
Jinneng Holding Coal Group Yungang Mine strongly built a fortress against the epidemic to ensure safe production

author:Reporter Observation Magazine

Reporter observation network Shanxi, October 26 (Zhou Kaiwen) Jinneng Holding Coal Group Yungang Mine held a special meeting to convey the spirit of the recent epidemic prevention and control special meeting held by the group company, the group company's epidemic prevention and control work regular meeting and other meetings, in view of the current new situation of epidemic prevention and control, the whole mine from the inside to the outside to build a fortress of epidemic prevention and control, escort the safe production of the mine.

Tighten the "protective line" with a point belt line

Yungang Mine requires all units in the mine to strictly implement the responsibility for epidemic prevention and control, give full play to the pioneering and exemplary role of party organizations and party members and cadres at all levels in epidemic prevention and control, call on party members to actively participate in the work of epidemic investigation and supervision, strengthen the guidance of public opinion of employees, use television, radio, electronic screens, new media and other propaganda positions to timely publicize the recent requirements of group companies for epidemic prevention and control, educate employees to correctly understand the epidemic situation, and build a strict defense line for mass prevention and control; in various work such as safe production and operation management, Influence and drive the enthusiasm of employees with the exemplary actions of party members, take the lead in abiding by corporate rules and regulations, take the lead in abiding by professional ethics and social morality, do not believe rumors and do not spread rumors, take the lead in vaccination, rapidly promote vaccination throughout the mine, further strengthen organizational mobilization, and achieve a full vaccination coverage rate of 95% of the whole mine.

Densely woven "protective net" with wire and belt mesh

Yungang Mine has established a card inspection and registration system, starting from the vehicles and personnel entering the mine area, all body temperature screening, vehicle disinfection, registration records, resolutely implement the various prevention and control measures of the group company, strictly prevent the import and spread of the epidemic, do a good job in the office area, production area entry and exit registration, temperature measurement, verification of "two codes" and vaccination signs, etc., meticulously do a good job in mapping and control work; post propaganda slogans on waiting halls and commuter vehicles, broadcast epidemic prevention knowledge, and do a good job in epidemic prevention and control of commuter vehicles and commuting routes. Ensure that before and after each commuter shuttle, in addition to the safety inspection of the vehicle, a complete and thorough hygiene cleaning and disinfection and sterilization of the vehicle is also carried out. At the same time, we will further strengthen the check of whether the body temperature measurement of commuter employees before boarding the bus and whether the mask is worn in compliance, so as to ensure the safety of employees entering and leaving and ensuring that the fight against the epidemic is in place. This mine logistics system fully understands the importance of doing a good job in epidemic prevention and control, strictly manages food procurement, timely disinfects, ventilates, cleans, and reduces the risk of infection in crowded places such as units, bathhouses, canteens, dormitories, etc., strengthens guidance and advocates the epidemic prevention and control concept of "non-essential do not go out, non-essential do not travel, it is necessary and does not go to medium- and high-risk areas", and goes all out to weave the epidemic prevention and control network.

Build a "protective wall" with a net

Yungang Mine strictly checks the key personnel returning to enterprises from outside, requiring all units to timely map out the high-risk personnel with a history of travel, strictly implement the "14 + 3" home isolation medical observation, and all those who have returned to enterprises from other provinces, as well as employees returning to enterprises from other provinces, need to provide a negative nucleic acid test report within 48 hours, and effectively build a layer of prevention and control walls for epidemic prevention and control from the inside out; while grasping the epidemic prevention and control work, they take the front-line safety production as the goal and fully do a good job in the use and distribution of materials. To ensure that the required materials are in place in a timely manner to provide a strong guarantee for safe production; the whole mine has been investigated in a dragnet-style manner, especially the punishment of various hidden dangers in the special period has been increased, and a list of responsibilities has been formulated, and the hidden dangers in the prevention and control of the epidemic and safe production have been resolutely reformed and rectified in place, and all kinds of hidden dangers have been comprehensively eliminated, ensuring that there are no blind spots and dead ends, so as to achieve the double management of epidemic prevention and control and safe production, and make positive contributions to the healthy development of enterprises.

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