
The Most Detailed Interpretation: The Fourth Human Civilization (Atlantis)

author:Please see the instruction manual for creating the universe

The following is from the science fiction masterpiece "The Instruction manual for creating the universe"

The Fourth Human Civilization

The Fourth Human Civilization was the island civilization that destroyed the coastal civilization by nuclear war, also known as the Atlantean Civilization, which was established by explorers of the Dietary Civilization (the Second Human Civilization) on the sea giant island (Great Western Continent) west of pangea, which was located in the later Indian Ocean. After the wind snake disaster caused by the earth's magnetic pole conversion, the Martians quietly helped the coastal civilization (the third human civilization), affecting the course of human history, in order to balance the coastal civilization and return human history to the normal orbit, the Saint Star People supported the Atlantean civilization (the fourth human civilization), so that its civilization level even exceeded the human civilization in the 21st century, but what was never expected was that the Atlanteans finally went astray, triggered a human nuclear war, destroyed the earth's environment, and even betrayed the saint star people. Eventually angered the Saint Star. As punishment, the giant island where the Atlantean civilization is located was sunk by the Saint Starmen, and the Atlantean civilization, which represents the fourth human civilization, was destroyed.

The Most Detailed Interpretation: The Fourth Human Civilization (Atlantis)

The location of the Great Western Continent

At that time, there was a huge island in the western bay of the Pangea continent on Earth called The Great Western Continent (Atlantis). The island has a mild climate, dense forests, elephants and other animals, and a very rich great plain. The Great Plains are full of flowers and plants, and the fruits are abundant. The babbling water flows quietly, and there are many species of fish in the river. It is also rich in gold, silver, copper and other minerals, and in this blessed paradise, there are Atlanteans and holy stars who live on earth.

At this time, the Saint Star people on the moon had just built a new cosmic simulator, and in order to upgrade and improve it, more spiritual energy and different versions of human civilization data were needed. Therefore, the Saint Star people signed an agreement with the Atlanteans to help the Atlanteans in all aspects without affecting the historical process of human civilization in Pangea.

With the help of the Saint Starmen, the Atlanteans built many cities. Among them, the largest city is the main city, and the most central building in the main city is the Great Pyramid. The interior of the pyramid is decorated with gold, silver and ivory, and the walls, columns and floors are completely decorated with a mixture of gold and silver, and the statue of the god-level alien leader "Saint Emperor" made of gold is placed in the middle of the great pyramid, and the statue stands on a golden carriage, which is carried by six winged white horses. This is the most sacred place in the Great Western Continent!

The Most Detailed Interpretation: The Fourth Human Civilization (Atlantis)

At the base of the pyramid there is a record hall, which is a very sturdy storage room for the various knowledge that the Saint Starmen had provided to the Atlanteans, either written on scrolls or carved into gold plates.

The other buildings of the city are arranged from high to low, from the center to the surrounding and spiraling on the edge of the city, with palaces, high-class residential areas, assembly halls, gardens, ordinary residential areas, etc. All buildings have gilded dome-shaped roofs.

The Saint Starmen opened up the brain functions of the Atlanteans as much as possible and gave them a high degree of intelligence. They clearly understand that wealth must be accumulated more and more with a broad embrace, materials may disappear at any time, and only spirit can last forever!

The Atlanteans acquired superb smelting and building techniques from the Saints, and they refined the rich minerals of the Great Western Continent into a pale yellow alloy (they called it "Orliha Steel"), which they supplied to the Saint Starmen.

There is a large green meadow on the great plains outside the craters of The Great Western Continent, where the grass provides abundant food for the animals that live here, and the natural resources for animal husbandry and poultry breeding are abundant here.

The Atlantean civilization also inherited the traditional habits of the food civilization. The Atlanteans kept various types of wild animals captive for meat, allowing them to feast on them to replenish their physical strength. They also refine perfumes from a variety of fragrant plants to replenish their spirits, some of which are made of rare plants that are offered to the Saint Star. These rare plants were originally species on the Holy Star, and the Saint Star people transplanted them on Earth. In order not to let them be inadvertently destroyed by dinosaurs and humans, the Saint Star people cleaned and reclaimed the giant island, personally planted and harvested it regularly, and later handed it over to the Atlantean people to manage.

The Most Detailed Interpretation: The Fourth Human Civilization (Atlantis)

A world of trees and flowers

The fields where the herbs are grown are guarded by highly trained and knowledgeable people. Herbalists begin to take good care of plant seeds as they sprout, picking and extracting perfumes rich in life essences as they ripen. Many botanists, nutritionists, and food scientists work in an assembly line to make this perfume.

After the Saint Star people get the perfume, they will further extract the organic molecules in it, and then synthesize the powerful holy light with the far infrared light particles (a kind of photon). The Holy Light is a super fluid that can bring people back to life, which can be taken internally and externally, cure all diseases, and has an excellent effect on maintaining the body shell.

Children in Atlantis focus on the cultivation of the mind, and they develop their potential through meditation. Their ambition is not to become rich as officials, but to become a respected "sage (prophet)", because the sage can give people guidance, foresee the future, and arrange all people, things, and things in the most appropriate position.

When the state of man's mind is elevated to the highest stage, he will enter the realm of the sage, become honest and kind, possess otherworldly wisdom, not indulge in material wealth, respect virtue in everything, live in peace and contentment, and live a naturally rich life.

With the careful help of the Saint Star people, the brain development level of the Atlantean people generally reached 18%, and the average person could easily reach 15%. They can easily communicate with animals and even make robots. Later, the entire city of The Great Western Continent was managed by computers, robots were responsible for work, people did not need to read books, knowledge was stored directly in the chip in the brain, and the wisdom of fifteen or sixteen-year-old children had surpassed that of experts and scholars in the early 21st century.

The Atlantean civilization is mainly to develop its own potential, for example, during meditation, the breath (the energy connected to consciousness) flows along the meridians (the network of meridians, the channels of energy, not material entities) throughout the body, and the Atlanteans invented "acupuncture" in order to help the breath rush through the relevant meridian nodes, which was passed down to later generations (the meridians are not like blood vessels, there is no actual pipeline, and cannot be seen through dissection). The meridians are channels of energy that a person can sense in some way, such as when you use acupuncture to prick your left hand, and your right foot moves). Other human civilizations are mainly based on the development of external objects and the use of tools.

The energy system of the Atlantean civilization was also constructed under the guidance of the Saint Starmen. Their energy system can produce "light energy" that is more efficient and environmentally friendly than electrical energy, and transmit it in the form of strong light to base point receiving stations everywhere, and each base point is responsible for the energy supply of a service area. Therefore, the island civilization was also called the "civilization of light" by later generations.

In the absence of open space technology by the Saint Starmen, the Atlanteans studied the spiritual energy system more carefully and deeply, and from time to time discovered the mysteries of it.

Until one day, the Atlanteans inadvertently found a blue cosmic treasure fragment on the island, which had the word "in" on the front and the invisible word "doubt" on the back. So overnight, under the influence of the "doubtful" cosmic fragments, almost all the Atlanteans went crazy like Martians, they began to doubt everything they knew, and finally doubted the head of the god (the saint star), thinking that the god (the holy star) was bad!

The Most Detailed Interpretation: The Fourth Human Civilization (Atlantis)

Blue Cosmic Fragment "In"

Some particularly crazy Atlanteans even tried to control time, and they actually realized the secret of controlling antimatter with spiritual energy, and made a half-finished product of a time machine. They called this semi-finished machine the "Axis of the Earth," which meant that the people of The Earth were going to rule the solar system and even the universe. At this time, the Atlanteans already knew that there was a Mayan civilization hidden in a corner of the Pangu continent, and they planned to return to the age of the dinosaurs, snatch the technological treasures kept by the Maya before the arrival of the Saint Starmen and lay traps against the Holy Starmen, and then sneak into the moon and attack Mars after winning. Not only do they want to rewrite the history of the solar system, they even want to play God!

Some of the upper echelons of the Atlanteans were not actually crazy, they created a psychic shield to prevent the Saint Star people from becoming aware of their plots, and at the same time amplified the thought waves of other crazy Atlantean people to interfere with the spirit energy collection system of the Holy Star People. Under this cover, the Atlanteans cleverly concealed the secrets of the time machine.

This is part of the information that was withheld by the Atlanteans at that time: Why should our spiritual energy be extracted by you Saint Starmen? You say you are our Creator, but we are now seriously skeptical of that! We should have evolved from monkeys on Earth! When one day we put all of you Saint Starmen in cages, we will use the time machine to find our monkey ancestors and invite them to offer them. Let you pour tea and water for our monkey ancestors, and if you do not serve well, I want you to look good!

At this time, the "Axis of the Earth" time machine is only a semi-finished product, because the most critical core components of the time machine need to use programmable metal (vibrating gold), and the Atlanteans now have everything, and this is missing! In ancient times, after the destruction of the space elevator of the Saint Star, the fragments were scattered in the area near Mount Kilimanjaro in East Africa, most of which were recovered by the Saint Star, a small number of fragments have always existed in the area, and later inadvertently obtained by the Sumerians, refined and processed, and obtained a small license of programming metal (vibrating gold), used to make some portable high-tech equipment (magic weapons), in the hands of a small number of Sumerians. The Atlanteans wanted to obtain these portable high-tech devices (magic weapons) to be recycled into programmable metals (vibrating gold), so they launched a war of aggression against coastal civilizations (including the Sumerian civilization of ancient India).

When the Sumerians learned of the Atlantean intentions, they resisted by secretly transferring portable high-tech equipment (magic weapons) made of programmable metal (vibranium) to the rear, in Uganda (also transliterated as "Wakanda"). Later, the Sumerians established the Shang Dynasty, and the top level of the Shang Dynasty continued to inherit these portable high-tech equipment (magic weapons) until they were reclaimed by the Saint Star People during the Shang Zhou Fengshen War. After the 20th century, after the United States carried out lunar exploration projects, it understood the importance of ancient objects, so it launched a treasure hunt around the earth, and American agents infiltrated Uganda (Wakanda), although they only got a few grams of programmable metal (vibrating gold), but it was enough to support their secret research.

The Atlanteans put pressure on the Sumerians to threaten a nuclear attack and force the Sumerians to hand over all portable high-tech equipment (magic weapons) made of programmable metal (vibrating gold). The Sumerians, with the help of the Martians, soon possessed nuclear weapons, and the situation became uncontrollable and a nuclear war began. Only to see that the sky was shrouded in clouds, a wide range of biological extinctions occurred in the war zone, and many of the creatures that survived have mutated, and some have become special creatures later recorded in the Classic of Mountains and Seas.

The Saint Star People did not intervene in the early days of the human civil war, because the coastal civilization (including the Sumerian civilization of the ancient Indian civilization) built the Tower of Babel and developed the flying machine, all for the purpose of going to the sky (the moon), which the Saint Star People did not allow. Therefore, the Saint Star also hoped that the civil war of mankind would interfere with the Sumerian plan to ascend to the heavens.

At that time, the ancient Indian region where the Sumerian civilization was located had not yet drifted to Asia. Mohenzo Darrow was a metropolis in sumeria, with a radius of more than 1,000 square kilometers (about the same size as the current Taiyuan urban area in China), a very high degree of civilization, and a family with toilets and baths. (In the 21st century, India has not been able to popularize toilets, let alone baths, and many people are convenient on the street.) )

Later archaeologists found that all the people in the ruins of the ancient civilization of Mohenzo Daro in ancient India died suddenly, unless there was a major disaster such as an earthquake and volcanic eruption, not all of them died suddenly, but Mohenzo Daro did not happen to the above! Human bones were found in the living room, and many of the remains in the living room were lying on the ground in piles, which was unbearable to see. Most strikingly, some of the remains cover their faces with their hands, giving the appearance of protecting themselves. What kind of horror caused these people to die instantly? Indian archaeologist Dr. Kaha conducted a detailed chemical analysis of the excavated human bones. Dr Kaha's report said: "I found traces of high temperature radiation in all 9 white bones, but this was not cremation and there was no sign of fire. "What was the unusual heat that caused the sudden death of the inhabitants of Mohenzo Darrow? It wasn't until Japan was hit by two atomic bombs that scientists suddenly realized that it was likely to be a prehistoric nuclear war! It turns out that there is a lot of Torinitis material in the site of Mohenzo Darrow, which is the black glass-like substance formed by the sand melting and rapidly solidifying at high temperatures during the atomic bomb explosion.

The ancient Indian region before continental drift was the battlefield of ancient nuclear warfare, often recited in epic mythology. How did ancient Indian literature document prehistoric nuclear war? The scene of war described in the large narrative poem Mahabharata (also transliterated as Mahabalad) more than 5,000 years ago is like the tragic scene after the atomic bombing, which describes the war as follows: "Atvatan sits firmly in the Vimana (aircraft). This aircraft is not only equipped with laser weapons, but also with the powerful Agna (nuclear missile). When the Agna (nuclear missile) fired by Atvatán at the enemy exploded, it sounded like thunder. In an instant, the sky over the enemy went black. The wind is fierce (shock wave), the dark clouds are rolling (mushroom clouds), and the earth is shaking. Sand and gravel kept coming from the air. The sun also seemed to sway and tremble in the air. The terrible heat burned the enemy soldiers like charred tree trunks, and the horses and chariots were scorched. The earth was red and shiny, and people and animals were burned to death in an instant. The forest fell, and the beast was killed. The river boiled, and all the fish and shrimp were burned to death. The food in the surrounding area was contaminated with toxins (nuclear radiation), and finally the earth fell into a dead silence...". Gulka also took a fast flying machine and fired a nuclear missile at each of the three enemy cities. Nuclear missiles seem to have the power of the entire universe, and their brightness is like ten thousand suns, producing a column of fiery fireworks, which is spectacular. The bodies were burned unrecognizable, hairs and nails fell off, ceramics shattered, and circling birds were burned straight to death in the sky. Another narrative poem, Ramayana, depicts the total destruction of hundreds of thousands of troops in an instant, and it records that the site of the armageddon of a prehistoric nuclear war is a city known as "Lanka", which is what the locals call Mohenzo Darrow.

The Most Detailed Interpretation: The Fourth Human Civilization (Atlantis)

Nuclear war destroys civilizations

(In 1943, archaeologists found a manuscript of the ancient Indian artifact "Sanskrit Mujian" in the basement of a collapsed temple in southern India, which contained a valuable document depicting a magical god of war car in 6,000 lines, in addition to its raw materials, specific structure, driving methods, fuel required, driving precautions, but also the selection, training and clothing of drivers.) This aircraft with transparent lid is equipped with insulation devices, electronic devices, exhaust devices, spiral wings, and lightning rods, which makes experts both sigh and wonder. )

The ancient Indian epic Mahabharata records that after the earth-shattering war between the two prehistoric civilizations, the death toll (including civilians) on both sides exceeded 1.6 billion. Please note that the ancient 100 million represents the current 100,000, and 1.6 billion people are actually 1.6 million people! This figure includes people from the coastal areas west of Pangea and people whose entire continent has been sunk.

Ancient Indian epics were previously thought to be exaggerated and fantasized. Until one day, the Soviet nuclear physicist Golpovsky excavated an ancient remains in India. After measurement, he found that the body still had radioactive residues about 50 times higher than normal, which inferred that there must have been more radioactive residues at the time of the nuclear explosion thousands of years ago. After the news was exposed, scientists from the United States, Japan, Germany, France, Britain, and India jointly inspected the ruins of ancient India, and the "black glass material" in the ruins was exactly the same as the "glass" produced by the high temperature of the nuclear explosion in the nuclear test site! Oppenheimer, the father of the American atomic bomb, was surprised to see it and said: "The ancients invented the atomic bomb a long time ago?" incredible! What terrible catastrophes have they experienced that led to the destruction of civilization as a whole? He personally went to the scene to check it out, and since then his thinking and temperament have changed greatly, and he has opposed the proliferation of nuclear weapons all his life, calling on nuclear-weapon states to destroy nuclear weapons, fearing that human civilization will be destroyed again.

The site of Mohenzo Darrow has also unearthed a characteristic item of the Sumerian civilization, the seal of the deity, which is the ancestor of the seal. The influence of seals and mahjong (yin seals) on later human civilization will be mentioned later.

Although the catastrophe brought about by this prehistoric nuclear war was so terrible that it brought ruin to the human race along the western coast of Pangea, it fortunately did not affect the inland civilization of Pangea.

In the course of the human nuclear war, the Saint Starmen learned of the Betrayal and Intentions of the Atlanteans, and they quickly took the opportunity to rescue the Saint Star people trapped in atlantis. When the last of the Saints was rescued back to the Moon, the Saints launched an action project code-named "Farewell to Atlantis". By adjusting the frequency of agitation of dark matter present between the Moon and earth, the Saint Star people caused violent resonances on the ground and oceans near Atlantis. Squeezed by both earthquakes and great floods, the giant island sank and the Atlantean civilization disappeared from the earth.

The Most Detailed Interpretation: The Fourth Human Civilization (Atlantis)

Atlantis sunken to the bottom of the sea

(The same thing will inevitably have different names in legends in different places.) After the Indian region drifted and was embedded in Eurasia, around 1900 BC, temples were built, and temple texts recordEdes as the continent of Remulia, also transliterated as the continent of Lemuria. The temple texts clearly state that it is located in the waters of the present Indian Ocean, between the island of Madagascar and India, is a highly developed prehistoric civilization, which is highly consistent with the time of atlantis, and the end is the same, both sunken to the bottom of the sea. )

The island civilization (Atlantean civilization) evolved almost simultaneously with coastal and inland civilizations, but it was only a few decades from its public appearance to representing the most advanced human civilization, a super civilization that had to be destroyed.

At the time of the division of pangea and the violent drift of the land, the sunken Atlantis was squeezed to pieces by the Indian continent, so it was indeed difficult for future generations of human beings to find traces of The Atlantean civilization. There were very few Atlantean sages who escaped before the nuclear war, and they fled to the Southern Ganbu Continent, Tibet. The descendants of the survivors of Atlantis heeded the admonition of their ancestors: "In order for humanity to be able to attain light and happiness, it is necessary to keep secrets and never repeat the mistakes of the past." ”

In 1938 and 1943, two German expeditions were parachuted into Tibet. Under the protection of special forces, scientists such as German archaeologists and biologists tried to find the legendary "axis of the earth" in Atlantis. Under the guise of scientific research, biologists collect and identify locals to see if they are descendants of The Atlanteans, while others embark on secret missions. The "Axis of the Earth" is a time machine, which is much more powerful than nuclear weapons, which can reverse time and space, just like playing a game, and if it fails, you can keep reading the file and start again. Isn't Atlantis far away in the Atlantic, and how did the time machine get to Tibet? Why is it still underground? Germany is a very strict country, and has devoted all its efforts to summoning explorers, archaeologists and other three religions and nine streams to investigate and study ancient sites, religions, myths and legends, etc., and speculated that Atlantis's "axis of the earth" time machine is definitely underground in Tibet! The researchers realized: Atlantis is not in the Atlantic, but in the Indian Ocean! Indeed, the Atlantic Ocean was named later, and in the era of prehistoric civilizations, the Atlantic Ocean did not exist yet, and the Indian Ocean at that time belonged to the West Sea! So the Great Western Continent (Atlantis) is in the Indian Ocean!

Germany did not succeed, because the Saint Star people did not allow humans to use power beyond their control, and the Cosmic Heavenly Dao did not allow it. If the Atlanteans and Germans had a time machine, traveling haphazardly through time and space, it would be as easy to get out of control as a baby playing with fire, changing the evolution of the entire universe. If they crossed over to the time when the universe was first born, they would destroy the energy and material balance of the entire universe, which would cause the cosmic system to run wrong and collapse, and the entire universe would be destroyed.

The Saints on the Moon have learned their lessons after the Atlantis Incident and no longer directly provide leaps and bounds of scientific and technological assistance to mankind. The human beings created by the previous Saint Star People were strong and durable, and could live to a thousand years old. After the first fall of human civilization, human life expectancy was reduced by half, less than five hundred years. After the Atlantis Incident, the life expectancy of human beings was shortened by more than half, and at most they could live more than two hundred years. Later, the life span of human beings was shorter, and the human brain was also sealed, and the average person could only develop the brain to about 10% at most, and could no longer develop more than 15% like the Atlanteans.

Later, the longest-lived person in the Guinness Book of World Records for human beings was only more than one hundred and thirty years old, so that short-lived human beings did not have much time to spy on God's secrets. Of course, if someone is bent on exploring, there is still a chance, which requires great talent and understanding.

The Atlantean civilization is considered to be a half-cultivating civilization, if it did not have greed for science and technology, if it did not go crazy, if it developed according to the correct ideas, the human world would become a world of cultivation and enter the world of Datong in advance, which would be a different scene.

In the human legend about Atlantis, the Atlantean army invaded the continent of Mu (Pangea), and a war broke out between the two advanced civilizations, and eventually the gods were furious and completely sank the two continental plates into the deep sea (Atlantis was indeed sunk, and Pangea actually disintegrated later). Human scientists speculate that the so-called "gods" are most likely alien civilizations that destroyed Earth's prehistoric civilizations. There are many gods in the legend, and these gods are described as having various superpowers, which is obviously not possessed by humans, because it is very likely that these so-called "gods" are god-level aliens with various external forms (shells). For example, Poseidon, the god of the sea, why wouldn't he be a god-level alien? Maybe he is! When these so-called "gods" discover that everything on Earth is starting to spiral out of control, they kill the killer and destroy everything they have created. Only they have the ability to "control" floods and natural fires, and the source of all these disasters is their high-tech weapons, which surpass the most powerful nuclear weapons of modern humanity, which can cause tsunamis and destroy mountains.

The above content is excerpted from the latest edition of the science fiction masterpiece "Cosmic General Guide" "Creation of Universe Instructions", which in the form of speculative science fiction, cross-border integration of big data in the fields of traditional Chinese studies, astronomy, geography, history, archaeology, aerospace, cutting-edge science and technology, after rigorous reasoning and analysis, not only shows that aliens exist, but also shows that the universe is a virtual world. The book is all-encompassing, scientific and systematic to tell the operation mechanism of the universe, the changes in the civilizations of the planets in the solar system, the detailed explanation of the ancient community of human destiny, the story of aliens and moon spacecraft, the deep interpretation of myths and prophecies, and the objective analysis of the ultimate meaning of life.

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