
Hats off to "Road Angels"! Hangzhou held the 25th Sanitation Workers' Day celebration in Zhejiang Province

author:Hangzhou Net

On the afternoon of October 26, Hangzhou held the 25th Sanitation Workers' Day celebration in Zhejiang Province at the Xiaoshan Conference Center in Hangzhou.

Hats off to "Road Angels"! Hangzhou held the 25th Sanitation Workers' Day celebration in Zhejiang Province

On the afternoon of the same day, the celebration kicked off in the song and dance of "Always Follow the Party". Fang Jun, deputy mayor of Xiaoshan District, delivered a speech on behalf of the Xiaoshan District Government, and Li Lei, secretary of the party group and director of the Municipal Urban Management Bureau, read out the "Circular on The Outstanding Achievements of Hangzhou City Appearance and Sanitation Work in 2021".

It is reported that Hangzhou has carried out advanced typical recommendation, tree selection and publicity activities such as the top ten urban beauticians and outstanding urban beauticians in the province and the city, showing the image of the urban sanitation iron army, and 5 units and 15 sanitation workers in our city have been rated as collectives and individuals with outstanding achievements in urban environmental sanitation work in Zhejiang Province.

Hats off to "Road Angels"! Hangzhou held the 25th Sanitation Workers' Day celebration in Zhejiang Province

During the Sanitation Workers' Day, the municipal level praised 20 outstanding sanitation workers, 90 outstanding urban beauticians, 20 urban sanitation advanced operation collectives, and 10 urban sanitation advanced management collectives. Shen Gaofeng, Wang Yucun, Wang Wei, Jiang Yanfei, Gao Yuyong, Liu Xia, Shen Shuifen, Xu Jinliang, Hu Shuhuai, Xu Lijuan 10 comrades were named the "Top Ten Urban Beauticians" in 2021, and they paid their own strength for urban construction with a solid, diligent and selfless dedication work attitude.

Hats off to "Road Angels"! Hangzhou held the 25th Sanitation Workers' Day celebration in Zhejiang Province
Hats off to "Road Angels"! Hangzhou held the 25th Sanitation Workers' Day celebration in Zhejiang Province

Wang Yucun, who joined the sanitation industry in 2019, is the team leader of the Hushu (Xiaohe) area of the public toilet cleaning department of Chenyun Company in Gongshu District, Hangzhou, mainly responsible for public toilet inspection, cleaner management, emergency maintenance and other work. There are a total of 37 public toilets in the Hushu (Xiaohe) area, Wang Yucun has to patrol one by one every day, the faucet is broken, the sewer is blocked, and the cleaning supplies are missing, all of which cannot escape his fire eye.

Whenever someone asked Wang Yucun if he was tired, he always said very simply: "When I do this, I will do it well, and nothing else." This working attitude also deeply affected and influenced his colleagues around him.

Liu Xia, who was also named the "Top Ten Urban Beauticians" of the year, is the section chief of the Cleaning Beigan Institute of Hangzhou Xiaoshan City Operation Management Co., Ltd., and joined the sanitation team in 2002, mainly responsible for the cleaning of Jinhui Road and its surrounding roads. Liu Xia, who has been rooted in front-line cleaning work for nearly 20 years, has experienced more than 400 major security activities and a tough period of sanitation and protection work such as the prevention and control of the new crown virus epidemic in 2020.

For 20 years, whether it is emergency support such as flood control in Taiwan, snow and frost, or daily cleaning such as washing roads, cleaning up health dead ends, scrubbing urban furniture, etc., she is always on the front line. It is precisely because of her dedication that the cleaning quality of the Jinhui road section she is responsible for is at the forefront of the Beigan area all year round. Some people will say that she is stupid, and the salary for no reason will not be much more, but she ignores these sneers and often refutes them: Since she has chosen this job, she must do her best to do her job well.

This is just the epitome of millions of beauticians in first-tier cities, as an important part of urban management, they use practical actions to stick to the front line to contribute to urban construction. In order to further care about sanitation work and support sanitation causes, at the event site, the Municipal Federation of Trade Unions, the Municipal Welfare Lottery Center and the Hangzhou City Orange Public Welfare Foundation raised a special condolence fund of 838,000 yuan to fund 400 front-line workers in difficulty and special hardship families; New China Life Insurance donated 214,390 yuan to tailor exclusive accident injury insurance for the city's sanitation workers; the Municipal Construction Trade Union consoled 60,000 yuan of condolences, so that front-line sanitation workers can truly feel the care and warmth of the party committee government and all sectors of society.

On the same day, the sanitation workers wrote and directed themselves to perform "With Your Talent and Beauty", "Party Building Leads Hangzhou "Orange" First" and other literary and artistic programs were staged at the scene, and all districts and counties (cities) in Hangzhou also held celebrations in the form of care and care, which was full of festive atmosphere everywhere.

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