fifth "Meet in Beijing" National Literature and Art Competition.

Poetic view: Do not be happy with things, do not grieve with yourself

"Don't be happy with things, don't be sad with yourself" is a Chinese idiom from the Famous Book of Yueyang Lou by the Northern Song Dynasty writer Fan Zhongyan, which means not to feel happy and depressed because of the good or bad of foreign objects and their own gains and losses. It expresses the far-reaching and open-mindedness of the Guren people (people with high moral character in ancient times).

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