
It's all messed up! On October 21, the Czech Republic submitted a petition to the United States; U.S. troops stationed in Japan were arrested; and the Russian nuclear power plant accident

author:Professor Zhihong

The mountain rain is about to come and the wind is full of buildings!

At present, the international situation has entered an eventful autumn, and the great power game has also entered a new stage. At this time, the wind and grass of any major country may become the "vibration of the wings" that triggers a global storm.

On October 21, three more major events occurred in the world, with the United States, Europe, Russia and Japan involved.

It's all messed up! On October 21, the Czech Republic submitted a petition to the United States; U.S. troops stationed in Japan were arrested; and the Russian nuclear power plant accident

"Pu bai meeting"

First, let's talk about the latest situation of the Russian-American game, and this time the entry point is the Central European country - the Czech Republic.

On the 20th local time, Dvořák, a member of the "Governance Program Preparation Group" of the new Czech government and a potential candidate for the foreign minister of the new Czech cabinet, said in an interview with reporters that the Czech Republic is reviewing relations with China and Russia and will pass the "Magnitsky Act".

Needless to say, in Dvořák's capacity, his remarks were sufficient to represent the attitude of the new Czech government.

Apparently, the "Together" ruling coalition, which had just won the final victory in the Czech parliamentary elections in early October, was planning to "put three fires on the new officials" in office.

Before analyzing this matter, it is necessary to introduce the Magnitsky Act.

Magnitsky, a Russian lawyer, was arrested by Russian police in 2008 for exposing corruption among Russian officials, beaten in prison, and "died of illness" in late 2009.

In this regard, Russian President Putin called it a "tragedy" and ordered an investigation. However, because Magnitsky's death caused a sensation in the world, the US Congress quickly passed the Magnitsky Act, thereby imposing sanctions on a series of Russian officials.

It's all messed up! On October 21, the Czech Republic submitted a petition to the United States; U.S. troops stationed in Japan were arrested; and the Russian nuclear power plant accident

Russian President Vladimir Putin

At this point, I have to point out 3 key points.

1, this world is not a "diode", what the US side is doing is only "playing with power".

As Putin said: "This is Russia's internal affair!" Whoever is responsible for Magnitsky's death will eventually be tried by the Russian judicial system, and in any case it will not be the turn of the US Congress to "long-arm jurisdiction."

In the final analysis, this "absurd performance" of the US Congress is nothing more than a "protection of human rights" skin and a cold war trick against Russia.

After all, have the West not violated human rights? The sins committed by the United States against indigenous peoples, the killings caused by the United States in Afghanistan, Iraq, and Syria, and the 750,000 lives of the United States due to the epidemic, which is not a bad "anti-human rights" act?

It's all messed up! On October 21, the Czech Republic submitted a petition to the United States; U.S. troops stationed in Japan were arrested; and the Russian nuclear power plant accident

U.S. President Joe Biden

2, the Magnitsky Act has been reduced to a weapon tailored to Russia throughout the West.

It must be pointed out that although the Bill was first proposed and passed by the United States, as the United States continues to expand the list of applications of the Bill, many Western countries have "learned from it" or are in the process of being "like a model."

In early August, Australian Foreign Minister Payne issued a statement saying that Australia would also enact the Australian version of the Global Magnitsky Human Rights Accountability Act by the end of this year to echo the US government.

In addition, Canada, Lithuania, Kosovo and other countries have passed similar bills, France, Sweden, the Netherlands are under consideration, and the Czech Republic and the European Union are not far behind, each promising a deadline for the latest.

It is not difficult to see that the United States, which prides itself on being a "teacher of human rights," is gradually laying down an "anti-Russian" net by constantly entangling its allies.

It's all messed up! On October 21, the Czech Republic submitted a petition to the United States; U.S. troops stationed in Japan were arrested; and the Russian nuclear power plant accident

Czech President Zeman

3, back to the Czech Republic itself, this change of government itself is very strange.

On the one hand, since the Biden administration took office this year, the Czech Republic has willingly become the "anti-Russian vanguard" of the United States and has taken the lead in provoking a "diplomatic expulsion war" against Russia, which should logically be very much in line with the appetite of Europe and the United States.

However, in this election, the centrist "dissatisfied with the Civic Action Party" led by the current Prime Minister Babiš was defeated by the "Together" coalition of 3 liberals, which shows that the West is still dissatisfied with the performance of the Czech Republic.

On the other hand, as a "pro-Russian faction" in the Czech government, Czech President Zeman was sent to the intensive care unit on October 10, the first day after the election.

Even more puzzling is the fact that the Czech presidential office was exposed to concealing his illness, and even when the doctor's advice was not allowed, the director of his office arranged for some politicians to contact Zeman.

As for whether there is a political struggle involved in this, and whether there is a shadow of Europe and the United States, it is still impossible to judge. Whether the Czech president can continue to perform his duties depends on the results of the vote in the Czech Senate and the House of Representatives in November.

It's all messed up! On October 21, the Czech Republic submitted a petition to the United States; U.S. troops stationed in Japan were arrested; and the Russian nuclear power plant accident

U.S. Secretary of Defense Austin, former Japanese Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga, and U.S. Secretary of State Blinken

Next, let's talk about Japan, where a U.S. military stationed in Japan was arrested in Tokyo on suspicion of 2 major crimes.

On the 21st, according to Japanese media reports, the Japanese police arrested a U.S. military stationed in Japan on October 9, who beat a Japanese man he did not know in the streets of Tokyo.

It is reported that the police initially took him away as "suspected intentional injury", but then the Japanese police found that the US military stationed in Japan carried 1.3 grams of synthetic drugs, and its urine test results were also positive, obviously taking drugs.

After interrogation, the U.S. military in Japan revealed after interrogation that he had purchased it at a bar in Tokyo. As a result, the Japanese police immediately began to investigate its circulation channels.

What do you think about that?

First, the Japanese police had good "luck" in arresting U.S. troops stationed in Japan on the spot.

After all, according to the provisions of the "Japan-US Status of Rights Agreement", U.S. soldiers stationed in Japan violate the law outside the base, and if they are not arrested on the spot, the Japanese police must first prosecute before they have the right to arrest the U.S. troops stationed in Japan who committed crimes.

But this also brings a loophole, if the United States insists on shielding this soldier, it can completely send him back to the United States first. At that time, even if the Japanese police successfully prosecuted, the american soldier who committed the crime would not be able to extradite the American soldier back to Japan.

It's all messed up! On October 21, the Czech Republic submitted a petition to the United States; U.S. troops stationed in Japan were arrested; and the Russian nuclear power plant accident

South Korean President Moon Jae-in and U.S. President Joe Biden

Second, compared with the South Korean people, the Japanese people seem to be "thankful."

At least this year, only on May 9, there were 1 suspected drunk driver and 2 suspected of trespassing in people's houses, and 3 people were arrested by the Japanese police.

However, the US military in South Korea has repeatedly committed crimes: in May, many people violated epidemic prevention regulations; on June 19, two soldiers stole brand-name bags; on June 27, two soldiers hit and ran away after hitting people; on October 9, two soldiers beat up drivers passing by...

What is even more tragic is that the US troops stationed in South Korea who committed these crimes were handed over to the US military police afterwards.

Third, as the United States increases its investment in the "Asia-Pacific Strategy," there will be an increase in criminal incidents in the future.

You must know that whether it is a US military base in Japan or a US military base in South Korea, there is an expansion work underway at this stage. There is no doubt that the Biden administration has withdrawn its fist from the Middle East and Afghanistan, and it is bound to exert more efforts in the Asia-Pacific region.

What's more, the "four-country mechanism" of the United States, Japan, India and Australia has been formed, and the status of the US military stationed in Japan has become more and more prominent. Of course, Japan will also usher in the Australian army stationed in Japan and the British army stationed in Japan in the future, and the "good days" are still to come.

It's all messed up! On October 21, the Czech Republic submitted a petition to the United States; U.S. troops stationed in Japan were arrested; and the Russian nuclear power plant accident

Rostov Nuclear Power Plant

Finally, let's briefly talk about the accident at the Russian nuclear power plant.

On the 20th, an accident occurred at the Rostov nuclear power plant in Russia, and its No. 2 nuclear power unit urgently applied for a power outage at night and overhauled the thermoelectric equipment due to a steam leak.

Fortunately, the accident did not cause casualties, nor did it find radiation anomalies, the remaining three units are still operating, and the Russian side is currently troubleshooting.

It has to be said that when the two words Russia and nuclear accident are put together, it is inevitable that bad associations will arise.

Of course, it must be emphasized that the Soviet Response to the Chernobyl nuclear accident that occurred in the 1980s was remarkable. Especially today, compared with Japan, where the Fukushima nuclear accident occurred.

Having said that, for the accident that occurred at the Russian nuclear power plant, I would like to briefly talk about 2 points.

It's all messed up! On October 21, the Czech Republic submitted a petition to the United States; U.S. troops stationed in Japan were arrested; and the Russian nuclear power plant accident

First, Russia's nuclear power technology is currently in a relatively stable position.

In fact, Russia's civil nuclear power technology has been exported to many countries, including India, Turkey, Finland, Hungary and so on. However, this is only the third generation of nuclear power technology.

At present, the world's most advanced nuclear power technology has developed to the fourth generation, while Russia has only a few technologies leading, and in general, it has been "overtaken" by us.

Second, Russia's demand for clean energy still has a lot of room for growth.

After all, Russian President Vladimir Putin has recently announced that Russia will achieve the goal of "carbon neutrality" by 2060. Obviously, in order to achieve this commitment, the Russian side also wants to strengthen nuclear power construction.

Of course, Russia's natural gas resources are also very rich, but nuclear power can be directly built in economically developed areas, compared with wind, solar energy, natural gas and other clean energy, still has irreplaceable advantages.

It's all messed up! On October 21, the Czech Republic submitted a petition to the United States; U.S. troops stationed in Japan were arrested; and the Russian nuclear power plant accident

German Chancellor Angela Merkel

But at this point, we have to mention Germany, which has completely abandoned nuclear power. Today, Germany is relying on natural gas to generate electricity while meeting its climate commitments, which is not good news for Germany's energy security.

Speaking of which, Nord Stream 2 had just completed a technical injection 3 days ago, and it was not far from official ventilation. At that time, the situation in Europe and even in the world will change, and it will be wait and see.

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