
"A Vegetable": Fang Zichun, Beijing Renyi, what is missing here is impetuousness

author:It's really hard to be honest

"A Vegetable": Fang Zichun, Beijing Renyi, what is missing here is impetuousness

"A Vegetable": Fang Zichun, Beijing Renyi, what is missing here is impetuousness

Today's society is too impetuous, whether it is actors and writers, etc., everyone's things about art are not as elaborate as in the past, and there is a saying in Mu Xin's "Once Upon a Time Slow": Once upon a time, the carriage and horse were very slow, the letters were far away, and there was only enough to love one person in a lifetime. Today's material life of people's houses and cars makes us have to go a little faster, two legs are not enough, and four wheels are too slow.

Day and night exhausted, once slowed down, we will be more and more distant from the dream of happiness and happiness, many things, whether people or things are so far away and dreamy under the layers of exquisite and gorgeous neon lights, if not grasped in time will dissipate like a bubble without a trace. Everyone pays less and less attention to "people", eating can be fake, using can be fake, and what the eyes see is also fake.

"A Vegetable": Fang Zichun, Beijing Renyi, what is missing here is impetuousness

But Beijing renyi is different, Mr. Jiao Juyin said: Renyi is like a vegetable, whether it is a director, actor, or behind the scenes, they are like a vegetable heart, a vegetable leaf, a vegetable gang around the root of art, they are indispensable. They are all people who respect the audience and respect the authenticity of the performance, in this impetuous society, what we lack is exactly this spirit, whether it is drama or practitioners from all walks of life, what we face is not only the spirit of innovation that keeps pace with the times, but also what is missing is a serious attitude.

The term "one vegetable" was originally in Peking Opera, and the original horns of Peking Opera were horns, and each of them sang their own songs on the scene, and nothing else mattered. Later, it was proposed that the performance should be like a vegetable, with leaves and hearts. Jiao Juyin borrowed this sentence and took it as the spirit of human art. Beijing Renyi is a unit that is good at learning from others, including the big four words in the rehearsal hall: drama is bigger than the sky.

"A Vegetable": Fang Zichun, Beijing Renyi, what is missing here is impetuousness

Facing the stage, facing the drama, the directors, actors, stage lighting masters who work hard for the play, and the front and backstage staff, they can let go of all kinds of things in life, including life and death, personal grudges and illness. The theater is like a vegetable, the root, the heart, the leaf, and the vegetable gang are closely united, regardless of priority, and work together for art.

Everyone introduced in the book has dedicated everything to art, and the ones who impressed me the most are Mr. Zheng Rong and Mr. Wu Guiqian. Mr. Zheng Rong is ninety years old this year, but he still thinks about drama in his heart, and he said: "When the time comes, I will go to act, I will play a wheelchair, although my legs are not good, but my brain is no problem." What a blessing it would be if one could do the cause he loved to the end of his life. ”