
The most powerful emperor in history: Li Shimin

author:Zhang Hongjie
The most powerful emperor in history: Li Shimin

Portrait of Li Shimin of Emperor Taizong of Tang

If you carefully study Chinese history, you will find that among the emperors of the past, the strongest martial artist was Li Shimin, and there was no second.

Although the founding emperor of the Tang Dynasty was not Li Shimin, two-thirds of the Tang Dynasty's world was fought by him.

When he was young, he was a child who did not like to read, but only liked to dance knives and guns. This is not what I say casually, there is a lot of historical information.

For example, Li Shimin himself said: "Shuo Shao is still mighty, not refined in his studies, the way of the first king, like wading into the sea." ”

That is to say, I have been addicted to riding and shooting since I was a child, I did not work hard when I was studying, my grades were not very good, and I did not understand the truths of the saints when I was a child. He also said, "In Taiyuan, the joy of the crowd gathering and playing, the summer to the cold, will be thirty years." "It is also said that when I was a child, I liked to run east and west all the time, and I didn't study well. He said that when I was a child, I practiced various martial arts, especially liked archery, and "claimed to be able to do my best." That is to say, I have studied the art of archery very deeply.

Li Shimin's archery skills are very high. The bow he uses is larger than that used by ordinary people, and the arrows he uses are longer than those used by ordinary people, and he has a hundred shots, and his penetration ability is extremely strong, and he can "shoot holes and doors". Can shoot through thick door panels. When he was eighteen years old, the year before Li Shimin persuaded his father Li Yuan to rebel against Sui, a peasant army attacked Taiyuan, and Li Yuan fell into a heavy siege, so Li Shimin took a small team and broke through on light horses, "shooting it, all directions are invincible", shooting an arrow on the left and an arrow on the right, killing into the enemy's encirclement, and pulling out his father "among the multitudes." In the process of the xuanwumen change, he was also at a long distance, and an arrow shot his brother Li Jiancheng to death.

Later, Li Shimin's descendants, other emperors of the Tang Dynasty, used Li Shimin's "big bow one, long arrow five." The arsenal of Tibet, the treasure of the world. That is to say, it is not easy to treasure it and put it in the memorial hall to commemorate the establishment of the Tang Dynasty.

The most powerful emperor in history: Li Shimin

Step diagram

Riding and shooting, Li Shimin's riding skills are also very outstanding, and his closest comrade-in-arms is his war horse. So after he died, people buried the six warhorses he had ridden with him according to his will, which is the famous Zhaoling Liujun in the museum. From the relief of the Six Horses of Zhaoling, we can see how fierce the war was at that time. For example, there was a horse, "Qingxiao", in the Battle of Wugaoguan, Li Shimin rode on the "Qingqiao" horse, and after a big battle, the "Qingxiao" was hit by five arrows. Therefore, from the reliefs of these horses, we can see how fierce the war was at that time, and how Li Shimin was born into death.

Li Shimin's sword technique is also very powerful, the Battle of Huoyi, Li Shimin took the lead, rushed into the enemy line, bravely rushed to kill, "the people of the world killed dozens of people, both knives are lacking, bleeding all over the sleeves, sprinkling the battle." It was to kill dozens of people with his own hands, cut two knives and cut them, sprinkle blood on both sleeves, shake them, and continue to move forward.

Among the chinese emperors, Li Shimin's personality is relatively normal, he is very enterprising, very rational.

This is related to his martial arts.

Sports competitions are often conducted in high-speed sports, which requires a person to have the ability to make judgments quickly. Therefore, people who regularly play sports competitions, including competitions and battles, tend to develop an ability that is decisive and responsive.

The most powerful emperor in history: Li Shimin

Li Shimin, King of Qin

Historically, one of the characteristics of Li Shimin's handling of people is that he is very decisive, and the Old Book of Tang says, "Emperor Taizong is decisive and informal, and people cannot predict it at any time." "He was creative in his battles, often surprised, decisive in his attacks, and won big victories.

Sports, especially confrontational sports, also require a person to constantly overcome timidity, which is conducive to shaping the quality of a person's will to fight bravely. Therefore, Xi Wu has shaped the psychological characteristics of Li Shimin from an early age that he does not bow to any difficulties and dares to challenge any opponent. Therefore, in a critical moment, he was able to make a decision, launch the Xuanwumen Revolution, kill his brother and brother, and seize the throne from his father. Why, on the other hand, did his brother and brother fail in the political struggle? Not as decisive as Li Shimin, afraid of risks, hesitant, the result was killed by Li Shimin.

Another characteristic of people who are good at sports is strong self-confidence, and people with strong self-confidence are often tolerant and generous, and Li Shimin is like this. After the change of Xuanwu Gate, he did not engage in revenge. Not only did he pardon many of his brother Li Jiancheng's subordinates, but he also reused many of them, such as Wei Zheng.

The most powerful emperor in history: Li Shimin

Tang Taizong Li Shimin

An important reason why Li Shimin can become a famous monarch of a generation is diligent administration. Li Shimin has a special perseverance in doing things, and can handle heavy government affairs every day, and does not think that it is bitter. This is related to the fact that physical exercise has developed his concentration in doing things.

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