
Ocean Killer: Box-like jellyfish, have you ever seen it?

author:Four-dimensional maiden mimi

Jellyfish is a creature living in the sea, there are many kinds of poisonous jellyfish, but their toxicity is different, generally toxic jellyfish venom is mainly concentrated in their tentacles, there is such a jellyfish, their venom, can even kill people in a few minutes.

Ocean Killer: Box-like jellyfish, have you ever seen it?

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Box-like body type

Box jellyfish is the common name for about 20 species of jellyfish in the coelenterate cubic jellyfish family, which is given this strange name because of its slightly rounded shape, resembling a square box. Tank jellyfish marine, hydra body small, jellyfish body large. Adult tank jellyfish, the size of a football, mushroom-shaped, almost transparent.

Ocean Killer: Box-like jellyfish, have you ever seen it?

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The eyes are like the human eye

It belongs to the first animals to evolve eyes. A new study by Swedish scientists has found that tank jellyfish have developed a special set of eyes similar to humans that can help tank jellyfish deftly avoid obstacles in the ocean.

Ocean Killer: Box-like jellyfish, have you ever seen it?

Unlike ordinary jellyfish drifting in ocean currents, tank jellyfish can swim forward flexibly in the ocean, make 180-degree turns quickly, and deftly shuttle between objects.

Ocean Killer: Box-like jellyfish, have you ever seen it?

The tank jellyfish has 24 eyes, distributed on the cup-shaped body at the top of the tubular body, which are divided into 4 different types, the most primitive one can only perceive the intensity of light, but one eye is more delicate and complex, able to perceive colors and the size of objects like the human eye.

Ocean Killer: Box-like jellyfish, have you ever seen it?

The distribution of these eyes allows it to see almost 360 degrees of its surroundings. To test the tank jellyfish's ability to avoid obstacles, researchers at Lund University in Sweden had the tank jellyfish swim in a stream pool and place different obstacles in the water.

Ocean Killer: Box-like jellyfish, have you ever seen it?

It was found that the tank jellyfish can avoid obstacles of different colors and shapes, but like people in the water, they often can't avoid transparent objects.

Ocean Killer: Box-like jellyfish, have you ever seen it?

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Extremely toxic

The box jellyfish is propelled by a column of water spewing from the body, and more than 60 band-like tentacles are dragged behind it. These tentacles are fatal and can stretch up to 3 meters away.

Ocean Killer: Box-like jellyfish, have you ever seen it?

On each tentacle, there are densely packed sacs, and each sac has a hollow "poison needle" filled with venom that is invisible to the naked eye. Inside the spine cells is a specialized organ called the stinging sac. These quills are made up of a shell and spines.

Ocean Killer: Box-like jellyfish, have you ever seen it?

At rest, they are coiled together. When the jellyfish attacks, the stingers stretch out, and the stingy sacs pierce into the body of the attacked object and release the poisonous juice inside. People will feel muscle pain, within 2 minutes, people's organ function will fail, and there is no time for rescue.

Ocean Killer: Box-like jellyfish, have you ever seen it?

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Metabolism is fast

Compared to other species of jellyfish, tank jellyfish produce only 1 jellyfish per hydra. This is one of the reasons for the strong toxicity of this jellyfish. Scientists have calculated that newborn jellyfish can grow 1 millimeter a day, and its metabolism is faster than any other species.

Ocean Killer: Box-like jellyfish, have you ever seen it?

The tank jellyfish develops from a large jellyfish to a floating larvae, and later gradually develops through the hydra body, through direct transformation into a jellyfish, without going through the stages of segmental reproduction and butterfly larvae.

Ocean Killer: Box-like jellyfish, have you ever seen it?

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You can hunt prey that is bigger than yourself

When the baby jellyfish grows to 5 to 6 cm, it is already an adult. Its toxicity gradually increased, and it began to prey on fish. Tank jellyfish are very sensitive hunters and are able to eat fish as big as their own bodies. They track their prey, trapping them in their antennae, softening them with venom, and then slowly digesting their prey.

Ocean Killer: Box-like jellyfish, have you ever seen it?

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There are no wonders in the world, and it is really eye-opening to see! After a long insight, the animal world is indeed magical, and there are many things waiting for us to explore. This most poisonous animal in the world is indeed worthy of the name, so everyone can guard against it!

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