
Polish presidential plane crashed in Russia, murder or accident? Black Box Exposes the Truth Crash Background Crash Truth The Documentary "Aerial Havoc"

author:Gonzo History 1

On April 10, 2010, the Polish president and Polish officials took a special plane to Russia, but before landing, they were tragically killed, and all the people on the plane crashed and died. Was the death of the Polish president an accident or a long-planned Russian conspiracy? Interested friends can like and follow Oh!

Polish presidential plane crashed in Russia, murder or accident? Black Box Exposes the Truth Crash Background Crash Truth The Documentary "Aerial Havoc"

Polish presidential plane

In 2019, Poland hosted an event to commemorate the soldiers who died in World War II, and the event also invited more than forty World War II victories, including more than two hundred officials. However, Russia, which contributed to World War II, did not appear in the invited ranks, and the hostile relationship between Poland and Russia has a long history, and the most recent event has to start from 2010.

On April 10, 2010, Polish President Kaczynski, his wife, and a number of important Polish officials were on a special plane to Russia to participate in an event that was very important to both countries. Kaczynski was still on the plane, already reading the speech at the event, and he attached great importance to the event.

Polish presidential plane crashed in Russia, murder or accident? Black Box Exposes the Truth Crash Background Crash Truth The Documentary "Aerial Havoc"

President Kaczyński of Poland

When the plane reached the halfway point, there was a thick fog in the sky, and the visibility became very low, and the plane could not even see the normal path. At this time, the tower command center of the Russian airport sent a signal to the special plane, indicating that the current weather was not suitable for landing, because even the landing runway could not be seen, and the notice said that it hoped that the special plane would return to the ship.

However, after the fog cleared, both Russia and Poland received news that the Polish president and those important officials had all died in the crash. As soon as the news came out, the Polish people, in their grief, immediately pointed the finger at Russia, and they insisted that this was not a simple accident, but a deliberate murder by Russia.

Polish presidential plane crashed in Russia, murder or accident? Black Box Exposes the Truth Crash Background Crash Truth The Documentary "Aerial Havoc"

Kaczynski's photos before the crash

In fact, it is not surprising that the Polish people can have such an idea, and as we said earlier, the hostile relations between Poland and Russia have a long history, and there is historical hatred between these two countries. Before Poland held commemorative events, no Russia was invited, so what kind of activities did Poland go to Russia to participate in this time? This brings us to the Katyn massacre.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" > the background of the crash</h1>

After the victory of Poland in the Polish-Soviet War in 1921, the Soviet Union had to give up its expansion to the West, and the Riga Peace Treaty of 1921 also allowed Poland to acquire part of Russia's territory, so more than 120,000 Soviet prisoners of war were held in Poland, and these prisoners of war were released three years later, some returned home, and some stayed in Poland and became Polish citizens.

Polish presidential plane crashed in Russia, murder or accident? Black Box Exposes the Truth Crash Background Crash Truth The Documentary "Aerial Havoc"

Map of the Polish-Soviet War

In 1937, the Soviet Union launched the Great Purge, which was actually a disguised ethnic cleansing campaign, in which they brutally killed many Poles in Russia. In 1939, Russia began to systematically prevent Polish independence, and the most important thing it did was to continue to massacre the Polish people.

In 1939, Germany and the Soviet Union launched separate attacks on Poland, and under the two sides, many of Poland's territory was occupied, and a large number of soldiers became prisoners. The Soviets considered these prisoners to be a liability, not only to be vigilant against their resistance, but also to consume the materials of their own troops, so they reported to their superiors that they wanted to execute these prisoners of war, which was quickly approved.

Polish presidential plane crashed in Russia, murder or accident? Black Box Exposes the Truth Crash Background Crash Truth The Documentary "Aerial Havoc"

Old photos of the Polish-Soviet War

In 1940, the Soviet Union began to kill these prisoners of war in batches, and eventually the bodies of the prisoners of war were transported to the Katyn Forest for burial, and many leaves were laid on the burial site. According to statistics, the Soviet Union killed more than 20,000 Poles. In 1943, when German troops occupied the Katyn Forest, they discovered a large number of bodies buried here and announced it to the world. However, the Soviet Union refused to admit this crime, which made the Polish government and people extremely angry, and from then on they hated the Soviet Union even more.

After the end of World War II, the United States set up a special committee to investigate the Hall Massacre, and in the final investigation, the strong evidence of the Soviet Union's crimes was published, and the international discussion on this matter became more and more intense. At that time, during the Cold War between the United States and the Soviet Union, the relationship between the two countries was originally on the verge of erupting, and many people were reluctant to talk about it in order to avoid aggravating the relationship between the two countries. Later, when the Soviet Union collapsed and the United States became the world's only superpower, no one was willing to judge the Katyn massacre, and this matter has always been between Russia in Poland.

Polish presidential plane crashed in Russia, murder or accident? Black Box Exposes the Truth Crash Background Crash Truth The Documentary "Aerial Havoc"

Stills from the Katyn massacre

Around the world, monuments to the Katyn massacre have been built one after another, and the Katyn massacre has been created into many literary and artistic works to commemorate the Polish who were killed. It was not until 1992, when the Russian parliament issued a statement acknowledging that the Katyn massacre was indeed an order issued by the Soviet government itself, that the truth of the matter finally came to light.

In 2010, the Polish president and many important Polish officials went to Russia to go to the Katyn Forest to participate in the commemoration of the 70th anniversary of the Katyn massacre. Nor are they blaming Russia for no reason, because things are really suspicious.

Polish presidential plane crashed in Russia, murder or accident? Black Box Exposes the Truth Crash Background Crash Truth The Documentary "Aerial Havoc"

Katyn Forest

<h1 class= "pgc-h-arrow-right" > the crash</h1>

First of all, after surveying the scene of the plane crash, it can be found that the aircraft was very badly damaged, and if it was only accidentally dropped, it was impossible to destroy it like this, so the Polish government suspected that the Russian side had shot on the ground. But this was quickly denied, as no marks of shooting were found on the fuselage after examining all the aircraft's debris.

At a time when the Polish side has repeatedly questioned and condemned, the Russian side has intensified its search, and they need to find the three black boxes on the crashed plane at once, and only by finding these three key black boxes can they prove their innocence. The black box is actually a flight recorder, through these three recorders, to determine whether the aircraft has a fault in the end, and the personnel recording situation on the aircraft at that time, can perfectly restore the situation at that time. Soon, the black box was found one after another, and the truth of the crash of the Polish president and his party was also revealed.

Polish presidential plane crashed in Russia, murder or accident? Black Box Exposes the Truth Crash Background Crash Truth The Documentary "Aerial Havoc"

Airplane black box

The black box clearly recorded that the captain had indeed received a notification of repatriation from the tower of the Russian airport, but after receiving the notification, there was a sudden sound other than that of the crew in the cockpit of the aircraft, which was confirmed to be the director of the protocol department of Poland, who entered the cab to tell the captain that he could not abandon the landing regardless of the weather. It was not ordinary passengers sitting on the plane, it was the president of Poland, and even if the captain had any more opinions, he did not dare to raise it, so he had to continue to prepare for the landing according to the original plan.

However, at that time, it was absolutely not easy to land safely, fortunately, the aircraft still had an alarm system, so the captain was relieved to approach the ground, and when the aircraft was still 100 meters from the ground, the alarm system issued a reminder. The black box recorded that there was no malfunction problem with the aircraft itself, but the captain did not take any elevated measures at a distance of 100 meters from the ground, which was also suspected by the Polish side at the time and was one of the important reasons for The deliberate murder of Russia.

Polish presidential plane crashed in Russia, murder or accident? Black Box Exposes the Truth Crash Background Crash Truth The Documentary "Aerial Havoc"

A plane that crashed in an accident

Unexpectedly, the fact is that the Smososk airport where the plane is about to land is a military airport and does not have a TAWS system, and the most important role of the TAWS system is to warn the distance between the aircraft and the ground. The captain was well aware that there was no TAWS system at this military airfield, so he did not take the reminder of being 100 meters above the ground to heart. What is even more unfortunate is that the altimeter on the aircraft does not know how to be replaced by a barometer, so it causes the alarm to notify that when it is 100 meters from the ground, the actual distance is shorter than 100 meters.

By the time the captain reacted to the situation, it was too late, and the plane immediately hit the tallest tree on the ground, followed by a series of obstacles, and the fuselage was damaged more than a simple fall. Although this incident is not a man-made conspiracy, the loss of so-called important officials in Poland is also a great loss for a country.

Polish presidential plane crashed in Russia, murder or accident? Black Box Exposes the Truth Crash Background Crash Truth The Documentary "Aerial Havoc"

Satellite view of Smososk Airport

<h1 class= "pgc-h-arrow-right" > the "Aerial Havoc" documentary</h1>

This air disaster incident, has also been filmed into the "Air Havoc" series of documentaries, if you are interested in it, you can also go to see it, this documentary, in recent decades, the world,Major Aviation Accidents, the causes of the accident have also been clearly explained, and now more than 200 episodes have been updated.

Each incident restores the whole process of the accident in detail, and after obtaining the consent of the relevant personnel, there are also aircraft recordings at the time of the accident and interviews with some survivors. In order to let the audience get some relevant knowledge, this documentary also has a lot of dry cargo of aviation knowledge.

Polish presidential plane crashed in Russia, murder or accident? Black Box Exposes the Truth Crash Background Crash Truth The Documentary "Aerial Havoc"

Aerial Havoc documentary

Speaking of air crashes, there are also many celebrities in our domestic history who died in accidental crashes. For example, the famous poet Xu Zhimo, when he went to attend Lin Huiyin's lecture, the plane encountered heavy fog and accidentally crashed. The movie "Captain China", which was fired a few years ago, is also based on real events, and there are actually many people who die in air crashes every year.

The plane is within 6 minutes after takeoff and within 7 minutes before landing, which is the peak time of the accident, so if you go out later and need to take a plane, you must fasten your seat belt. On the plane, if you encounter an emergency, remember not to panic, the crew are professionally trained, as passengers must obey the professional arrangement, try not to add trouble.

Polish presidential plane crashed in Russia, murder or accident? Black Box Exposes the Truth Crash Background Crash Truth The Documentary "Aerial Havoc"

Stills of the Chinese captain

In addition, when taking the plane, it is necessary to minimize the items carried by the body, if the aircraft encounters turbulence, the fuselage is bumpy, and the items placed in the locker are likely to fall, thus threatening the safety of the passenger's head. Planes are often seated, and the clearance is always guarded!

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