
Night Reading | Mangsang: Tong Yun high shadow, hot wind and summer rain "Plum Rain"
Night Reading | Mangsang: Tong Yun high shadow, hot wind and summer rain "Plum Rain"
Night Reading | Mangsang: Tong Yun high shadow, hot wind and summer rain "Plum Rain"

▼Mangzhong (June 5, 18:52)

Mango, the third solar term of summer, marks the official start of midsummer. Mango seed, a time to harvest wheat and plant rice. The agricultural proverb says: "Mango seeds, harvest belt seeds", this is the busiest season of the year for farming. At this time, people move at the right time, the mountains are quiet, birdsong, hot days, sudden rain, northern wheat yellow, jiangnan green, is the best interpretation of this busy season.

Mango seeds

Bucket finger C, the sun yellow longitude up to 75 °

Night Reading | Mangsang: Tong Yun high shadow, hot wind and summer rain "Plum Rain"

Jing Qingfeng is a beautiful mountain and wood, and it is a pity that time is not enough.

During the planting season, whether it is in the field or work and study, are you also "busy"?

Mango planting "busy planting", it is the time to sweat like rain, may you not plant, busy and not careless, plant an acre of wishes, cultivate a field.

The "Mangzhong" season coincides with the college entrance examination. I also wish that the students will not fail to live up to the perseverance of hard reading in this harvest season, go all out, and harvest a good harvest!

Night Reading | Mangsang: Tong Yun high shadow, hot wind and summer rain "Plum Rain"

| mangsang and three |

Wait, the praying mantis is born

Night Reading | Mangsang: Tong Yun high shadow, hot wind and summer rain "Plum Rain"

"Cicadas sound praying mantis urgently, fish deep emerald idle", are all beautiful scenes in summer. The praying mantis gives birth in the forest in late autumn, a shell of hundreds of seeds, and at this time it breaks out of the shell.

Second wait, the eagle (jú) begins to sound

Night Reading | Mangsang: Tong Yun high shadow, hot wind and summer rain "Plum Rain"

On the last five days, "the eagle (jú) begins to sound", and the "eagle" is the Berau, named after the sound. The Book of Verses is "July Singing", and the week of July is the summer of May.

The idiom "Lao Yan Fen Fei" refers to this bird. Berlau was often used in ancient poetry as a metaphor for the separation of husband and wife, lovers, relatives and friends. But in fact, the migration direction of Berau and the swallows are both summer north and winter south, and the song "East Flying Berau West Flying Swallow" only expresses the sorrow of migration, and posterity looks forward to the meaning of literature and life, and then extends to "each running east and west".

Three waits, the tongue is silent

Night Reading | Mangsang: Tong Yun high shadow, hot wind and summer rain "Plum Rain"

On the fifth day, "anti-tongue is silent", "anti-tongue" is a hundred-tongued bird, "praying mantises and ducks are all yin, feeling slightly yin or singing, anti-tongue feeling yang and hair, encountering micro-yin silent also".

The hundred-tongued bird, scientific name dōng. Sweden's national bird. The hundred-tongued bird has been kept as a pet bird since the Spring and Autumn Period. In ancient China, there is a sentence: "In the midsummer moon, the anti-tongue is silent; the anti-tongue has a sound, and the yu people are on the side", which believes that the anti-tongue bird can distinguish loyalty and adultery.

| | of mangsang poetry

"Wing 24 Qi Poems: May Festival"

Don Yuanshu

Looking at the mango species today, the praying mantis should be born.

The clouds are high and the shadows are high, and the birds (yàn) are coming and going.

Lotus flowers bloom, hot wind and summer rain.

When they met and asked about silkworms, they were fortunate to be humane.

<h1 toutiao-origin="h1" > Plum Rain</h1>

Don Du Fu

Nanjing Xipu Road, ripe yellow plum in April.

Zhanzhan Yangtze River go, the rain comes.

The Moutz is easy to get wet, and the clouds are dense and difficult to open.

The day is full of dragon joy, coiled and shore back.

Night Reading | Mangsang: Tong Yun high shadow, hot wind and summer rain "Plum Rain"

"Time Rain" (excerpt)

Song Lu you

When it rains and mango seeds, all four fields are planted with seedlings.

The family wheat rice is beautiful, and the song is long everywhere.

Night Reading | Mangsang: Tong Yun high shadow, hot wind and summer rain "Plum Rain"

"The Guest"

Song Zhao Shixiu

In the yellow plum season, the family rains, and the grass pond is full of frogs.

There is about no night and a half, idle knocking chess pieces to drop the lights and flowers.

Night Reading | Mangsang: Tong Yun high shadow, hot wind and summer rain "Plum Rain"

"Yili Chronicle Poem"

Qing Hong Liangji

The mango seed has only passed through the snow, and the grass outside the Ili River has just become fertile.

It is difficult for the foal to walk steadily, and I am afraid that there will be snakes flying from the nose.

Mango customs

| Ome boiled wine |

Night Reading | Mangsang: Tong Yun high shadow, hot wind and summer rain "Plum Rain"

In the south, May and June are the season when plums ripen, and there is an allusion to the "hero of plum boiling wine" in the Three Kingdoms. However, most of the fresh plums taste sour and are difficult to import directly, and they need to be processed before they can be eaten, and this processing process is boiled plums.

| send flowers to the god |

Night Reading | Mangsang: Tong Yun high shadow, hot wind and summer rain "Plum Rain"

Sending flowers during the mango planting season is an ancient folk ritual practice. Lunar February two flowers to greet the flower god, mango seeds have been nearly May, a hundred flowers began to wither, the flower god abdicated, so the folk mostly on the mango day to hold a ceremony to sacrifice the flower god, send the flower god to the throne, while expressing gratitude to the flower god, looking forward to meeting again in the coming year. "Dream of the Red Chamber" has a large description of the god of sending flowers to the mango seed, and "Dai Yu Funeral Flower" has become a classic scene in Chinese literature.

Night Reading | Mangsang: Tong Yun high shadow, hot wind and summer rain "Plum Rain"

The twenty-seventh time in "Dream of the Red Chamber": "The next day is April 26, and it turns out that this day has not been the feast of mango seeds." According to the ancient custom, on the day of the Festival of Mango Planting, all kinds of gifts should be set up to sacrifice to the god of flowers. As soon as the words are planted, it is summer, all the flowers are thankful, and the flower god abdicates, and it is necessary to go to the throne. However, this custom was more popular in the boudoir, so the people in the Grand View Garden all got up early. ”

"Dream of the Red Chamber" twenty-seventh time: "Those girls, or woven into a palanquin with petals and willow branches, or folded with brocade sarongs into dry buildings, are tied with colored threads." On every tree, on every flower, these things are tied. The garden is full of embroidery belts fluttering and flowers and branches. ”

| An Miao |

Night Reading | Mangsang: Tong Yun high shadow, hot wind and summer rain "Plum Rain"

An Miao is a farming custom in southern Anhui, which began in the early Ming Dynasty. When the rice is planted, in order to pray for a good harvest in autumn, an an miao festival is held everywhere. Each household uses new wheat noodles to evaporate the buns, kneads the noodles into the shapes of grains and livestock, melons, fruits and vegetables, and then dyes the color with vegetable juice as a sacrifice offering, praying for the abundance of grains and the safety of the villagers.

Mandarin health

Night Reading | Mangsang: Tong Yun high shadow, hot wind and summer rain "Plum Rain"

During the "Mango" season, the weather begins to be hot, the human metabolism is vigorous, sweat is easy to leak out, and gas is exhausted. Luo Shuwei, a historian and researcher at the Tianjin Academy of Social Sciences, combined folk traditions with the advice of health experts, said that attention should be paid to replenishing water.

In terms of living, it is advisable to go to bed late and get up early, take a nap at noon, in order to facilitate the operation of qi and blood and eliminate fatigue. At the same time, it is necessary to bathe frequently, change clothes frequently, do not be greedy, in order to soothe the yang qi, avoid the invasion of summer and humidity and gastrointestinal dysfunction; the diet should be light, you can eat more soft, easy to digest and dispel the heat, quench thirst, healthy spleen and appetizer, detoxify and dispel damp fruits, vegetables and beans, supplemented by heat relief, stomach protection, spleen protection, blood pressure and lipid-lowering foods, such as bananas, buckwheat, yams, lotus seeds, etc.; emotionally should be kept relaxed and happy, quitting irritability and anger, in order to help nourish the spirit in hot weather.

Editor: Liu Qian

Photo: China network comprehensive collation, reprint please indicate the source

Night Reading | Mangsang: Tong Yun high shadow, hot wind and summer rain "Plum Rain"

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Night Reading | Mangsang: Tong Yun high shadow, hot wind and summer rain "Plum Rain"

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