
Vice Mayor Wang Dong carried out the National Day security and stability maintenance patrol

author:Sanya Police

On the morning of October 1, the first day of the National Day Golden Week, Comrade Wang Dong, vice mayor of Sanya City and director of the Municipal Public Security Bureau, successively went to the construction site of the West Water Diversion Project, Xiaoqi Port of Xidao Wharf, Haihong Square in Tianya District and other key places to supervise and inspect the key work of National Day security and stability maintenance, safety management of dangerous explosives, and safety precautions of scenic transportation, and comforted the front-line duty personnel and extended holiday blessings to them.

Vice Mayor Wang Dong carried out the National Day security and stability maintenance patrol
Vice Mayor Wang Dong carried out the National Day security and stability maintenance patrol

At the construction site of the West Water Diversion Project (Provincial Key Project), Comrade Wang Dong listened to the report on the transportation, management and use of dangerous explosives in the construction project. It is clearly required that the project contractor, the blasting construction unit and the construction supervision unit should put safety first, effectively take effective and effective measures, strengthen the safety management of all aspects of the construction of dangerous explosives throughout the process, and resolutely prevent safety accidents. Public security organs are required to conscientiously perform their management duties, improve supervision methods, strengthen coordination and cooperation with industry authorities, and jointly do a good job in the safety management of dangerous explosives. In particular, it is emphasized that while doing a good job in the safety management of dangerous explosives in the construction of key projects (enterprises), the public security organs should also increase the intensity of investigation of the masses' private collection of dangerous explosives, study and formulate reward measures for reporting and the masses to take the initiative to hand over dangerous explosives, and create a safe social environment for tourists.

Vice Mayor Wang Dong carried out the National Day security and stability maintenance patrol
Vice Mayor Wang Dong carried out the National Day security and stability maintenance patrol

At Xiaoqi Port, a wharf in the Scenic Area of The West Island, Comrade Wang Dong inspected the safety risk prevention and emergency emergency handling plan of the transportation vessels in the scenic spot. It is required that the fourth detachment of the coast, the coastal Tianya police station and the management of Xiaoqi Port should overcome the paralyzing mentality of luck, timely do a good job in rectifying potential safety hazards in transportation safety and emergency emergency handling, resolutely implement the normalization of epidemic prevention and control measures, and effectively improve the emergency handling and rapid response capabilities of emergencies.

Vice Mayor Wang Dong carried out the National Day security and stability maintenance patrol
Vice Mayor Wang Dong carried out the National Day security and stability maintenance patrol

In Haihong Square, Tianya District, Comrade Wang Dong had in-depth exchanges with the masses who came to handle the business of licensing electric vehicles, and inquired about the social control work carried out by the responsible comrades of the police station in the jurisdiction. The traffic police departments of public security organs are required to further improve the establishment of temporary licensing points for electric vehicles, focus on providing convenient, fast and efficient services, so that the masses can save their worries, time, and effort; sub-bureaus and police stations should speed up the work of consolidating the grass-roots foundation such as community police concurrently serving as deputy secretaries of village and community party organizations, fully integrate social forces such as security guards, joint defense team members, and grid members in the jurisdiction, and jointly carry out joint prevention and control, mass prevention and group governance work, and ensure that the majority of citizens and tourists can enjoy a happy and peaceful National Day Golden Week.

Zhang Xianfang, deputy secretary general of the municipal government, the sixth section of the municipal water affairs bureau and the government office, as well as Ding Yiming of the municipal public security bureau, the relevant responsible comrades of the police command department, the public security detachment, the Tianya branch, the fourth detachment of the coastal police, the police station under the jurisdiction and the traffic police brigade attended the event.

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