
Written after the first monthly exam: Daughter, I regret it because I neglected this habit

author:Meet Ling Wei


At the moment, I'm worried that you didn't sleep enough last night, did you have energy in class? At this time, I also feel tired. I care more about your body than I do about studying. Because of a healthy body, there is everything. Mom wants you to get 8 hours of adequate sleep.

Sleep well, people have spirits, quick brains, and good memory. Sleep is not good, groggy, inefficient, you say sleep is important don't you?

In short, mom still hurts that you don't sleep enough. Mom wants you to be in good health, and hopes that you can do a good job of time planning, "time-limited hypothesis test method" to write homework, and have time for preparation and revision. Stick with it, become a habit, and you'll learn faster and better.

Written after the first monthly exam: Daughter, I regret it because I neglected this habit

The results of the first monthly examination in junior high school came out, I don't know if you are satisfied with yourself? The third master sent me your monthly examination results, and the third master has been silently paying attention to you. You are lucky and happy. In addition to your parents, he and his teacher are paying attention to you.

You are a sensible child, and I think you will definitely prove it to everyone with your actions and will not disappoint everyone.

The result of an exam is not the end, but you also need to learn to reflect on the summary and see which subject is weaker. For example: Does the primary four subjects usually take more time? Is the language ignored?

In the first year of junior high school, you have to try to find what kind of learning methods are suitable for you? Mom can only do your logistical support, let you eat well, dress warmly, and have someone to talk to you when you go home. It's up to you to learn, and I'm still waiting for you to teach me. A lot of me don't or don't understand much.

Written after the first monthly exam: Daughter, I regret it because I neglected this habit

Do a good job of time planning, strive to have time to review and re-homework every day, improve the accuracy rate, and save some time for revision, okay?

Focus on doing things, is what you have to strive to do. Treat each assignment as an exam and you will feel a sense of urgency. Get used to the rhythm of writing homework in this way, and you will be calm and calm when you take the exam.

This month, you have worked hard. Learning is really hard, in order to choose what you want in the future, then cheer up! Mom accompanies you, and all the bitterness is for the sweetness of the future.

This monthly exam, math played well. Compared to the past, it can be said to be a surprise. Whether it's grades or rankings, Mom has always believed you can learn it well, no doubt.

Set yourself a goal, I believe you will make progress in the next monthly exam. Even if it is a step forward, or a point, it is progress. If you work hard, you won't regret it.

Written after the first monthly exam: Daughter, I regret it because I neglected this habit

I'm sorry, Mom got angry again at noon, slapped you a few times, you didn't fight back, I was surprised. I think it should be that you realize you're wrong. It was supposed to take 20 minutes to complete, but it took an hour. You probably don't think so, right?

20 minutes is your own estimate. If it doesn't work out, a few more minutes or more is fine. What Mom wants to see is that you are focusing on your homework, really trying to improve efficiency and manage time. Mom always believed that you would do what you said, so I was looking forward to it. But when 20 minutes turned into 60 minutes, I was a little angry.

I think this is a matter of attitude, seeing that you are still lying on the table, the fire in my heart is instantly ignited, how can I lie down when writing homework? In my mother's cognition, learning is learning, and it is time to sit well. When we are tired, we choose to rest.

Mom is not a rigid person, she has to sit in a military posture like others, but since she chooses to write homework, she will pick up her spirits, do it conscientiously, do it well, try to do it right again, don't change it, waste time.

Written after the first monthly exam: Daughter, I regret it because I neglected this habit

It is gratifying to see that you have improved, to know in time, and to feel good for you. It's just that we must also learn to play the role of timing and adapt ourselves to the rhythm of answering questions. The biggest enemy at the moment is time management.

Subjects have increased, and Mom understands your discomfort. Your resilience is already better than mine, plan your time well, just rush forward, you can. The daily course is done to prepare, listen to lectures, review, homework, and sort out the wrong questions, which is not much worse.

The main thing is that you have to be clear about what time to do what. Balance the study of the seven subjects, and you will become the master of time.

Mom may be a little anxious, thinking that you can make progress with hard work, but if you don't mention efficiency, progress becomes so difficult, or worry about not seeing your progress. So, sometimes the temper is short-tempered. I reflect and improve.

Written after the first monthly exam: Daughter, I regret it because I neglected this habit

In the future, we each do our own thing, you learn, I am always by your side. Together we strive to do better.

Yesterday, I read an article by Teacher Bai and felt very deeply. He said that most of his parents have become "teaching assistants" of teachers, and their children are studying at school and continuing to continue under the supervision of teaching assistants when they return home. He called on family education not to be made into schooling, and for each group to play its part.

But how easy is it? I especially appreciate his saying that "the first 30 years of everyone's life are the role of school education, and after 30 years it should be family education that plays an important role." ”

Do you agree?



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