
Today's "summer", how did the ancients know that the heat was leaving? The handle of the Big Dipper seven stars points southwest

author:Wukong Science

There are many Western festivals that are loved by young people, such as Valentine's Day and Christmas, but when it comes to the twenty-four solar terms, not many people really know, especially for people who have no experience in farming.

Today's "summer", how did the ancients know that the heat was leaving? The handle of the Big Dipper seven stars points southwest

You know, one of the most powerful products of the ancient agricultural civilization is the twenty-four solar terms that condense the wisdom of the ancestors, and "dealing with the summer" is actually the 14th of the twenty-four solar terms, which may be August 22, may be August 23, or August 24.

When the summer comes, the crops in many parts of our country are just in the ripening period, and recently my hometown is about to harvest the grain, but unfortunately it is raining these days, many farmlands are flooded, if the water retreats not fast enough, this year's harvest will be affected, after all, our grain here can only be planted once a year.

Today's "summer", how did the ancients know that the heat was leaving? The handle of the Big Dipper seven stars points southwest

After the summer, because the temperature difference between day and night will become larger, a large amount of nutrients absorbed by crops during the day will be stored at night, and then it will mature relatively quickly, so the summer season is actually a day that indicates a good harvest.

What does "heat" have to do with hot weather?

As the saying goes, "Stop it, and the heat stops here." Everyone should know that as long as the time of "heat" arrives every year, even if the three-volt day is not over, it is close to the end, so the meaning of this festival is that the weather will gradually cool up, although the autumn tiger is still there, but the temperature at night will be significantly lower than the day.

Today's "summer", how did the ancients know that the heat was leaving? The handle of the Big Dipper seven stars points southwest

When the heat comes, the sun reaches the ecliptic position of 150° ecliptic longitude, and the direct point of the sun changes from 23° 26′ north latitude at the summer solstice to 11° 28′ north latitude. That is to say, the height of the sun changes on this day and will continue to decrease in the future, and when the heat emitted is roughly equal, but the distance is getting farther and farther, the heat we receive here will be correspondingly weakened.

In essence, the so-called twenty-four solar terms, reflecting the sun's annual visual movement law, but it is due to the general astronomical meteorological change law is different, cleverly combining folklore, phenology, agriculture and astronomy, farmers can use this as a time basis, everyone's daily prediction of cold and warm can also be used, with high practicality, so as early as 2006, the twenty-four solar terms were included in the first batch of national intangible cultural heritage list.

Today's "summer", how did the ancients know that the heat was leaving? The handle of the Big Dipper seven stars points southwest

How did the ancients determine the four seasons of the year and the twenty-four solar terms?

Thousands of years ago, the ancients did not know that the earth rotated a week for a year, and the rotation week was a day, and they did not know that the sun was a stellar quasar and the earth was a rocky planet quasar, but they still decided the season by observing the position change of the big dipper, the main purpose was not to delay the correct agricultural production season.

Today's "summer", how did the ancients know that the heat was leaving? The handle of the Big Dipper seven stars points southwest

Why did the ancients know that the summer was coming? This is the same as the four seasons of the year mentioned earlier, they are also determined by the shift of the stars, the Seven Stars of the Big Dipper were regarded as the "bucket shape" specially used to scoop wine at that time in ancient times, and the four points of the bucket handle, southeast and northwest, corresponding to the spring, summer, autumn and winter of the four seasons of the year. When the heat comes, as long as the weather is good, you will find when you watch the Big Dipper at night: at this time, the handle of the Big Dipper seven stars is actually pointing to the southwest, which is the so-called penta position.

Of course, the current twenty-four solar terms are actually determined according to the position of the sun, that is, the solar ecliptic longitude degree, and the movement of the sun also has its own trajectory, we divide this trajectory into 24 parts, which is equivalent to 15 ° for each part, and corresponds to 24 solar terms, starting from the spring and ending with the great cold. Of course, although the heat has arrived, the heat will not leave immediately, and it depends on the length of time that the "autumn tiger" lasts.

Today's "summer", how did the ancients know that the heat was leaving? The handle of the Big Dipper seven stars points southwest

The earth is still that earth, why is it that today's cold and warm are becoming more and more uncontrollable?

This everyone really feels deeply, now every year before the summer, some places the temperature may soar to more than 30 degrees, and when the weather into the hot summer, suddenly the temperature is as low as only ten degrees, some places are dry, some areas are flooded, those disasters that have occurred once in decades, once in hundreds of years, and even never seen, have frequent situations in recent years.

Today's "summer", how did the ancients know that the heat was leaving? The handle of the Big Dipper seven stars points southwest

It is undeniable that our earth is still that earth, and the time of the twenty-four solar terms has not changed, but the weather is beginning to become less regular, which is certainly not everyone's delusion, in the end it is caused by climate change, which is often said to be global warming.

Today's "summer", how did the ancients know that the heat was leaving? The handle of the Big Dipper seven stars points southwest

Global warming has not been concerned with many people in the past, and everyone may be more interested in the melting of permafrost and the discovery of the remains of prehistoric animals, rather than the ancient viruses that may be released or pose a threat to humans by the melting of permafrost. But now it's different, there are too many extreme weather events, and the impact on everyone's lives has become greater, so more and more people are beginning to pay attention to the Earth's climate, especially what the future will become. But from the current research of scientists, global warming cannot be stopped, and what we can do is to slow down this trend and prevent the rate of deterioration of the Earth's climate from accelerating further.

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