
The flowers are born with insects, regardless of it, and soon there will be pots left!

author:Teach you to raise flowers this way

The temperature is getting higher and higher, and many flower lovers' flowers have begun to appear bugs. Insect pests are a headache for many flower lovers, which not only bite plants, but also may spread diseases and cause plants to die. There are 3 kinds of insects, which are the most common and headache insect pests, flower friends encounter the most, let's take a look at it!

"Common Pests"


Aphids have the most young shoots and young leaves, such as the moon season, gardenia, chrysanthemums, etc., which will appear in spring, summer and autumn, and aphids will not only suck plant juice, causing the problem of new shoot curling and wilting, but also spreading diseases such as bituminous coal disease and black rot.

The flowers are born with insects, regardless of it, and soon there will be pots left!
The flowers are born with insects, regardless of it, and soon there will be pots left!

If flower lovers find ladybugs on the plant, do not drive away, these ladybugs eat aphids exclusively. If ants are found, they must be destroyed together, otherwise the ants will drive away the natural enemies of the aphids in order to eat the honeydew of the aphids, so they must be eliminated together.

The flowers are born with insects, regardless of it, and soon there will be pots left!

If an aphid appears, it is best to buy some imidacloprid drugs, pour it with water 2-3 times in proportion, and it can be killed quickly.

The flowers are born with insects, regardless of it, and soon there will be pots left!
The flowers are born with insects, regardless of it, and soon there will be pots left!

Figure | BG9DQ

-Red Spider-

The red spider, scientific name leaf mite, often appears on the back of the leaf and on the buds, causing the leaves to turn yellow and twisted, and there are many spots, which are more common in the moon, orange, Milan, and rhododendrons. It sucks plant sap and spreads diseases.

The flowers are born with insects, regardless of it, and soon there will be pots left!
The flowers are born with insects, regardless of it, and soon there will be pots left!
The flowers are born with insects, regardless of it, and soon there will be pots left!

Red spider is a headache for many flower lovers in the month, there is a red spider, if the amount is not much, first cut off the diseased leaves, rinse with more water, and strengthen ventilation. If there are many red spiders, you can use drugs such as pyridoxine and gram mite esters, and after proportionally mixing with water, they should be poured in pest-infested places, especially on the back of the leaves. If the bugs become resistant, several drugs can be used in rotation.

The flowers are born with insects, regardless of it, and soon there will be pots left!
The flowers are born with insects, regardless of it, and soon there will be pots left!

Figure | my hour light


The insect is one of the very headache insect pests, which has a thick shell, common drugs are difficult to enter the body of the insect, and many insect shell insects are still hiding in the soil, it is not easy to find, sucking the sap of the stems and leaves of the plant, causing the plant to wither, but also bring a variety of diseases, in camellia, jasmine, orange and other flowers are more common.

The flowers are born with insects, regardless of it, and soon there will be pots left!
The flowers are born with insects, regardless of it, and soon there will be pots left!

If the insects have just appeared, they can be brushed off with a toothbrush and wiped with disinfectant alcohol to kill the eggs. If the amount is large, you can use imidacloprid, thiamethoxine and other drugs to spray, when using the water dilution, so as to avoid drug damage.

The flowers are born with insects, regardless of it, and soon there will be pots left!
The flowers are born with insects, regardless of it, and soon there will be pots left!

The flowers are born with insects, regardless of it, and soon there will be pots left!

Show it to flower lovers who need it!

The flowers are born with insects, regardless of it, and soon there will be pots left!