
Red University Lecture Hall (5) 丨 Where does the happiness of Zhejiang people come from?

author:Zhejiang Daily

Zhejiang News Client | Editor Zheng Wen

In order to thoroughly implement the party's innovative theory project, the Party School of the Zhejiang Provincial Party Committee of the CPC has set up a column entitled "Micro-Party Lessons on important windows in the Lecture Hall ▪ of The Red Academy", with "faithfully practicing the 'Eighty-Eight Strategy', striving to build an 'important window', and striving to create a pioneer province for socialist modernization" as the main line, closely following "building an important window in ten aspects", and carefully polishing and recording a number of high-quality micro-party lessons.

Lecture 5: Where does the happiness of Zhejiang people come from? -- "People-centered" people's livelihood exploration

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Red University Lecture Hall (5) 丨 Where does the happiness of Zhejiang people come from?


Hello everyone, I am Li Lan from the Party School of the Zhejiang Provincial Committee of the Communist Party of China (Zhejiang Administrative College), and the theme I share with you today is "Where does the happiness of Zhejiang people come from?" ——'People-centered' people's livelihood exploration. ”

"Are you happy?" In 2012, CCTV took the grassroots program of this "soul question", making "happiness" a hot topic in the streets and alleys for a while. The emphasis on a sense of gain, happiness and security in the report of the 19th National Congress of 2017 makes people look forward to a better life. In the ranking of "China's Happiest Cities" released last year, Zhejiang accounted for four of the ten, and Hangzhou was selected for 13 consecutive years.

Where does the happiness of Zhejiang people come from? In the latest "Ten Practical Events for Zhejiang People's Livelihood in 2020", what we see is: the attention paid to the "key small things" such as the custody and care of infants and young children under 3 years old, the delivery of medicines to the mountains and into the islands, the raising of rural drinking water standards, the "15-minute fitness circle", the university for the elderly, and the "sunshine kitchen". Since 2004, in the exploration and practice of Zhejiang's long-term mechanism for private affairs, the original intention and mission of "people-centered" have run through the whole process, which is also a microcosm of Zhejiang's efforts to become an important window for comprehensively demonstrating the superiority of the socialist system with Chinese characteristics.

The people have called, and I have responded

Zhejiang Province has established and improved a long-term mechanism for doing practical things for the people, and the first key word is "aimed at serving the people". On November 1, 2019, the Zhejiang Provincial Government issued an initiative to the people of the province: In order to plan the provincial government's practical projects for the private sector in 2020, please continue to actively participate in and speak freely, and put forward the people's livelihood facts that you are most concerned about and most hope that the provincial government will do well.

What does the government do? How? Where is the boundary of "doing something and not doing something"? The answer is simple and straightforward – leave the choice to the people. In Longyou County, Quzhou City, the people can handle more than 900 people's livelihood projects through the "Longyoutong" APP, with the help of big data analysis, the party committee and the government can understand the public opinion demands for the first time, and the government's innovation has a solid public opinion foundation. Ninghai County, Ningbo City, people's livelihood practical project is no longer just decided by the government, but by the people's congress deputies voted, the implementation process is supervised by the deputies, the construction results are evaluated by the deputies, this kind of "masses order, deputies vote, the government cooks" people's livelihood practical project people's congress deputies voting system, has been adhered to for ten years. Since the Eighteenth National Congress of the Communist Party of China, in order to better ask the people and ask the people what they need, all parts of Zhejiang have established working mechanisms such as "People's Sentiment Daily", "People's Sentiment Map", "People's Sentiments", etc., improved the work procedures such as online voting, social publicity, and hearings by all parties, and since 2017, comprehensively promoted the voting system of people's congress deputies for people's livelihood practical projects. From "wishful thinking" to "you love me", the work pattern of "the people calling me to respond" has taken shape in Zhejiang.

The release of the people's livelihood practical project is only the completion of the first half of the "practical things for the people", how to implement the project, whether it is implemented, whether it really benefits the people, these follow-up chapters are undoubtedly more critical. In order to effectively encourage the people to participate in the decision-making and implementation of people's livelihood projects, Zhejiang is committed to promoting the Wenling Democratic Earnest Talk model in the province. Tonglu County, Hangzhou City, has established a liaison group of people's congress deputies, each group tracks a practical project for people's livelihood, and supervises the whole process of project implementation. Yinzhou District of Ningbo City has actively explored ways to combine supervision by the people's congress, social supervision, and media supervision, expanded the effectiveness of television in asking government affairs, and carried out the "report to the people" to the end. From brainstorming and collecting people's livelihood projects, to the participation of the whole people in the implementation process, to "let the people evaluate and make the people satisfied", the people-oriented governance concept runs through the whole process.

From "for the people to decide" to "by the people to be the master", from "playing and singing" to "the government does, the people evaluate", behind it reflects the benign interaction between the government and society. Taking the voice and demand of the masses as the main basis for decision-making, the right to choose and decide is handed over to the people, the long-term mechanism for doing practical things for the people, the service-oriented government concept and the "shop small two spirit" are brought into full play, forcing all levels of government departments at all levels to continuously reform and innovate, and finally realizing the benign interactive pattern of government governance, social participation, and mass autonomy. This benign pattern of interaction of co-construction, co-governance and sharing is the concrete embodiment of socialist democracy.

"Everything depends on the masses, and everything is for the masses." Since the beginning of the Red Boat in Jiaxing South Lake, this value pursuit of the Chinese Communist Party has been consistent.

On the road to comprehensive well-off, no one can be less

Since 2006, Zhejiang has taken the lead in using 2/3 of the new financial resources to improve people's livelihood. From 2004 to 2018, Zhejiang Province's cumulative expenditure on people's livelihood was 4,414.8 billion yuan, accounting for 72% of the total fiscal expenditure. Among them, the people's livelihood expenditure in 2018 is 9.5 times that of 2004.

Where is this money spent? How to spend? From focusing on cities to coordinating urban and rural areas, from bottom-up security to improving the level, from specific groups of people to full coverage, from the whole people to the attention of the whole life cycle, none of them can be less. From education and health care to social security, from housing and drinking water to air quality, everyone in Zhejiang's 58 million permanent residents is a beneficiary.

Several of the data in the people's livelihood report card handed over by Zhejiang in recent years are quite eye-catching. First, the "one high and one low" of resident income indicators - the per capita disposable income of urban residents and rural residents in Zhejiang in 2019 has ranked first among all provinces in the country for 19 consecutive years and 35 years, respectively. At the same time, the income gap between urban and rural areas has narrowed from 2.43 to 2.01 (the latest data released in January 2021 is 1.96), the lowest among the provinces; second, the level of equalization of basic public services is higher. By the end of 2018, the equalization of basic public services reached 96.8%, and basic public services were comprehensively improved in various fields; third, the satisfaction rate of the people in Zhejiang's sense of security remained high, and in 2019, it reached 97.14%, ranking the forefront of the country for 16 consecutive years. In the new era, the issue of the adequacy and balance of China's social development has become increasingly prominent, and Zhejiang is recognized as one of the provinces with the safest and most balanced development in society.

The orientation of "letting some people get rich first" does not naturally create a harmonious, stable, and contented society. The populist chaos in Western society reflects the surge and agglomeration of total wealth, which is very likely to become the fuse that triggers ethnic antagonism, making the entire society divided, difficult to govern, and deadlocked. Socialism, on the other hand, pursues fairness and justice. Under the socialist system, this value pursuit is an inherent requirement and fundamental prerequisite for ensuring the balanced development of society. As General Secretary Xi Jinping said: "Comprehensively deepening reform must take the promotion of social fairness and justice and the improvement of people's well-being as the starting point and the foothold." "If we can't bring tangible benefits to the people, if we can't create a fairer social environment, or even lead to more injustice, reform will lose its meaning and cannot be sustained."

The key question is whether the wealth created by society can be fed back and benefited by the greatest number of social groups through benign institutional arrangements. In Zhejiang, not only to achieve the prosperity of the people, but also to achieve the balance of secondary distribution of wealth to the relatively vulnerable groups in society, but also to achieve a balance between various groups, regions and cities and townships in society, Zhejiang's various reforms in the field of people's livelihood are a concrete manifestation of the superiority of the socialist system. More and more people have gathered under the same banner of reform, and the government is interdependent.

The all-round progress of society is destined not to be a feast for the few, but a happiness that the greatest majority can share. Only in this way can the reformers show their charm and win the recognition of the people.

Zhejiang's answer sheet for high-level comprehensive well-off construction

In the people's yearning for a better life, the free and all-round development of human beings is a necessary option. Marx said that all-round development is "to possess one's own all-round essence as a complete person." What is the essence of man? In "Zhijiang New Language", General Secretary Xi Jinping said: "People are essentially cultural people, not 'materialized' people; they are dynamic and comprehensive people, not rigid, 'one-dimensional' people." "It means that it will be a free man, a rich man.

This heralds a profound value shift. After World War II, the United States, France, Germany and other developed countries have experienced rapid economic development, and have successively entered the era of "post-materialism". People began to focus more on material and economic issues and more about self-actualization and quality of life.

As the forerunner of the first place, Zhejiang naturally felt the people's livelihood concerns earlier, from "quantity" to "quality", from "tradition" to "new type", and from "material" to "spiritual". People have higher requirements for education, medical care, and the environment, and the demand for smart services such as smart medical care and smart old-age care is also increasing, and people also pay more attention to spiritual enjoyment and pay attention to the harmonious and symbiotic relationship with the environment. The ecological beauty, harmony and humanistic beauty created by the construction of the big garden, the road of Tang poetry in eastern Zhejiang, the future community, the safe Zhejiang, the charity of Zhejiang businessmen, the most beautiful phenomenon, etc., are the answers to the high-level comprehensive well-off construction in Zhejiang.

From the perspective of social development trends, the expectations of the people will also overflow into the general sense of people's livelihood, and begin to focus on subjective feelings such as participation, expression, and freedom. "The barn is honest and knows the etiquette, and the food and clothing are sufficient and the honor and disgrace are known." The concern for independent expression, democratic participation, fairness and justice, and a humane society is the expansion and extension of the dimension of human comprehensive and free development.

The pursuit of all-round development is not only a personal goal, but also the ultimate goal of modern social development. The degree to which comprehensive development can be achieved depends not only on the subjective will of people, but also on the external environment. Among the many external factors that restrict people, the system is undoubtedly the most critical. The all-round development of people and the social and cultural system, as well as the life experience formed in the system, are closely linked, and it is necessary for Zhejiang to adhere to the "people-centered" and achieve comprehensive social progress and all-round human development through a good system, which is a necessary condition for the realization of human subjectivity, and it is also the meaning of Zhejiang's adherence to "people-centered" to achieve comprehensive social progress and all-round human development.

What is happiness? Happiness is a balanced and harmonious external environment, a state of material and spiritual self-sufficiency, so that individuals can fully and freely exert all their wisdom, strength and potential, from the inside and outside to achieve a peaceful and comfortable state of mind.

Where does the happiness of Zhejiang people come from? What comes from every little thing in people's livelihood is heard, respected, believed, and relied upon. Happiness is not only comfortable and comfortable, but also self-created inner order and independent definition of life connotation. The theme I share with you today, "Where does the happiness of Zhejiang people come from", is here, thank you.

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