
Chen Jin: After 20 years of not eating rice, not getting married and not having children, her story is far more exciting than you think

author:Family Channel


The words "55 years old, single and unmarried, woman, childless" add up to a "loser" in the eyes of most people.

But there are always some women who can rely on their own efforts to live a different life and get rid of worldly prejudices.

She is Chen Jin, who is more than half a hundred years old, and has won the Hundred Flowers, Golden Rooster, Feitian, Magnolia and even Huabiao Awards.

No love history, zero scandals, in order to interpret the career of strict requirements for themselves, insist on not eating rice for 20 years.

Chen Jin: After 20 years of not eating rice, not getting married and not having children, her story is far more exciting than you think

For not getting married, Chen Jin once said in an interview: "A person's life is ultimately to live with himself, rather than marrying, it is better to be single, and she does not want to get married and have children, that is, she does not want to follow the trajectory of most people." ”

Chen Jin: After 20 years of not eating rice, not getting married and not having children, her story is far more exciting than you think

And on her path to unmarriedism, there is one of the strongest supporters, and that is her brother.

When his parents forced marriage at the earliest, his brother Chen Zhun made a promise to Chen Jin.

He has to take care of his sister all his life, and if he can, he is willing to not marry with his sister.

The support of his brother strengthened Chen Jin's idea of not marrying. So what kind of life does Chen Jin live today?

Chen Jin: After 20 years of not eating rice, not getting married and not having children, her story is far more exciting than you think

Chen Jin was born in May 1964 in Jinan, Shandong Province, the son of a military man and university professor, and his mother a famous drama actor.

Chen Jin and her brother grew up in the military compound, but they were different from the children in other compounds, and their introverted personalities from childhood made the brothers and sisters look very special.

Chen Jin: After 20 years of not eating rice, not getting married and not having children, her story is far more exciting than you think

They don't like to play with other friends, and prefer to hide their own little secrets and surprises in their own small world.

Chen Jin especially liked to dance when she was a child, and she had a dream of becoming a dancer. The mother knew her daughter's idea, so she took Chen Jin to the Children's Palace to learn dance, but was rejected on the spot.

Chen Jin: After 20 years of not eating rice, not getting married and not having children, her story is far more exciting than you think

At that time, the teacher thought that Mother Chen was very fat, and then looked at Chen Jin's facial features that were not particularly outstanding, and said at the moment: "You are not suitable for dancing." The desire to dance was shattered, but Chen Jin, who did not accept defeat, bowed to fate.

Under the influence of her mother, Chen Jin gradually fell in love with drama performances. With her own hard work, Chen Jin was admitted to the Drama Performance Department of Shandong Arts College.

Chen Jin: After 20 years of not eating rice, not getting married and not having children, her story is far more exciting than you think

In college, Chen Jin, who had excellent grades, won scholarships every year during her time at the school. After graduation, he also got his bachelor's degree in his own major. Subsequently, at the recommendation of his father, he was successfully admitted to the Air Force Repertory Theatre.

Perhaps it was the favor of the goddess of luck, and soon after entering the group, Chen Jin got a chance to play the main role. In the fifth all-army debriefing performance, "Snow Peak Love" with her as the protagonist won the performance award.

Chen Jin: After 20 years of not eating rice, not getting married and not having children, her story is far more exciting than you think

Solid performance roots, different from ordinary people's acting skills, so that Chen Jin shines on the drama stage, but also become a lot of directors, competing to cooperate with the new star of acting.

Chen Jin: After 20 years of not eating rice, not getting married and not having children, her story is far more exciting than you think

In 1988, at the age of 24, Chen Jin starred in her first film, The Devoured Woman. In the following year, he also participated in two film and television dramas, "Mountains Don't Turn water" and "Tide Rise and Fall".

Among them, "Mountains Don't Turn Water" won the second prize of the 11th Feitian Award, and "Tide Rise and Fall" also won the Five One Project Award and the first prize of the 14th Feitian Award.

Chen Jin: After 20 years of not eating rice, not getting married and not having children, her story is far more exciting than you think

Just when Chen Jin's career was in full swing and developing in a better direction. Her figure has also quietly changed, and her obesity and her not outstanding facial features have made many directors close the door with her and persuade her to change careers.

Chen Jin: After 20 years of not eating rice, not getting married and not having children, her story is far more exciting than you think

Subsequently, Chen Jin also wanted to give up the profession of actor, and she once wanted to change her career to become a designer. She also signed up for a training class, and after studying for a few months, Chen Jin found that she could not leave at all, the profession and stage she loved.

Chen Jin: After 20 years of not eating rice, not getting married and not having children, her story is far more exciting than you think

Out of that dedication and love for performance, Chen Jin made herself a devilish slimming plan. Because of the love in her heart and the persistence engraved in her bones, Chen Jin began to eat three meals a day without eating rice, only drinking some coffee and eating some fruits.

After that, Chen Jin successfully lost weight and had a better body. After successful weight loss, she maintained the habit of not eating rice for 20 years.

Chen Jin: After 20 years of not eating rice, not getting married and not having children, her story is far more exciting than you think

In 1996, chen Jin starred in the TV series "Campus Pioneer", which won the Feitian Award for Excellence in Television Drama. She also won the Feitian Award for Outstanding Actress for her role in the South. In the movie, Chen Jin does not apply powder and appears in the camera with a real face.

Chen Jin: After 20 years of not eating rice, not getting married and not having children, her story is far more exciting than you think

In 1999, Chen Jin, Li Xuejian and Li Youbin starred in the film and television drama "Born out of nowhere". With her excellent acting skills, Chen Jin won the title of Outstanding Actress in Chinese Acting. She also won the Golden Rooster Award and the Best Supporting Actress Award at the Changchun Film Festival.

Chen Jin: After 20 years of not eating rice, not getting married and not having children, her story is far more exciting than you think

In 2000, Chen Jin won the Best Actress Award for Magnolia with the urban emotional drama "Relying on Each Other Year". Two years later, she successfully portrayed the classic role of Li Yihan in "The Lord Justice", and won the Golden Eagle Award for Most Popular Actress.

Chen Jin: After 20 years of not eating rice, not getting married and not having children, her story is far more exciting than you think

In 2004, Chen Jin co-starred with Chen Daoming in the TV series "Hibernation", in which the two played a couple, the first time they cooperated with two people in the play, it was as tacit as a long-term partnership, and mixed with a lot of appreciation for each other, and soon they became friends.

Chen Jin: After 20 years of not eating rice, not getting married and not having children, her story is far more exciting than you think

Chen Daoming once said in an interview: "Some people say that it is difficult for me to cooperate, but they have not cooperated with me. Only people who have worked with me are qualified to talk about me, like Chen Jin is the one who is qualified. ”

Chen Jin: After 20 years of not eating rice, not getting married and not having children, her story is far more exciting than you think

In the film "Full of Golden Armor in the City" directed by Zhang Yimou, Chen Jin played the role of Jiang Shi. This tragic role is perfectly interpreted by her, so that the majority of netizens feel that her acting skills are not inferior to such a big coffee as Gong Li.

Chen Jin: After 20 years of not eating rice, not getting married and not having children, her story is far more exciting than you think

After the film directed by Zhang Yimou, he once commented on Chen Jin: "Chen Jin's emotional performance is very powerful, and in interpreting the role and some passionate scenes, the emotions of ups and downs and the feelings of compassion will be very accurately interpreted."

Chen Jin: After 20 years of not eating rice, not getting married and not having children, her story is far more exciting than you think

In 2009, in the "Tangshan Earthquake" directed by Feng Xiaogang, a role of Dong Guilan could not find an actor at that time.

Later, Director Feng contacted Chen Jin and took a fancy to Chen Jin's identity as a powerful actor. However, I did not expect that Chen Jin declined Feng Dao's invitation because of her role.

Chen Jin: After 20 years of not eating rice, not getting married and not having children, her story is far more exciting than you think

Later, chen Daoming, who was still a good friend, strongly invited Chen Jin, and she was invited to participate in the performance, and once again became a husband and wife in the play with Chen Daoming. Chen Daoming later said: Chen Jin is the only candidate for Dong Huilan.

In today's showbiz industry, the most headache for celebrities is that because of the interaction between performances and stars of the opposite sex, it will be criticized by the public. It even leads to family discord, while single people are often secretly photographed or followed.

Chen Jin: After 20 years of not eating rice, not getting married and not having children, her story is far more exciting than you think

In a show, actor Li Chengru was asked by the host: "If the play requires a passionate play with the opposite sex, will you first consider the feelings of your partner?" ”

Li Chengru replied: "Although it is a script plot requirement, as an actor, you still need to be measured, and you can't let embarrassment appear on your face." ”

Chen Jin: After 20 years of not eating rice, not getting married and not having children, her story is far more exciting than you think

When the same question was asked to Chen Jin, she was very calm and calm, and she bluntly said that there was no need to consider these issues. Dedicated to art, she has been living for the cause she loves in her heart.

She dedicated her love to her acting career, and in reality she never loved anyone, and she once advertised herself as unmarried.

Chen Jin: After 20 years of not eating rice, not getting married and not having children, her story is far more exciting than you think

In recent years, Chen Jin is still active in the public eye. And in many film and television dramas, he played various roles of mothers and mothers-in-law. In the 2017 TV hit drama "Ode to Joy 2", Chen Jin played Dr. Zhao's mother.

In the play, the role played by Chen Jin has made the majority of netizens admire her, and the face after being carved by the years does not have the surrounding of the young time ring, but has a more irresistible charm.

Chen Jin: After 20 years of not eating rice, not getting married and not having children, her story is far more exciting than you think

After that, Chen Jin starred in the very popular TV series "All Is Good", in which she played a son-oriented and very cruel mother.

Every time there is a picture of her appearance, her hateful acting skills that make people itch to the teeth ignite the anger of all the audience in front of the screen. Under Chen Jin's perfect interpretation, every role that is too small to be any smaller can be interpreted by her as particularly vivid and vivid.

Chen Jin: After 20 years of not eating rice, not getting married and not having children, her story is far more exciting than you think

Compared with her brilliant acting career, she is a very low-key person in life. In reality, she never actively appeared in the public eye.

Leaving aside her brilliant professional resume, everyone is also very concerned about her personal emotional life. Chen Jin, who has debuted so far, is still zero scandals and unmarried.

Chen Jin: After 20 years of not eating rice, not getting married and not having children, her story is far more exciting than you think

As for the reason for not being married, in a talk show, she said that when she was very young, she had a sense of loneliness. She said she didn't think it was bad to be married and have children at an age when it was time to get married and have children.

She will not put herself under pressure from society and public opinion. In her world, she lives to show her beauty, and she loves and enjoys her freedom.

Chen Jin: After 20 years of not eating rice, not getting married and not having children, her story is far more exciting than you think

Chen Jin said that what she was most afraid of was that when she got old, she would suffer from alzheimer's disease. But later, Brother Chen said something touching.

The brother said to Chen Jin, "If I could become the one who lives longer, then I can take care of you and accompany you until you are old." After Chen Jin listened to his brother's words, he was even more determined about not marrying.

Chen Jin: After 20 years of not eating rice, not getting married and not having children, her story is far more exciting than you think

Now she, in addition to acting, is to enjoy a person's life. In the industry for more than 30 years, he has won awards and won soft hands, but he still has a reverence for the performance career.

Chen Jin once said: "There is no need to satisfy others, I am me." Even if she is forgotten and there is no drama, she has never hyped herself and added lace heat to herself. And Chen Jin's own loneliness is the most comfortable state for her.

Chen Jin: After 20 years of not eating rice, not getting married and not having children, her story is far more exciting than you think

The first half of Chen Jin's life can be said to live more thoroughly than anyone, she is not living to live, but to become the best of her own struggle, she is enjoying her own life and life. Such a free-spirited Chen Jin is really admirable.

Chen Jin: After 20 years of not eating rice, not getting married and not having children, her story is far more exciting than you think

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