
Who is the "Five Dynasties and Three Elders" of the Five Dynasties Northern Song Dynasty Battlefield?

author:The eons are scattered

In the Five Dynasties period, there are three old people who can be described as legendary figures, and it can be said that in addition to the thirteen taibao Li Cunxiao and the iron gun general Wang Yanzhang, these three old men can be regarded as the peak of combat strength. Li Cunxiao and Wang Yanzhang have the combat strength from talent, there is no way to copy and inherit, the combat strength of these three elders can be passed on for hundreds of years, and the inheritance of people has become a battlefield myth from generation to generation. These three elders are the Golden Dagger YangHui, the Golden Gun Ancestor Xia Luqi and the Flying Hammer General Jin Liangzu.

Who is the "Five Dynasties and Three Elders" of the Five Dynasties Northern Song Dynasty Battlefield?

Jintai Marquis Jin Dao Yang Hui was the first generation ancestor of the Yang family general, Yang Gun's father, the grandfather of the Golden Dao Ling Gong Yang Jiye, and the famous general of the Later Liang general Zhu Wen, a golden knife, bravely riding and shooting. Yang Gong took a mouthful of the golden knife and played a draw with Zhao Kuangyin of the protagonist's aura, which showed the strength of the golden knife.

Xia Luqi's Beiba Liuhe Gun is the source of the Yang family general and the Gao family general's marksmanship. Shaluqi received Yang Gun and the White Horse Silver Gun to succeed Gao Si.

飞锤将金良祖,也是‬杨衮‬的‬岳父‬,善使虎掌流星铜锤,其绝技是走线铜锤,锤下没活人。 After Yang Gong learned the gun with Xia Luqi, he learned the flying hammer with Jin Liangzu and practiced the unique skill of flying hammers. 这就‬有‬后来‬杨衮‬和‬赵匡胤‬“铜锤‬换‬玉带‬”的‬故事‬。

Yang Jiye, the son of Yang Gun, chose the family heirloom golden knife, and his eight sons used learning to describe marksmanship, and inherited innovation, achieving the story of the nine generations of heroes of the Yang family.

Gao Si continued to learn the marksmanship and won the moment. His son Gao Xingzhou made Guo Wei helpless, and Zhao Kuangyin did not use means and was not his opponent.

Gao Huaide and Gao Huailiang were famous generals of the Northern Song Dynasty, assisting Zhao Kuangyin in establishing the Northern Song Dynasty. Gao Yang Hu Zheng, the Gao family is the most prominent!

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