
Replenish qi and blood, strengthen the spleen and stomach, clear wet poison, and a bowl of medicinal soup is all solved!

author:Honghua Home Care Online

Drinking soup is the favorite of many people, and there is even a saying that "it is better to eat no vegetables than to eat no soup". At present, the temperature is lowering day by day, the climate is relatively dry, and the human body will therefore appear to be dry lungs, and drinking a bowl of steaming soup at this time is the most pleasant thing in autumn and winter. A bowl of hot soup not only helps to drive away the cold in the body, but also replenishes a variety of nutrients. But it's not easy to make a delicious and nutritious soup.

Replenish qi and blood, strengthen the spleen and stomach, clear wet poison, and a bowl of medicinal soup is all solved!

The following small editor recommends a few simple and easy to make medicinal soups for everyone to nourish you throughout autumn and winter.

1. Sand ginseng jade bamboo duck soup

Ingredients: 400 g old duck, sand ginseng, jade bamboo 20 g each, ginger, salt to taste.

Directions: Wash 400 grams of duck, and wash 20 grams of sand ginseng and jade bamboo at the same time; Cut the duck into pieces, soak in water to remove the blood water, put it in a sand pot, and pour in the appropriate water at the same time; Bring the water in the pot to a boil on high heat, then skim off the foam, cook for a while, skimming off the surface oil; Add sand ginseng, jade bamboo, ginger slices, add a little cooking wine, cook for an hour and a half over low heat, and season with salt before cooking.

Effect: The soup of sand ginseng tastes sweet and cold, the function of nourishing yin and clearing the lungs, nourishing the stomach and rejuvenating, removing hypothermia. Jade bamboo taste sweet and cold, moist and liquid, has the effect of nourishing yin and dryness, and the combination of two flavors nourishes and nourishes yin. The old duck has the function of nourishing yin and replenishing blood. Ginger stomach can also remove duck fish, combined into soup, nourish yin and moisturize, to remove diseases and deficiencies.

Replenish qi and blood, strengthen the spleen and stomach, clear wet poison, and a bowl of medicinal soup is all solved!

2. Lily chicken soup

Ingredients: 15 grams of lilies, 15 grams of Huai yam, 15 grams of lotus seeds, 30 grams of coix seeds, 15 grams of coix seeds, 20 grams of ginseng, 10 grams of white tribulus terrestris, 1 black bone chicken (about 1000 grams).

Method: First remove the black bone chicken and cut the internal organs into pieces, put it into a frying pan and add water to simmer until it is half cooked, then add the above drugs and stew until the chicken is cooked, eat chicken, drink soup.

Efficacy: Can be eaten according to the usual taste, with the effect of treating spleen and stomach weakness, insufficient qi and blood; Regular food can make the skin soft, wrinkles are reduced, freckles are eliminated, and moisturizing and glowing.

Replenish qi and blood, strengthen the spleen and stomach, clear wet poison, and a bowl of medicinal soup is all solved!

3. Red and white nut soup

Ingredients: 20 grams of red dates, 20 grams of coix kernels, 15 grams of white fruits (shelled and uncoated), 10 grams of cinnamon balls, brown sugar or rock sugar to taste.

Directions: Put the ingredients together in a pot and cook for 40 minutes, add 6 shelled and shelled quail eggs, cook for half an hour, add an appropriate amount of brown sugar or rock sugar and eat.

Efficacy: It has the effect of nourishing the mind, clearing moisture and poison, strengthening the spleen and stomach; regular food can make the skin less acne, acne, flat warts, etc., so that the skin is moist and smooth, smooth and white.

Replenish qi and blood, strengthen the spleen and stomach, clear wet poison, and a bowl of medicinal soup is all solved!

4. Tianma angelica fish head soup

Ingredients: 500 grams of fish head, 6 grams of gastrodia, angelica, goji berries, 3 grams of Sichuan root and licorice root, 2 pieces of tofu, ginger, green onion, salt to taste.

Directions: First, put sichuan root, angelica and licorice into a gauze bag, tie it well, and set aside. Gastrodia buys finished drinking tablets that have been thinly sliced at the pharmacy. Then, wash the fish head, sprinkle with salt, add 2 slices of ginger, marinate for 15 minutes, after light frying in the pot, add boiling water to boil, put in the medicine bag, tofu pieces, green onion, ginger, goji berries, gastrodia, cook for about 15 to 20 minutes on low heat, seasoning can be.

Effect: This soup has the effect of nourishing yin and tonifying deficiency, invigorating blood and qi, nourishing the face and beauty, and leveling the liver. In the soup, Tianma Gan is flat and moist, extinguishes the wind and passes the network, calms the liver and yang, and is an essential medicine for curing dizziness and headache; Sichuan Root Xinwen is a qi medicine in the blood; angelica tonifies blood and activates blood; licorice tonifies spleen and qi, harmonizes various medicines; tofu clears heat and detoxifies, and quenches thirst; goji berries nourish the liver and kidneys. The combination of various medicines will not be too warm and too cold, and the fish head, tianma, and goji berries are sweet and smooth, making this soup taste wonderful, sweet and smooth.

Replenish qi and blood, strengthen the spleen and stomach, clear wet poison, and a bowl of medicinal soup is all solved!

5. Barley kudzu root pork rib soup

Ingredients: 500 grams of fresh kudzu, or 50 grams of dried kudzu, a small handful of barley about 20 grams, 1 carrot and 1 corn, 200 grams of ribs, 2 slices of ginger, a little salt.

Directions: Wash the ribs, rinse with water, peel the kudzu, cut into thick pieces, or soak the dried kudzu slices and barley in clean water. Place all the ingredients in a clay pot and add water to a large roll. Cook over low heat for about two hours, season and serve.

Efficacy: Kudzu root has the function of antipyretic, thirst-quenching, anti-diarrhea, and can improve symptoms such as xiangqiang, dizziness, headache and other symptoms in patients with hypertension and diabetes. Barley is cool, sweet and light, into the spleen, stomach, lungs. It has the functions of water leakage, healthy spleen and stomach, clear lung heat, and stop diarrhea.

The above several tonic soups can help you nourish the yin and dry, in the soup need to pay attention to the amount of water must be sufficient, neither directly with boiling water simmering soup, nor halfway to add cold water, high fire boiling, low heat slow simmering, so that the nutrients in the food slowly overflow, and finally drink before adding a little salt according to their own taste, so that not only can limit the intake of salt, but also can ensure the umami taste of food.

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