
Two flash marriages and divorces, and now the host of "Fast Book" is very popular: why did she live so wonderfully?

author:Zhang Defen

Zhang Yuqi, who is beautiful and wild, has previously caught fire with "Sister Lang".

Recently, she hosted "Happy Base Camp" on behalf of Ban Xie Na and earned enough eyeballs.

Hosting her debut, her varied, clever and clever style won a wave of praise.

Two flash marriages and divorces, and now the host of "Fast Book" is very popular: why did she live so wonderfully?

Although some viewers said that she had no experience, low emotional intelligence, and was not professional enough.

However, her confident and straightforward personality, humorous and free hosting has also harvested a lot of good feelings, and the ratings have returned to the first place.

Even this matter is a test for the current self.

But as long as she stands up, she puts herself in the C position on the stage - Zhang Yuqi's "open-minded" power has inspired greater strength in her.

Two flash marriages and divorces, and now the host of "Fast Book" is very popular: why did she live so wonderfully?

To be open-minded is to release the vitality of instinct

Freud said that one must reasonably or symbolically express one's aggression in order for the life force to be released.

Once we have a clear mind, the body is like opening a switch that releases the vitality, and it condenses into a stream of energy that allows us to be ourselves with courage.

When we are being ourselves, we are releasing our own vitality, letting our energy flow, and gaining pleasure and nourishment from our connection with the outside world.

This is a positive feedback and loop mechanism.

For example, Zhang Yuqi, before in "Sister Lang", showed a very real and open-minded personality.

The director said that Zhang Yuqi's makeup was not good, a little oily.

Zhang Yuqi actually angrily scolded the director: "I have no oil, this is light, people call it 'highlight', you don't understand much, they are deliberately like this." ”

Two flash marriages and divorces, and now the host of "Fast Book" is very popular: why did she live so wonderfully?

He also boldly declared: "I want to stand in the center of the stage to debut!" ”

Two flash marriages and divorces, and now the host of "Fast Book" is very popular: why did she live so wonderfully?

When Lan Yingying offered to help her teammate Li Sidani in the same group, Li Sidani was embarrassed to refuse, but she directly refused in public.

The audience exclaimed: This aura is worth three hundred million!

It is precisely because of Zhang Yuqi's open-minded personality that she has added points because of the truth, and has also won her more praise and attention.

This time hosting "Happy Base Camp", she is also completely free of herself, and she exudes a free charm between her hands and feet.

We see Zhang Yuqi in the center of the stage shining brightly, in fact, it is just a manifestation of the boiling vitality.

Where the vitality gathers and boils, it is often the place where miracles are created.

Just like the dance that was brushed by netizens before - "Pray", it is also the actor's immersive performance, changing the gas once in 50 seconds, and repeatedly launching the water more than 200 times a day, which perfectly interprets the amazing dance posture of the underwater flying.

Two flash marriages and divorces, and now the host of "Fast Book" is very popular: why did she live so wonderfully?

In fact, any ingenious design, or a stunning work, is full of vitality behind it to bloom a striking light.

And all these extremely beautiful manifestations are expected in advance for us to let go of ourselves and take this step of opening up.

Two flash marriages and divorces, and now the host of "Fast Book" is very popular: why did she live so wonderfully?

The release of the instinct of life requires a little bravery

When we can also bravely open ourselves up, we can also fully mobilize the treasure of our own vitality, do what we want to do, and restore the value of life.

However, in life, we are often bound and bound by our own biased ideas, and we lose the instinct to be open-minded.

For example, i saw a news item:

A Lady Huang from Guangxi, because she usually likes to dress up and is not used to her husband, and has long been suspected of cheating by her husband, and her mobile phone is also tracked by her husband's locator.

What is even more tragic is that her husband will beat her as soon as he is angry.

Ms. Huang was hurt and tortured, and she also wanted to leave the abusive man.

However, considering the problem of children and property division, I was worried that I had nothing after the divorce, so I did not dare to divorce and have been enduring domestic violence for more than ten years.

Even if the police came to investigate, she was reluctant to go to the injury test and take notes.

Two flash marriages and divorces, and now the host of "Fast Book" is very popular: why did she live so wonderfully?

She endured her husband's beatings again and again, and suppressed her angry cries again and again, just to avoid the losses that she might suffer from divorce.

However, her patience and repression did not exchange her husband's change and her own safety.

On the contrary, he gave himself more punches and kicks, and his heart was also covered with a haze that would never go away for a lifetime.

The repression in our lives is often also made up of smaller things.

Obviously want to succeed, but do not dare to stand in the center of the stage to show themselves;

Aggrieved, he was very angry in his heart, afraid of offending others and suppressing the flames;

I want to live according to my own ideas, but I always care too much about the eyes of the outside world and make up my life...

In this way, we suppress our instincts and block the smooth release and flow of life force.

Two flash marriages and divorces, and now the host of "Fast Book" is very popular: why did she live so wonderfully?

The reason is that behind this is our imperceptible vulnerability, for example, we are afraid of not being accepted by the outside world, afraid of getting hurt.

Therefore, the psychological mechanism of defense has been opened, preferring to hide in the "protective shell" placed by oneself to maintain a sense of inner security rather than expose oneself too much to the outside world.

The instinct of life comes with its own armor to protect us.

But only by bravely releasing this instinct from the cage can we stand up and defend ourselves.

Only then can we truly respect our own instincts and harvest the brilliance of life.

Two flash marriages and divorces, and now the host of "Fast Book" is very popular: why did she live so wonderfully?

The real instinct to release is to be responsible for yourself

In the process of releasing instincts, some people may have a feeling of twisting and discomfort.

But the real instinct to release is to be open-minded and more able to catch it.

You can enjoy the thrill of the process and be responsible for the results.

Zhang Yuqi is like this.

She has always adhered to the concept of love: love is love, and if you don't love, you are separated.

Two flash marriages and divorces, and now the host of "Fast Book" is very popular: why did she live so wonderfully?

When Wang Quan'an got the stone hammer for prostitution, he decisively divorced.

Then, with a feeling, he married Yuan Bayuan, who had known him for only 70 days.

Found that Yuan Bayuan could not give himself happiness, and once again domineering divorce.

In every relationship, she dares to love and hate, crisp and clean, and makes decisions without regret and screw.

She didn't, like many people, lingered in a series of failed marriages and couldn't get out.

Even, when others complained that she was a "scumbag harvester", she easily joked about her feelings:

"I really don't look at men's eyes very well."

Two flash marriages and divorces, and now the host of "Fast Book" is very popular: why did she live so wonderfully?

This means that she dares to be bold, accepts her past emotional faults, and dares to take responsibility for her choices.

And daring to take responsibility for one's own choices is a sign of adulthood towards maturity.

Perhaps, we also have the courage to open up, but find that the result has exceeded our current ability to bear the moment.

A few years ago, an actress named Ma Chengcheng, in order to play the role in "Youth Gathering", did not hesitate to make herself gain 200 pounds.

Her dedicated performance made herself a hit.

Two flash marriages and divorces, and now the host of "Fast Book" is very popular: why did she live so wonderfully?

But along with it, because of his ridiculously fat body, he was abandoned and abandoned by his boyfriend who had been in love for 7 years.

Ma Chengcheng was very miserable for a while, and it was difficult to bear the price he paid.

Is it worth it to doubt that you have lost your love for the sake of your dreams?

After a period of entanglement and screwing, she learned to expand herself, slowly accept the results of lost love, and extend her greater strength to be responsible for herself.

She made up her mind to start losing weight, spent all her spare time going to the gym, and reduced all the fat parts she had previously made for filming, from 200 pounds to 100 pounds, and the whole person changed back to the original beautiful and moving appearance.

Two flash marriages and divorces, and now the host of "Fast Book" is very popular: why did she live so wonderfully?

Subsequently, more excellent works have issued olive branches to her, and her career has ushered in a new round of development opportunities.

This confirms a truth:

When we follow our hearts and begin to take responsibility for the results, we will not spend our energy on entanglement and internal friction, but will be able to live in the present and create a better future.

Our inner life force is also more continuously activated and manifested.

Two flash marriages and divorces, and now the host of "Fast Book" is very popular: why did she live so wonderfully?

Take the initiative to participate in life experiences and become your true self

Psychologist Rogers says that he is the sum of all one's past life experiences.

If these life experiences are passive participation, or the result of the will of others, then we are not being ourselves; on the contrary, if these life experiences are all active participation of us, the result of our own choices, then whether the life experience is happy or sad, we are doing ourselves.

To bravely release your instincts is to actively participate in your own life experience, and it is also a journey to become yourself.

Two flash marriages and divorces, and now the host of "Fast Book" is very popular: why did she live so wonderfully?

To do this, the first step is to be true to our hearts, accept our instincts, and value our feelings.

What we want to do, as long as the ethical regulations allow us to do it bravely;

When the offense of others breaks their own boundaries, they can also stand up and defend themselves;

In a relationship suffered a lot of grievances and torture, no longer swallow the breath, dare to take a step forward, pursue their own happiness;

Learn to respect and take responsibility for every choice you make...

We need to try to break free from the shackles of the past and truly live for ourselves.

We may have a lot of struggles in our hearts, but only by learning to play games with ourselves once, overcoming fear to open ourselves up, fully releasing our instincts, and taking responsibility for the results, can the life we experience truly vivid and real.

Just like Zhang Yuqi, no matter how flamboyant and contrasting and cute her personality is, because of her true disposition, she dares to say and do it on any stage she goes to, and she dares to be bold in her feelings, and her ego is a "queen".

Her life also permeates self-esteem, vitality and courage.

However, if we are always afraid to go out, the instinct of life cannot release energy to empower the development of life.

Life itself can also shrink and dim.

The meaning of life is to be yourself.

When we decide to break the shackles of our past beliefs, open up to being ourselves and being responsible for the results, we spread out our lives with a sense of subjectivity.

A quote from the Japanese writer Kotaro Isaka in Golden Dreams:

The greatest weapon of mankind is the determination to go out.

To be yourself, you really don't need to go through too complicated levels.

Perhaps, at the moment when you respect your instincts, dare to take responsibility for yourself, and make up your mind to open up, you will usher in the dawn of being yourself.

Two flash marriages and divorces, and now the host of "Fast Book" is very popular: why did she live so wonderfully?

Planning | Amy

Edit | Jiang Feng

Anchor | Yang Gungun, TV host