
Detoxification of the turtle balm, 4 kinds of physique of the crowd can not eat, see if there are you (picture and text) turtle balm is not suitable for people relative to winter, turtle balm is still more suitable for eating in the summer. Turtle cream can not be with what to eat turtle cream when to eat the best to eat turtle cream what are the benefits of good to eat the heat "turtle cream" will be learned

author:Yin Da c health diary

Turtle cream many people have eaten, which contains a variety of Chinese herbal medicines, has a good effect of clearing heat and de-heating, detoxifying and moisturizing, so someone knows what physique people can eat and can not eat with what?

Turtle cream has the effect of nourishing yin and moisturizing, reducing fire and eliminating annoyance, clearing damp heat, cooling blood and detoxification, and can be used to alleviate symptoms such as false fire irritability, mouth and tongue sores, constipation, hot whiteness, red and white belt, skin irritation, boils and sores.

Detoxification of the turtle balm, 4 kinds of physique of the crowd can not eat, see if there are you (picture and text) turtle balm is not suitable for people relative to winter, turtle balm is still more suitable for eating in the summer. Turtle cream can not be with what to eat turtle cream when to eat the best to eat turtle cream what are the benefits of good to eat the heat "turtle cream" will be learned

Turtle balm

< h1 class= "pgc-h-center-line" > turtle balm is not suitable for people</h1>

Detoxification of the turtle balm, 4 kinds of physique of the crowd can not eat, see if there are you (picture and text) turtle balm is not suitable for people relative to winter, turtle balm is still more suitable for eating in the summer. Turtle cream can not be with what to eat turtle cream when to eat the best to eat turtle cream what are the benefits of good to eat the heat "turtle cream" will be learned
Detoxification of the turtle balm, 4 kinds of physique of the crowd can not eat, see if there are you (picture and text) turtle balm is not suitable for people relative to winter, turtle balm is still more suitable for eating in the summer. Turtle cream can not be with what to eat turtle cream when to eat the best to eat turtle cream what are the benefits of good to eat the heat "turtle cream" will be learned
Detoxification of the turtle balm, 4 kinds of physique of the crowd can not eat, see if there are you (picture and text) turtle balm is not suitable for people relative to winter, turtle balm is still more suitable for eating in the summer. Turtle cream can not be with what to eat turtle cream when to eat the best to eat turtle cream what are the benefits of good to eat the heat "turtle cream" will be learned
Detoxification of the turtle balm, 4 kinds of physique of the crowd can not eat, see if there are you (picture and text) turtle balm is not suitable for people relative to winter, turtle balm is still more suitable for eating in the summer. Turtle cream can not be with what to eat turtle cream when to eat the best to eat turtle cream what are the benefits of good to eat the heat "turtle cream" will be learned

<h1 class= "pgc-h-center-line" > compared to winter, turtle balm is still more suitable for eating in summer. </h1>

It is advisable for ordinary people to eat once every 3 days, and people who are on fire can often eat a little, generally 3-4 times a week.

But turtle balm is also a cool food, can not be eaten every day. Eating too much can cause diarrhea. People with painful menstruation and cold palace should also try to avoid it in the summer.

<h1 class= "pgc-h-center-line" > turtle balm can not be eaten with anything</h1>

Detoxification of the turtle balm, 4 kinds of physique of the crowd can not eat, see if there are you (picture and text) turtle balm is not suitable for people relative to winter, turtle balm is still more suitable for eating in the summer. Turtle cream can not be with what to eat turtle cream when to eat the best to eat turtle cream what are the benefits of good to eat the heat "turtle cream" will be learned
Detoxification of the turtle balm, 4 kinds of physique of the crowd can not eat, see if there are you (picture and text) turtle balm is not suitable for people relative to winter, turtle balm is still more suitable for eating in the summer. Turtle cream can not be with what to eat turtle cream when to eat the best to eat turtle cream what are the benefits of good to eat the heat "turtle cream" will be learned

<h1 class= "pgc-h-center-line" > when is the best time to eat turtle paste</h1>

Detoxification of the turtle balm, 4 kinds of physique of the crowd can not eat, see if there are you (picture and text) turtle balm is not suitable for people relative to winter, turtle balm is still more suitable for eating in the summer. Turtle cream can not be with what to eat turtle cream when to eat the best to eat turtle cream what are the benefits of good to eat the heat "turtle cream" will be learned

<h1 class= "pgc-h-center-line" > what are the benefits of eating turtle balm</h1>

1, turtle paste, ling paste is black, slightly transparent. Mild sex, not cold or dry. It can prevent disease and go to fire, clear heat, detoxify, dehumidify and deheat.

2. It can improve the body's immunity, exalt blood, stop itching, remove acne, pass bowel and stool, and treat constipation.

3, it is made of multi-flavored Chinese herbal medicine, and has long been eaten as a medicinal diet. Eating can detoxify, remove toxins from the body, promote metabolism, nourish the skin care, prevent dry and aging skin, acne, inflammation of the female reproductive system and so on.

4, can go to the fire, get rid of dampness and heat. In particular, some patients with sore throat, hemorrhoids, prickly heat and other diseases, eating a little turtle cream in the usual moderation can achieve a very effective improvement effect. For people who have too much moisture in their bodies, they can also eat a little more. Guangdong area is rainy and humid, warm in winter and hot in summer, eating turtle paste can clear heat, detoxify, dehumidify and deheat. Although the north does not have the humidity and heat of the south, there are many fried or spicy things, and when it is on fire, eating turtle paste appropriately is conducive to eliminating heat accumulation in the human body and relieving diseases such as sore throats and colds caused by climate change.

5. It can moisten the lungs and relieve cough, nourish the yin and tonify the kidneys. Replenishes the ingredients of amino acids needed by the human body.

6. It can regulate blood lipids and blood sugar. Modern nutrition research has found that turtle balm contains a variety of active polysaccharides and amino acids, with low calorie, low fat, low cholesterol characteristics, is enough to regulate blood lipids and blood sugar.

Detoxification of the turtle balm, 4 kinds of physique of the crowd can not eat, see if there are you (picture and text) turtle balm is not suitable for people relative to winter, turtle balm is still more suitable for eating in the summer. Turtle cream can not be with what to eat turtle cream when to eat the best to eat turtle cream what are the benefits of good to eat the heat "turtle cream" will be learned

<h1 class= "pgc-h-center-line" > delicious to relieve the heat "turtle cream" will be learned</h1>

Those who love to eat turtle paste must be collected well, do it at home super simple, and take a few steps to get it easily.

✅ Ingredients: Turtle paste powder 50g, cold water 200ml, boiled water 1200ml

✅ Directions: Take a pot, pour in 50g of turtle paste powder, add 200 ml of cold water, stir the powder to melt, completely grainless

Add 12,000 ml of boiling water, stir well, put on the stove on low heat and bring to a boil, cook until viscous (3 minutes)! Do not heat, continue to stir up and down to the bottom of the pot, otherwise it will be easy to stick to the bottom

Quickly pour into the container, use a spoon to take away the surface bubble spoon, cool it and refrigerate it, add honey or condensed milk, the taste is better

Editor: I like the taste of a little bitter, if you are afraid of bitter friends can put some white sugar when cooking.

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