
Cute love! Two newborn little grey cranes settled in Elk Park for a sneak peek! The three-dimensional flower bed of the centenary of the founding of the Party in Beijing Economic Development Zone paid tribute to the pioneers, and the Beijing Economic Development District held a commendation meeting of "two advantages and one first" The Beijing Economic Development District Library will soon resume opening to social readers

author:Beijing Yizhuang


For the first time, the grey crane was successfully bred naturally in Beijing

And naturally hatched 2 young chicks

It is located in the Elk Garden in Beijing's Economic Development Zone


The little crane is about to have a full moon

The body gradually strengthens

Has begun to follow the big crane activities

Cute love! Two newborn little grey cranes settled in Elk Park for a sneak peek! The three-dimensional flower bed of the centenary of the founding of the Party in Beijing Economic Development Zone paid tribute to the pioneers, and the Beijing Economic Development District held a commendation meeting of "two advantages and one first" The Beijing Economic Development District Library will soon resume opening to social readers

The 10-day-old grey crane baby can swim and can swim out of the island with his parents

According to the relevant staff of elk park, the two large gray cranes that achieve natural breeding often take two small cranes to practice predation on the grass. The two big cranes kept "hoeing" the ground with their "dagger"-like beaks, and the two furry cranes followed closely, intently learning their skills.

Cute love! Two newborn little grey cranes settled in Elk Park for a sneak peek! The three-dimensional flower bed of the centenary of the founding of the Party in Beijing Economic Development Zone paid tribute to the pioneers, and the Beijing Economic Development District held a commendation meeting of "two advantages and one first" The Beijing Economic Development District Library will soon resume opening to social readers

Freshly hatched baby grey crane

"About a month ago, we were on a normal patrol to observe the gray cranes hatching eggs, and we were running into two big cranes for a 'change of guard.'" According to the staff of Elk Park, when the gray crane lying in the nest stood up, a small camel brown hairball moved in the nest, and the staff looked at it with a telescope and was surprised to find that it was a small crane that had just hatched. "It's like a little hairball, wobbly, it's a little difficult to look up, and it seems that I can't stand still." The staff said that a few days later, another small crane was born.

Cute love! Two newborn little grey cranes settled in Elk Park for a sneak peek! The three-dimensional flower bed of the centenary of the founding of the Party in Beijing Economic Development Zone paid tribute to the pioneers, and the Beijing Economic Development District held a commendation meeting of "two advantages and one first" The Beijing Economic Development District Library will soon resume opening to social readers

Mother Crane feeds the little crane

Grey Crane Baby

Cute love! Two newborn little grey cranes settled in Elk Park for a sneak peek! The three-dimensional flower bed of the centenary of the founding of the Party in Beijing Economic Development Zone paid tribute to the pioneers, and the Beijing Economic Development District held a commendation meeting of "two advantages and one first" The Beijing Economic Development District Library will soon resume opening to social readers
Cute love! Two newborn little grey cranes settled in Elk Park for a sneak peek! The three-dimensional flower bed of the centenary of the founding of the Party in Beijing Economic Development Zone paid tribute to the pioneers, and the Beijing Economic Development District held a commendation meeting of "two advantages and one first" The Beijing Economic Development District Library will soon resume opening to social readers

The grey crane is the most widely distributed species among the 15 species of cranes in the world, and has been included in the list of national second-level protected animals and the second-level list of the "List of Wild Animals under National Key Protection in China". The grey crane is a large wader with a body length of 100–120 cm. The neck and feet are very long, the feathers are mostly gray, the top of the head is bare and the skin is bright red, there is a gray-white longitudinal band behind the eyes to the side of the neck, and the feet are black. It inhabits open plains, meadows, swamps, river flats, wilderness, lakes and farmland, especially open lakes and swamps rich in waterside plants. Migration to breeding grounds begins in mid-to-late March in spring and wintering grounds in late September and early October in autumn. Migration is often a small group of several family groups, sometimes in large groups of 40-50, and the breeding period is from April to July. Each clutch usually lays 2 eggs, with male and female incubating eggs in turn for a period of 28-30 days. The breeding ground of gray cranes in China should be in the north of Xinjiang and the north of northeast China, which is the wintering ground of gray cranes, not the breeding ground. According to relevant experts, even in the Beijing Zoo, there has been no record of the natural breeding of gray cranes for many years, and the natural breeding of elk gardens is the first time in Beijing.

Cute love! Two newborn little grey cranes settled in Elk Park for a sneak peek! The three-dimensional flower bed of the centenary of the founding of the Party in Beijing Economic Development Zone paid tribute to the pioneers, and the Beijing Economic Development District held a commendation meeting of "two advantages and one first" The Beijing Economic Development District Library will soon resume opening to social readers
Cute love! Two newborn little grey cranes settled in Elk Park for a sneak peek! The three-dimensional flower bed of the centenary of the founding of the Party in Beijing Economic Development Zone paid tribute to the pioneers, and the Beijing Economic Development District held a commendation meeting of "two advantages and one first" The Beijing Economic Development District Library will soon resume opening to social readers

The baby gray crane, who is about to turn into a full moon, has a gradually hardened body and strong thighs

It is understood that the gray crane has been recording history in elk park for more than ten years, and has not found the phenomenon of nesting and hatching eggs. "A wild crane came last year, flew away the next year, and hasn't come back until now." The staff said that the breeding site chosen by the gray crane this time is a small island, surrounded by water, and almost no one or carnivores will go to the island, which is relatively safe. The island is humid, rich in humus, dead branches and leaves, breeding a lot of insects, which can provide rich food for the growth of small cranes.

Cute love! Two newborn little grey cranes settled in Elk Park for a sneak peek! The three-dimensional flower bed of the centenary of the founding of the Party in Beijing Economic Development Zone paid tribute to the pioneers, and the Beijing Economic Development District held a commendation meeting of "two advantages and one first" The Beijing Economic Development District Library will soon resume opening to social readers

An adult grey crane at the edge of the nest

"If you find the Gray Crane family on the grass on the side of the road when playing, be sure to watch from 20 meters away, do not watch, do not chase, to avoid direct injury to the crane or forced isolation from the family." The relevant experts of elk court remind tourists that in order to create a good growth environment for xiaohe, tourists should strictly follow the requirements of the garden. "Adult grey cranes are very sensitive and aggressive to protect the little cranes, and tourists should not try to watch closely." Experts say.


This article was published by Beijing Yizhuang

Please indicate the source of the reprint

Reporter: Liu Na

Photo: Zhong Zhenyu

Editor: Wang Yi'ou

Intern: Cheng Kexun

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Cute love! Two newborn little grey cranes settled in Elk Park for a sneak peek! The three-dimensional flower bed of the centenary of the founding of the Party in Beijing Economic Development Zone paid tribute to the pioneers, and the Beijing Economic Development District held a commendation meeting of "two advantages and one first" The Beijing Economic Development District Library will soon resume opening to social readers
Cute love! Two newborn little grey cranes settled in Elk Park for a sneak peek! The three-dimensional flower bed of the centenary of the founding of the Party in Beijing Economic Development Zone paid tribute to the pioneers, and the Beijing Economic Development District held a commendation meeting of "two advantages and one first" The Beijing Economic Development District Library will soon resume opening to social readers
Cute love! Two newborn little grey cranes settled in Elk Park for a sneak peek! The three-dimensional flower bed of the centenary of the founding of the Party in Beijing Economic Development Zone paid tribute to the pioneers, and the Beijing Economic Development District held a commendation meeting of "two advantages and one first" The Beijing Economic Development District Library will soon resume opening to social readers

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