
The country music capital of the United States, Nashville, Tennessee


On the Greyhound bus, I arrived at the 10th stop of my trip to the United States, Nashville, Tennessee, in the south-central United States, home to the prestigious American country music capital.

The country music capital of the United States, Nashville, Tennessee

We can see where Tennessee is located, which is located in the south-central part of the United States and is part of the southern United States.

The country music capital of the United States, Nashville, Tennessee

In the morning I arrived in Nashville, the largest city in Tennessee.

The city's McDonald's also plays country music on a loop (only country music doesn't play anything else).

The country music capital of the United States, Nashville, Tennessee

Today I ordered two breakfasts for $8.50, and McDonald's is the cheapest restaurant in the United States besides Chinese restaurants. He has just a few of them, which are acceptable to me, so I usually look for local McDonald's in each city when I don't know what to eat. There's a street in Nashville called The Broadway, which is a mecca for American country music lovers.

On Broadway Avenue in Nashville on Friday night, racially, it was basically white. Country music is known as white American music, mainly because its audience is predominantly white.

The country music capital of the United States, Nashville, Tennessee
The country music capital of the United States, Nashville, Tennessee
The country music capital of the United States, Nashville, Tennessee

Nashville is the center of American country music culture,

The country music capital of the United States, Nashville, Tennessee

On the wall is the most popular country music trip in the United States (about Taylor Swift, I met several people who scolded her, saying that she changed from a country music singer to a pop singer in order to make money), but in any case, Taylor's song is good, catchy, and that's enough.

The country music capital of the United States, Nashville, Tennessee

Country Music Museum.

The country music capital of the United States, Nashville, Tennessee

Broadway is also a bar street, Figure 5 has a mobile bar,

The country music capital of the United States, Nashville, Tennessee

Almost all American bars have live bands, and the quality is very high, and most Americans make music because they really like it.

The country music capital of the United States, Nashville, Tennessee

Cowboy shoe and hat shops on the street

As a southern city, Tennessee has a good economy and developed tourism, and this is the most crowded city I have seen outside of Manhattan, New York, USA [of course, just a few streets crowded]

The country music capital of the United States, Nashville, Tennessee
The country music capital of the United States, Nashville, Tennessee
The country music capital of the United States, Nashville, Tennessee

The symbol of the city ———— guitar.

Farmers' Market in Tennessee

The country music capital of the United States, Nashville, Tennessee

Now bubble tea is very red in the south like Tennessee, because this high-sugar, high-calorie and extremely unhealthy drink has hit the death hole of southerners, that is, drinking well!

The country music capital of the United States, Nashville, Tennessee
The country music capital of the United States, Nashville, Tennessee

A white Friend from Texas took me around the city of Nashville

The country music capital of the United States, Nashville, Tennessee

It's one of the most famous restaurants in Tennessee, and we were in line when we went at 4 p.m

The country music capital of the United States, Nashville, Tennessee
The country music capital of the United States, Nashville, Tennessee

Visit an Egyptian atheist

Does anyone remember a Coptic priest I visited last time in Egypt?

The country music capital of the United States, Nashville, Tennessee

The Coptic priest of Egypt introduced him to me, and he told me about Yusuf, and I have been living in his house for the past few days, and he is of Egyptian descent, but he does not look like An Egyptian at all.

The country music capital of the United States, Nashville, Tennessee

Yusuf the Egyptian-atheist

This is because his father was a descendant of the Turks in Egypt, and the Arrival of the Turks in Egypt can be traced back to the Mamluk Dynasty, and then the Turks influx into Egypt far and wide, especially after the Ottoman Empire ruled Egypt

The fate of Armenia and the Jews is similar

His mother was of Egyptian Armenian origin, but armenians were like the Jews of Rome, who left Israel and flocked to all the territories of the Roman Empire as their homeland was conquered.

The Armenians were the same, they were conquered by the Ottoman Empire, and their populations also flocked to all parts of the Ottoman Empire, including Palestine, Egypt, Lebanon...

Yusuf, though his name is Muslim, is a pure atheist, and last night we went to a Chinese restaurant together, and after eating, he took me to Nashville, where he recounted his experience along the way:

He was born in Egypt, immigrated to Texas at the age of two and a half, grew up in the South, mostly speaking English at home, so he is more like a southerner, the Influence of the Middle East is minimal to him, after the age of 15 moved to the city of Nashville, because his family is a high-level intellectual family, although his father is Muslim, but the learning is very deep tolerance for him, until he later grew into a pure atheist.

Living in a Muslim country, he said, is a hell of a life, and the more religious it becomes, the poorer it becomes.

His home

The country music capital of the United States, Nashville, Tennessee
The country music capital of the United States, Nashville, Tennessee

There are some Egyptian features

The country music capital of the United States, Nashville, Tennessee
The country music capital of the United States, Nashville, Tennessee

Leaving Nashville, I encountered police arresting drug dealers

Leave Nashville today for Memphis

The country music capital of the United States, Nashville, Tennessee

I've seen many times african-American friends wearing pants in the style shown below, jeans pulled down to expose their butts, like just got up dirty bag feeling, but think of a style

The country music capital of the United States, Nashville, Tennessee
The country music capital of the United States, Nashville, Tennessee

In Figure 2, the police outside the door seem to have caught a drug dealer and searched the soles and pants pockets of people's shoes and pants.

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