
Read Chu Guangxi's "Fishing Bay"

author:Liu Shiqiu Xiao Xiangwen

Fishing in Green Bay spring, deep spring apricot blossom chaos.

The pond is clear and the water is shallow, and the lotus is moving and the fish are scattered.

Sunset waiting for lovers, WeiZhou green poplar shore.

This is the fourth poem of the five-word short ancient group poem "Five Songs of Miscellaneous Songs", probably the poet's village residence.

Spring is beautiful, vibrant and touching.

Spring is bright, poets fishing, Green Bay Village, should be the place where The Water Bay Ring Village is located.

Late spring apricot blossoms are chaotic. It's a sight.

The pond is clear and the water is shallow. The water is clear and not deep.

Lotus knows that the fish are scattered. We have no lotus flowers in rivers here, unless they are ponds.

Naturally, the lotus flowers moved, and the fish in the water were swimming away. This is a narrative description.

The previous sentence fishing from morning to night, equivalent to the same way of friends, should not be what we call lovers today, but it is difficult to say that it is not a sweetheart.

How to say it?

The purpose of my introduction of this poem is that the poems of others are written very clearly, explained very clearly, and are easy to understand!

It's just that what we write on the headlines makes people can't understand, don't understand, don't understand, you don't know what it means?

Writing is rare, decorating the façade, and sometimes asking her if she doesn't know.

Some people repeat a few words, flowing years, time, years, red dust, doesn't the front all refer to time? The red dust is even more rolling clouds.

Don't say whether it is poetry or not, some people turn it over and over, that is, the pain of lovesickness, and say that no man is happy?

Therefore, the words are insincere, the words are not up to the mark, the thinking is logical, and the confusion is unbearable.

However, there are also many people who comment on support and applaud.

I know that some people are making fun, and some people are entertaining jokes!

Therefore, in the headlines, natural people are cloudy and debated endlessly.