
After returning from a road trip, he became the "uncle" of many children in the mountains.

author:Yangtze River Daily
After returning from a road trip, he became the "uncle" of many children in the mountains.

On August 30, several prospective college students in Caihua Township accepted donations from Huang Jian Group.

Yangtze River Daily Wuhan client August 31 (reporter Zhong Lingru correspondent Zhou Gang) "FangBao, congratulations, you have been admitted to the ideal university in your heart. "Thank you uncle, without you, I don't dare to think..." On August 30, Yu Fangbao, a student in Caihua Township, Wufeng County, Hubei Province, received a scholarship from Hu Li, deputy general manager of Wuhan Huangjian Group.

She was joined by 5 prospective college students. In the past 4 years, Wuhan Huangjian Group has donated more than 500,000 yuan to Wufeng County's Flower Picking Township, and its love continues in the depths of the mountains.

A road trip, happy to marry 10 "relatives"

After returning from a road trip, he became the "uncle" of many children in the mountains.

The sponsored teenager Yu Yi showed the acceptance letter he received from Jianghan University.

In the early spring of 2018, the tea trees in the flower picking township of Wufeng County, Hubei Province, were revealing their charming fragrance, and 7 donkey friends of Wuhan Huangjian Group who loved self-driving tours came here.

Wandering among the mountains and rivers, a teenager who was picking tea in the tea garden attracted everyone's attention: his thin body was coated with a washed white gray jacket, and he also carried an incongruous large back basket on his back. In the warm and cold season of spring, the frozen red hands moved rapidly between the tips of the tender green tea, and the pea-sized beads of sweat on the forehead flowed all the way to the neck, soaking the shoulder straps through the coat.

"Boy, how old are you?" Why didn't you go to school? Wuhan Huangjian Group Hu Li asked. Uncle, I am 15 years old this year, I am studying in the third year of junior high school, and now it is the peak season for Qingming tea picking, and it is wasted if it is not picked in time, and more picking can subsidize a little more family. ”

After a brief conversation, Hu Li learned that the teenager's name was Yu Yi, his mother died of illness in the first year of junior high school, his brother went to Guangdong to work before graduating from junior high school, and the family relied on his frail and sickly father, who was nearly sixty years old, to do odd jobs to survive. The village of Nanmuqiao, where he is located, is only more than 10 kilometers away from the township government junior high school, but the mountain road is rugged, even if it takes nearly two hours to take a motorcycle, it is extremely inconvenient to go to school.

Knowing Yu Yi's family situation, Hu Li had the idea of studying for help. Before leaving, he left yu yi's contact information.

"We can't just leave like that, there may be more children here who need help." Hu Li and his friends contacted the shangxiang government and learned that there were about 10 families of students who needed help like Yu Yi.

"It is better to teach people to fish than to teach people to fish, and education is the best way to help them get out of their predicament." Since then, Wuhan Huangjian Group has decided to pair up with 10 families in Caihua Township and become "relatives".

Love is there, the source of struggle does not stop

This year's college entrance examination, Yu Fangbao was admitted to the Civil Aviation University of China with a score of 570, she told the Yangtze River Daily reporter that four years ago she was a very inferior child, and her academic performance was also very average, "I grew up in a single-parent family, and now there is only a grandfather who has been paralyzed in bed for many years and a sick father."

Since Wuhan Huangjian Group began to pair up to help, Hu Li has become her "uncle", often calling her, caring about her living life, and encouraging her to lay down her burdens and study hard. Slowly, she opened her heart knots, and her personality became lively and cheerful, and she often made up lessons for students who did not have good grades.

After filling out the college entrance examination volunteer this year, Yu Fangbao began to look for opportunities for short-term work. Throughout the summer, she saved 2,000 yuan and gave it all to her father.

"Tomorrow I will go to school to report, please rest assured uncles and uncles, I will study hard, learn skills, repay the society in the future, and make positive contributions to the construction of my hometown." When accepting the love donation, Yu Fangbao said sincerely.

When the feelings are there, the great love will continue

In the past four years, Wuhan Huangjian Group has been concerned about the children of these 10 troubled families, and the company has given living subsidies of 600 yuan per child per month according to 600 yuan per child, and has been sponsoring them from junior high school to university.

"After entering the university, each person will be given a laptop and each person will be given a tuition fee of 5,000 yuan per year." In addition, the company also donated a lot of books, teaching equipment and school supplies to the township junior high school. Hu Li introduced that in the past four years, Huangjian Group has funded more than 500,000 yuan in the study of flower picking townships.

At the donation ceremony held by the government of Caihua Township on August 30, Hu Li said with deep affection to the children who were about to enter the university door: "A strong youth is a strong country!" The growth of each child not only affects the hearts of parents, but also relates to the future of the country. All of our staff hope to help you realize your dreams with a small effort, and we hope that everyone will work hard to become the pillars of the country as soon as possible, and repay the society in the future and contribute to the construction of a beautiful hometown. ”

"Please rest assured uncles and uncles, we will definitely work hard, time is just a leaf, action is the fruit, please see our actions!" Yu Yi, a student who is about to enter Jianghan University, answered firmly.

【Editor: Ding Fei】

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