
Don't get out of the pot first, blue finger starfish has something to say

author:Dragon Peak Seawater Fish
Don't get out of the pot first, blue finger starfish has something to say

Speaking of starfish, most people must be in the tank with this cargo, which is often said to be sand starfish, although it is quite qualified as a function, but there is no ornamentation to speak of.

Don't get out of the pot first, blue finger starfish has something to say

Recommended so many fish and corals to everyone, how can starfish be less! Today Xiaobian recommends to you my favorite variety - blue finger starfish! There are not many blue creatures in the seawater, especially those with such a positive blue color.

Brief introduction

It lives mainly in coral reefs and sunny areas on the edges of coral reefs. Bright blue body with sometimes red or purple patches.

In the aquarium, I like to live in the aquarium on the bottom of the sand or the bottom of the broken coral, and there are many rock hideouts.

Juvenile (cyan), most of the time is hidden in a cave or suspended on it. As an adult, it inhabits rocks or glass, shaking one or two tentacles in the water, looking for small drifting microbes. Usually lives alone, but can accommodate other starfish and fish that are not a threat to it. Sensitive to sudden changes in dissolved oxygen, salinity, and salinity, avoid treatment with copper-containing drugs. It is possible to adapt the method with drip water. Try to avoid direct exposure to the air when grasping by hand. Be careful when mixing with parasitic snails and porcelain snails. In nature, any drop of any part of the blue-fingered starfish's body can produce a new generation, which is unlikely in aquariums. In aquariums, clams or slices of meat can be placed under the body of starfish to be fed.

Here's why I like it

Blue refers to the 100 ways to lie in starfish

Youya's big characters lie down

Don't get out of the pot first, blue finger starfish has something to say

The king sitting on the throne

Don't get out of the pot first, blue finger starfish has something to say


Don't get out of the pot first, blue finger starfish has something to say

Dance youth

Don't get out of the pot first, blue finger starfish has something to say

Iron plate bridge

Don't get out of the pot first, blue finger starfish has something to say

The body of the blue-fingered starfish consists of a central body disc and a five-radiant symmetrical finger-shaped wrist, up to 30 cm in diameter. In terms of feeding, blue starfish are opportunists, they are slow to move, and they do not have the ability of royal starfish to open up bivalves to eat meat, and can only eat whatever they encounter. Algae and organic matter on the surface of the reef can be their food, and sometimes even eat their starfish, eating by flipping the entire stomach out, taking a big bite and eating the food.

The white part is a kind of junk starfish commonly found in fish tanks

It's being devoured little by little by the blue finger

Don't get out of the pot first, blue finger starfish has something to say


The following kind of one is about 75-100 yuan per one

The price is quite affordable

Don't get out of the pot first, blue finger starfish has something to say

Overall it was well taken care of

Of course, in case of death

We still have a remedy

That is

Pork starfish soup

Don't get out of the pot first, blue finger starfish has something to say

(The accompanying picture has nothing to do with the content, because the few who made the soup with their blue fingers did not take pictures)

Ingredients: 100 g lean pork, 1 starfish.

Preparation method: First wash the starfish, cut the pork lean meat into pieces, put it into the pot together, add water and stew until the meat is rotten, you can eat.

It is said that pork starfish soup has the effect of nourishing yin, communication, soft and firm, and can also prevent cancer?

I don't know which health expert said it, but aquarists who have heard it say that the taste is great


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Don't get out of the pot first, blue finger starfish has something to say
Don't get out of the pot first, blue finger starfish has something to say
Don't get out of the pot first, blue finger starfish has something to say

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