
The famous book Golden Sentence Fishing, talk about Shakespeare's "The Merchant of Venice", 10 golden sentences read the story synopsis of the book The top ten golden sentences in the book

author:Rong Zhenhuan micro book review

Today, we will talk about Shakespeare's "Merchant of Venice" and taste the 10 golden sentences in the reading.

The famous book Golden Sentence Fishing, talk about Shakespeare's "The Merchant of Venice", 10 golden sentences read the story synopsis of the book The top ten golden sentences in the book

<h1>Synopsis of the book's story</h1>

The Merchant of Venice is one of Shakespeare's four great comedies, written circa 1596. The play depicts Bassanio, a penniless aristocratic young man in Venice, who borrows money from his friend Antonio in order to propose to the rich heiress Portia.

The famous book Golden Sentence Fishing, talk about Shakespeare's "The Merchant of Venice", 10 golden sentences read the story synopsis of the book The top ten golden sentences in the book

Bassanio needed the money to convince Portia to marry him, and although Antonio had money, he had no cash. Antonio's wealth was on his ship, and since the cargo ship had not yet arrived, Antonio had to borrow money from the Jewish usury Shylock and was forced to make a pact: if he did not repay it on time, He would let Shylock cut a pound of flesh from Antonio.

Bassanio fell in love with Portia at first sight, but Antonio's ship was reported missing at sea, so the merchant was unable to repay the deposit.

When the debt was due, he would be fined for cutting off a pound of flesh. Portia resolutely disguised herself as a lawyer and went to Venice to rescue Antonio. In court, Portia, with astonishing ingenuity, refutes Sherlock and wins the case.

The famous book Golden Sentence Fishing, talk about Shakespeare's "The Merchant of Venice", 10 golden sentences read the story synopsis of the book The top ten golden sentences in the book

The most brilliant episode and dramatic conflict is the performance in court:

At the threshold of no return, Portia appeared as a lawyer. After she appeared on the scene, she took a roundabout tactic, ostensibly encouraging Sherlock to insist on punishment, step by step to put a trap on Sherlock, and slowly forced him to the end of the road.

On the surface, she supported Sherlock and followed Sherlock, which made Old Xia feel: "Ah, wise and upright judge, I didn't expect you to look so young, but your knowledge is so sophisticated."

Portia advised him to proceed with a minimum of humanity and ask a surgeon to cut the flesh so that Antonio would not die. This is to expose Shylock's purpose - to kill Antonio, directly convey a message, which is equivalent to publicly indicating Shylock's motives for killing, which also provides a basis for Portia to convict him of intentional murder of Venetian citizens.

The famous book Golden Sentence Fishing, talk about Shakespeare's "The Merchant of Venice", 10 golden sentences read the story synopsis of the book The top ten golden sentences in the book

Following Sherlock's insistence on "punishment according to the contract", Portia proposed that only meat be cut, no bloodshed, only one pound of meat cut, not allowed to be more or less, and if it was almost the slightest, the litigator would be killed.

Shocked, Sherlock demanded that the case be withdrawn, but Portia, in accordance with the law, stripped Sherlock of all of her property, confiscated half of it, and sentenced the other half to the injured party. As a result, Antonio is rescued, but he cedes the accidental property to Sherlock's son-in-law and his friend, Lorenzo.

Sherlock, bent on harming people, ended up harming himself.

<h1> The top ten golden sentences in the book are read</h1>

1, many things in the world, the pursuit of the time of the interest is always stronger than the enjoyment of the time.

If you think about it, it's often more interesting to travel with hope than to reach your destination.

2, the appearance is often completely inconsistent with the thing itself, the world is easy to be deceived by the surface decoration.

Most people like to talk about phenomena and ignore the essence. Phenomena are superficial, mutated, superficial; and the essence is deep, stable, and profound. Schopenhauer said that a wise man is one who will not be deceived by superficial phenomena, and he even foresees in which direction things will change.

3, a person thinks too much, will lose the joy of being a person.

Being a person, only if it is simple, will you be happy!

4, love is blind, lovers can not see the stupid things they do.

Love can make people stupid, and people who are in the sweet don't mind being stupid.

5, rich and noble people white hair, cloth and vegetables are easy to eat for many years.

The state of mind is pure, not rich or poor. Life is so annoying, being a person should be simple, simple, is a spirit, a noble, cloth and vegetables, but also can live a life that makes people desirable, has a pleasing temperament

6) The young man is an unfettered hare who will jump over the intellectual barriers set up by the elderly.

Youth is the only time we have the right to weave our dreams.

7, sorrow has made me a fool, I almost do not understand myself.

The lights are full of lights, and it is difficult to fight with half a worry in the heart. Where to synthesize sorrow? Self-indulgence. Sorrow is having a fire in the heart and losing oneself.

8. A good deed, like this candle, radiates a great radiance in this sinful world.

Good deeds, like candles in the darkness, illuminate others and light themselves. Everyone worships goodness, and the world is bright.

9, this world is just a world, nothing remarkable, that is, the stage, everyone must play a role on this stage.

A lifetime of scripts, you say.

10, the flash is not all gold.

What really shines is the brilliance of human nature.

Further reading:

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