
Tribute to the benefactor | Li Can: Falling red is merciless, and the mud is more protective of flowers

author:Cover News

Author: Yibin Tianli International School Junior Class of 2020 Class 8 Li Can

Teacher you are the candle, burning yourself, illuminating others; teacher you green leaves, dragging up the splendor of the flowers and the sweetness of the fruit.

To meet is to be beautiful

Teacher, that summer, we met on campus... I remember that I had just entered junior high school that year, and I was full of beautiful yearning for the novelty of junior high school life.

Stepping into the classroom, you stand on the podium dignifiedly and introduce us to the precautions and courses for the beginning of the school. The next day, we began a week of military training trip, hot summer, the sun shines on the lawn, we stand in a military posture, the soles of our feet are a little hot, some students brave a large bead of sweat. Soon, you slowly appeared in our field of vision, you were carrying medicines in your hands, afraid that we would suffer from heat stroke, and when you returned to the classroom, you personally prepared medicine for us. The bitter medicine made me taste a sweetness. Three lives are fortunate to have you accompany me for a ride of snow and wind.

Shine the one she

Teacher, you are like a star, leading us to the land full of wine and sunshine. This year, as your class representative, I am very happy and have learned a lot. Perhaps, sometimes, if you don't help you do a good job, you will criticize me. However, in your criticism, I have learned more experience and methods.

Teacher, I am honored to be able to help you and get your attention! Teacher, thank you for your nurturing and teaching. It was you who made me change from an ignorant child to a mature and sensible middle school student... Once, I also lamented that you dragged the church for no reason, but now I think of it tirelessly.

Relationship with her

Fate made us meet that summer... Looking back on the past, I miss it. On the road to learning, you are always the first to come to the classroom to turn on the lights for us, always dragging your tired body home in the light of the stars. You always worry about us and talk to your parents until late at night. You also prepare many games for us to spend a rich middle school life. I remember these past events in my heart, unforgettable...

Growing up, Fang knew that he was young and pure, and only when he looked back did he understand the teacher's kindness. Teacher, thank you for being more dazzling than love, being my plain star in the moon!

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