
3 men stole and were beaten to death by villagers 23 years ago, 11 people were arrested in the murder case

author:China Youth Network
3 men stole and were beaten to death by villagers 23 years ago, 11 people were arrested in the murder case

Some of the suspects (courtesy of the police)

□ reporter Chang Kai

Recently, after three months of meticulous investigation, the Chengmai County Public Security Bureau successfully cracked a backlog of murder cases 23 years ago and arrested 11 criminal suspects.

On the evening of September 26, 1998, Chen Mouzi, Chen Mouhui, Chen Moujian and three other men were found by villagers in Koupo Village, Ruixi Town, Chengmai County, when they were stolen, and were surrounded and beaten by many villagers, and died of their injuries near Beiyun Bridge in Ruixi Town. After the case occurred, the Chengmai County Public Security Bureau launched an investigation into the case, but due to the complexity of the case and the large number of people involved, the case has been "unsolved".

Since the beginning of this year, the Party Committee of the Chengmai County Public Security Bureau has attached great importance to the investigation of the backlog of homicide cases, with the goal of "the murder case must be solved" and "the backlog of cases must be cleared", continued to carry out the action of tackling the backlog of homicide cases, and set up a special team to attack the backlog of homicide cases in July to reorganize and investigate the case.

In the past three months, the police of the special case team have made full use of new technologies and new means to simultaneously strengthen the collection of basic information sources through the investigation of clues and traces of physical evidence, successfully opened a breakthrough in the case, and found out the basic case facts and criminal suspect information.

On October 22, the Chengmai County Public Security Bureau organized elite police forces to collect the criminal suspects in the case and arrested 11 criminal suspects in one fell swoop. After interrogation, the 11 suspects confessed to the crime of beating Chen Mouzi and three other people on the night of September 26, 1998, resulting in the death of the three people. At present, the case is under further investigation.

Skynet was restored without leakage. Chengmai police reminded that the criminal suspects related to this case should clearly understand the situation, voluntarily surrender themselves, and strive for leniency. Where relevant criminal suspects are provided with assistance, harboring, shielding, or assistance in destroying or fabricating evidence, the public security organs will strictly pursue their legal responsibility in accordance with law.

Source: Hainan Special Economic Zone Daily