
"Red Dead Redemption 2" North American red deer refresh point location sharing

author:3DM Game Network

"Red Dead Redemption 2" has a lot of very interesting animals, for example, this North American red deer is also called Los Angeles red deer, many players do not know where this red deer is refreshed, today Xiaobian will bring you the player "Witty Girl the most witty" sharing of the North American red deer refresh point location, let's take a look at it.

"Red Dead Redemption 2" North American red deer refresh point location sharing

North American red deer refresh point location sharing

"Red Dead Redemption 2" North American red deer refresh point location sharing

It's a glacier, and there are often two or three North American red deer in the middle, and sometimes black bears and gray wolves.

If you don't find out, set up camp and get up for a few hours to see it.

I came three times and met two Samsung red deer and once a Samsung Grizzlies

PS: If the evening comes, watch out for gray wolves.

Eye of Death + Springfield Gun must be out of the Samsung and north American red deer are less sensitive close and will not perceive ~ very good to fight.

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